All A Game

By queens_blade

14.6K 1K 746

[Rated #8 in Broken-heart] Tired of the same old unrealistic romance novels? Pretty girl meets handsome hunk... More

~We Dance~
~Call Out My Name~
~Back To You~
~Don't Say You Love Me~
~One Kiss~
~Trust Fund Baby~
~Summertime Sadness~
~Strawberries and Cigarettes~
~Girls Like You~
~Something Wild~
~They Say~
~No Tears Left To Cry~
~I Like It~
~It's A Date~
~Something Big~
~Just My Type~
~I was Happier~
~Ocean Eyes~
~You Belong With Me~
~8 Letters~
~You and I~
~In Too Deep~


880 62 81
By queens_blade

This chapter is dedicated to layfmacunseverizmir for voting on both my books and being an awesome reader <3

And if there's no tomorrow
And all we have is here and now
I'm happy just to have you
You're all the love I need somehow

{Breathless.Chapter Two}

Westside High was a school filled with self-obsessed girls and sweaty boys. This was the first thing I noticed when I walked into unfamiliar halls on my first day. I've been to many schools in almost every city to know how each one worked. There were the jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds, and of course, the queen bees.

"Have fun honey," My dad had said, gently putting a hand on my cheek.

"Why? So you can drag me away again?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

My dad just sighed and gave me a look that said, 'We're not having this conversation again'.

"Fine. Basketball team, regionals, championships and scholarship, I got it," I groaned, repeating my plans. My father nodded and unlocked the car door.

I got out of my dad's blue Jeep and came face to face with a school alike to a white museum, with its concrete pillars and ancient design.

I already grabbed my locker combination and schedule from the principal's office before the halls were crowded with students. As I made my way towards my locker I was shoved around and pinned between hundreds of bodies.

Crowds, I hated them, being in them was like glass shattering in my head over and over again. The noise, the contact, the lack of space.

"Watch where you're going!" Someone yelled.

My breath was no longer even, I couldn't find the air to breathe in. Before I could stop myself, I started to wheeze and my throat burned like hell. I clutched at my neck in panic.

My vision turned blurry and I stopped in my place, being pushed around in different directions from the crowd.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around, "Hey, are you okay?"

The wheezing continues and I feel the same hands drag me down the hall, shouting to clear the way. My feet barely having enough strength for each step, they notice and carry me up bridal style. I could feel sweat drip down my forehead and the lack of oxygen kept it hard to keep my eyes open.

I hear things, distant voices and I'm placed on a bed.

"She's having an asthma attack!"

I squeeze my eyes and blink away the tears, wheezing louder now. This couldn't be happening, the last time I had an Asthma attack I was nine.

A round object is placed in my mouth and I'm suddenly inhaling air, memories from years ago come back to me in blurry images. I swallow it as if I were dehydrated and my body slumps against the bed in exhaustion. The burning sensation stopped and so did the wheezing, but my heart was beating at a million beats per second, hard enough that I could hear it from my own ears.

"Is she okay?" A low voice whispers.

"She's alright, I'll go get her some water," A female voice assured and I hear heels walk out of the room.

My eyes snap open and realization came flooding back into me. I sit up in one swift movement and regret it instantly.

"Woah, you should rest," The voice comes again, I squeeze my eyes shut and massage my head with two fingers.

"You don't get it, the team, I have to try outs today," I croak and finally open my eyes, my sight cleared and standing in front of me was the same boy from last night.

Sun was reflecting from the window, making his black hair shine like it were a dark blue-black color. He was wearing the schools red and white jersey with the letter 'W' stitched on the side. Everything about him was interesting to see and when I saw his eyes for the first time all I could think about was that he didn't have green eyes at all. It was a color close to gold, so bright in the light and when he looked at me all I saw in them was worry.

"Oh, it's you," I groan, ignoring his eye roll.

"You don't seem so happy?" He smirks, heading to the seat at the side of the room. The room was small, with light blue walls, cabinets full of files, and shelves stacked with medicine. It smelt faintly of chemicals and alcohol but also had a freshness to it as if someone had placed an air freshener somewhere in the nurse's office. It was quiet comforting in some way.

"Do I look happy to you?" I retort letting a small cough escape my mouth.

"Well usually everyone is," He smiles, exposing his white flashing teeth. Looking at them was almost blinding.

"I'm not everyone," I explain, springing of the hard bed. Something passes in his eyes but I wave it off. A few moments of still silence stretches on and the door creaks open, a nurse enters.

"Oh, I see you're awake," The nurse says, walking into the room with water in a plastic cup, "Drink up, I need to check you before you leave alright?"

I nod solemnly, wanting to run straight to tryouts, the first day was always tryouts for every team in schools and I needed to be there. Now that I was sure I'd be staying here until I graduated I needed to work on that scholarship.

The boy starts walking to the door, "I'm going to go, I'll see you around..."

"Olivia," I answer as he opens the door.

"Well Olivia, I'm Julian, just call me hot," He smirks.

I let out a fake laugh, "How about not."

"Feisty," Julian looks at me one last time before leaving, flashing one quick smile.

I make a mental note to myself as I turn to the nurse who was checking my heart beat: Always wear sunglasses around Jocks.

Authors Note

Finally introduced the two main characters! I hope you guys like a little cliche romance because I mentally cringed after writing this chapter, I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

Q/A: What's your favorite Netflix show?

~Don't forget to VOTE on the star and COMMENT~

Signing out,

Queens Blade➰

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