Short horror stories

By paigesugarbutts

105K 3.6K 900

I love reading short horror stories so I thought I would write some myself! I hope you enjoy! ~all stories w... More

The fox
Flickering lights
Don't scream
Roller coaster
Sleeping in the back seat
Pac man
Red head
The Hunter
Monster in the closet
One shot
Broken heart
The basement
Her name
Shower fog
Stage fright
Closed eyes
Bleeding arms
Knowing people
Left or right
Tap tap tap
Knock knock
Children of the night
Stitch you up
Whisper woods
Its just a mouse
The letter
Through these eyes
Beauty on the inside
The bird in the tree
The subway
Lonely hearted
My daddy is coming
Dont look at me
Human clock
Snake skin
Hold my hand
Rose pedals
She's not here
Lets play
She wants to leave
Children's giggling
Goodbye bus driver
Monster outside the window
Our friend
Puppet show
Claw machine
Video game
Lawn mower
Bus bully
Just to hear your voice
Restaurant overtime
Morning bus ride
It'll never happen to me
Corn field
The light
Don't smile
Video chat
Black heart
Rabbit's foot
Caged Animal
Sleeping puppy
Old phone
Endless hall
Easter eggs
Crossed eyes
The old days
In body and mind
Weak cries
In the shower
Box of chocolate
Head squasher
Never there
Ink practice
Pumpkin heads
The gardening lady
Haunted house
Ghost sheet
The face painting
Reflection in the water
One pound of meat
The cut
The forest of fire
Till death do we part
Smell the flowers
Christmas eve
Eyes of all angles
Paint ball
Mother nature
Wedding veil
Burning shower
The swing
The woman with bleeding tears
Unknown passenger
Hair pulling
The sound of the tracks
New ink
The incomplete puzzle
My father's death
Ring of the Divorced
Phone screen
Untamable fire
Fishing hook
The isle
Christmas tree
Deja vu
Face your fears
First kiss
Heart melting
Portrait tattoo
Santa's lap
Saftey call

The Chicken Coop

345 14 2
By paigesugarbutts

  Henry was an old man who had just gone through a divorce and was now very poor. He didn't have anywhere to go, so he began to work at a farm only a couple hours away from where he once lived with his wife. He felt desperate and poor, but it was the only job he could get. The owner of the farm was a man in his forties with a young wife. She pretty much always listened to whatever he told him to do and often over worked her, but Henry didn't want to mess up the only chance he has of making money. They even let him sleep in a small shack which obviously wasn't what he wanted, but he at least had a roof over his head.
  Henry would have to wake up early in the morning and take care of any chores that the farmer told him to do. Sometimes his wife would come out and give Henry a glass of water and talk to him, but she had to do it quickly before her husband would notice. Henry was thankful for having someone who actually cared to talk to him about his problems.
  The farmer took advantage of having Henry at the farm and makes him work endlessly for little pay, but Henry didn't do anything. He kept his mouth shut and got the work done. Henry often had to take care of the chicken coop, which meant taking out the eggs and feeding them. He did this every day and he was honestly starting to bond with the chickens. He knew they didn't understand him, but they certainly didn't judge him. At this point, Henry didn't care much for other people.
  One day Henry was taking care of the chickens as he always did, shoving himself into the tiny coop that he could barley fit his body in. It always squished his body but he forced himself in. Once he was done gathering the eggs and feeding the chickens, he went to slide back, but remained in the same spot. His waist was trapped in the small opening to the coop. He tried pulling himself back once again, but couldn't get himself out of the side. The hot sun was being against him as he struggled and wiggled around. He  violently thrashed his body, but it wouldn't give. Not even his sweat made it possible for him to slide out.
  He began to desperately yell and call for the farmer's wife, but no one could hear him. The hot sun had no mercy on him has the heat in the little coop grew stronger and stronger. Sweat dripped from his face as he panted. The air was growing thick, making it harder to breath, along with the fact that his waist was being squeezed.
The minutes went on to hours as the summer sun continued to shine. The chickens began to make noise as they felt the heat and hunger. The chickens couldn't stand the heat either and desperately wanted out. Unfortunately, their only way out was through Henry who felt himself getting dizzy from the lack of water. The chickens began to pluck at his face, making his face bleed and plucking out his eyes. He screamed as he went blind. The chickens showed no mercy as they tried to escape. He cried but no one heard his screams.
  Several hours later the sun began to go down, but there was no sight of Henry anywhere. The farmer grew angry at this, believing that Henry had either run away or was just messing around instead of working. The farmer's wife, however,knew that something was off. Henry would never just abandoned his work like that. As she grew more worried, she decided to head out to look for him. Her husband was annoyed at the fact that she was looking for him, but didn't bother doing anything. He just sat annoyed on his porch.
  She ran around in a hurry around the farm, calling out Henry's name. She searched the corn fields and in the barn, but he wasn't anywhere to be found. Eventually she finally found her way to the chicken coop. She then saw his body outside of the coop with his head inside of it. She called his name, thinking that he was just working in it, but he didn't respond. She rushed over to him and shook him, but his body was completely limp. In a panic, she began to tug at his body in an attempt to get him free. After several hard pulls, his head was finally free, but his face was covered in blood and claw marks from the chickens. She screamed in horror as she ran off.

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