How The Bad Boy Found True Lo...

By awkwardlyrare

170K 5.6K 929

I watched him watch me as he was about to press his fist into the big red button that read "Emergency Fire!"... More

How The Bad Boy Found True Love.
Chapter 2 - I don't want to tutor you, air for brains!
Chapter 3 - A warning would've been nice.
Chapter 4 - Seniors Ditch Day, here we come!
Chapter 5 - This should be fun.
Chapter 6 - Does it hurt?
Chapter 7 - My right toe, your right ear.
Chapter 8 - Dude, why are you carrying around a can of whipped cream?
Chapter 9 - This party is gonna have my name on it!
Chapter 10 - You know, I'm terrified of lightening.
Chapter 11 - Your dad sucks.
Chapter 12 - It's so cute, I could die.
Chapter 13 - Today must be opposite day then.
Chapter 14 - She could put twerk team out of business.
Chapter 15 - Oh no, he didn't!
Chapter 16 - Hear me out..
Chapter 17 - When since did you hate school?
Chapter 18 - You suck at shopping.
Chapter 19 - I woke up in a new trolley!
Chapter 20 - What the hell?
Chapter 21 - We're married already?
Chapter 22 - Dare me, baby!
Chapter 23 - I've been shot!
Chapter 24 - Love hurts.
Chapter 25 - Uh, oh.
Chapter 26 - They took the cake.
Chapter 27 - No kidding.
Chapter 28 - Kids, be good in school. Detention sucks.
Chapter 29 - Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. Oh, did I say pathetic?
Chapter 30 - Love.. is frustrating!
Chapter 31 - Old times.
Chapter 32 - Don't you dare blame this on me!
Chapter 33 - I think my heart just stopped beating.
Chapter 34 - Talk about exhausted.
Chapter 36 - Something new, something true.
Chapter 37 - An unexpected meeting.
Chapter 38 - Hold on, what?!
Chapter 39 - I need a breather.
Chapter 40 - I'm happy on the whole.
Chapter 41 - It's a surprise.
Chapter 42 - Sheer and Allan's date.
Author's Note!

Chapter 35 - Too sweet.. overload!

3.2K 107 29
By awkwardlyrare

I stood by my locker, talking to Natalie and Sheer and I couldn't help feeling happy this morning. I couldn't help how the smile never left my face, how extra nice I was being. It all started since yesterday. Of course, you know what happened. He popped the 'L' word and I could not have been happier. After he kissed me, I told him back and meant it. For my first time saying it out loud it sure felt natural rolling off of my tongue.

Today, he made me breakfast, which he has never done and I'd asked him if he thought that was going to get me to give in. He said he didn't think of it for a second. He said when it happens, I'll know. And after all, he told me he has to give me permission to say yes even though of course it's still up to me.

I popped my locker open and a smile graced my face.

"Is that a rose?" Natalie asked in awe.

I heard Sheer gasp. "He got you a rose? The bad boy has never gotten anyone a rose, Charm. He must really like you." she said.

I turned around and braced myself for her reaction from what I was about to tell her. I told them about him asking me out and my response, but I hadn't told them he told me he loves me. They must've noticed the creepy smile on my face because they were now both peering at me as if they're trying to read me.

"You're not telling us something." Natalie stated.

Sheer gasped. "Ohmigod! Did you and him frick frack?!" she exclaimed incredulously.

Natalie and I burst out laughing. "No," I said. "We did not frick frack."

"Then what are you not telling us?" she asked curiously.

I grinned maliciously, earning weird looks from them. "Well guys.. Heath Blank Cullen told me.." I trailed, playing with my nails. I was intentionally making them wait.

"He told you what, Charm? Don't make me get the buzzsaw." Sheer threatened.

"And I'll get my sharp fork." Natalie said. Sheer and I gave her a weird look right before she shrugged.

"Okay.. guys, last night.. Heath told me he loves me." I said, looking down at my hands. When I did look up though, Natalie and Sheer had a look of pure shock on their faces.

After a long, pregnant moment, Sheer finally spoke first.

"Oh. My. God." She breathed, bringing her tiny, evil fingers to her red stained lips.

"No way!" Natalie exclaimed, looking really excited.

"Way." I said, even though I still didn't believe it myself. After all of this time, after all of the waiting, after how low my confidence for him liking me back had decreased, he finally admitted his feelings to me. And boy did he make me feel loved. Even with the things he's doing now, I still feel that way.

"That is so cool!" Natalie voiced.

"How'd you react?" I couldn't deny the excitement in Sheer's voice.

I blushed. "At first when he told me, he didn't wait for me to answer back.. he just kissed me. But after that perfect kiss, we leaned our foreheads against each other's and I said it back. And I meant it." I said, my mind instantly replaying the scene in my head.

"Wow. I'm literally getting goosebumps! And I never get goosebumps." Sheer said, still excited.

I grinned. She was right. Sheer was never the girly type. Therefore, things like kissing and confessing your feelings to each other never got to her.

I sighed. "Last night could not have been better."

"This is what has you so happy and stuff. You're loved." Sheer's smile was so contagious.

"Yeah. He makes you really happy, Charm. He's worth it." Natalie chimed.

I nodded my head. "I totally agree with her." I said. I always thought Heath was and still is worth it.

The bell rang and we got our supplies ready to go to go to Biology. Sheer kept saying she was ready to ace her project with her partner, I kept saying she'd have to prove that to me. She seemed ready though, so I have confidence in her because she's a very smart girl.

We made our way to Biology and everyone looked as though they were already inside. I'm not surprised at all. Everyone loves Mr. Penn's class. He's just so awesome, that you'd want to be early to his class each time because you wouldn't want to miss something. Because quite frankly, something's always happening in his class.

I walked inside and everyone's eyes were on me, including Mr. Penn. I wasn't sure if it was because of the accident and they were searching for the bruises and stuff, but if that were the case, T.B.B.C and Nathaniel wouldn't be staring too because they practically live with me.

Pretending that their staring didn't bother me, I casually made my way to my seat. Sadly, they kept staring. When I looked straight ahead at the board, I froze. I cocked my head to the side, studying the board. I was trying to now calm my heart down. It was jumping everywhere.


My mouth was gaping open. I could even feel my cheeks starting to heat. When everyone saw my facial expression, they laughed, which only made my blush more intense. I spun around in my seat and looked at Heath to see he was smiling at me already. Not caring where we were or who was watching, I stood up and made my way over to his chair. He was smirking now. He obviously knew what I was going to do. I leaned closer to him and captured his lips with mine. He reacted instantly, holding my face impossibly closer. Everyone dissolved into cheers and applause. I pulled back.

"That was really sweet, thank you." I cooed, ready to give in and say yes already.

He leaned up and kissed my forehead. "You're welcome, purplehaze. And don't you think about saying yes as yet. I'm not done." he smirked devilishly. I pouted.

"Okay, fine." I said, defeated. He just kept smirking, so I made my way back to my seat.

This is going to be long. Did you see how sweet that was? I can't not give in if he keeps doing things as sweet as that.

"Okay guys, enough of the love story.. let's get to our projects. Though Heath, I'll have to say that was really sweet of you, man." Mr. Penn said, smirking at Heath.

"Thanks. I'm just being truthful." he said and I couldn't help blushing all over again.

This boy is going to be the death of me.

* * *

"This is torture, you know." I pointed out to Heath as well all made our way to the cafeteria. His arm was comfortably around my waist. Everyone laughed even though I wasn't joking.

"I'm sorry, babe." he kissed my neck softly and I unsuccessfully tried to stop my legs from turning into string. Heath's hold on my waist tightened as he chuckled.

"I am going to hurt you." I threatened, halfway joking.

"Then you're going to cry afterwards." Allan said.

"Or maybe I should hurt you instead." I said to him and he chuckled.

"I'm just saying." he teased.

We walked into the cafeteria and everyone's eyes were on us. I felt like I was walking with some celebrity, like Michael Jackson the way they were staring.

"You guys can mind your own business now!" Allan's voiced boomed loudly in the room and immediately after, everyone went back to what they were doing. I sniggered subtly and shook my head. Poor students.

"You boys can be nicer," I pointed out.

"We are nice." Heath said.

"And pigs can fly." Sheer said.

"You girls are looking for ano-" Scott was cut off when someone shrieked behind us. We all turned around to see Samantha standing there looking like she was ready to mow. Her eyes looked ready to kill too.

"You." she sneered directly at me.

"Me?" I played the fool.

"Please tell me you're playing and you're not serious." She smirked like she'd won.

"What the fuck do you want?" Sheer asked coldly.

"I want my boyfriend back!" she exclaimed, stomping her feet like a two year old.

"Where is he? I don't see him anywhere around here." Heath said, looking around. I grinned.

"Look Samantha, my suggestion to you.. is that you just go. You're embarrassing yourself." Natalie said. Scott was nodding beside her.

"My suggestion to you, is that you shut up you freak." Samantha spat. This made me step away from Heath and closer to her. She automatically took cautious steps back.

"I think you should take Natalie's advice, Samantha." I advised too. "Or you are going to regret it. Remember what happened happened last time with Mindy and Catelina? Well, it's going to be worse with you. Much, much worse." I threatened deathly. Her eyes widened.

"You're such a freak!"

"Your hair is a freak! Your face freaks me out, Samantha! You look like a clown." Sheer bellowed. "But then again a clown doesn't even look as bad as you do." As the words left Sheer's lips, everyone starting cheering and Samantha's mouth dropped open.

"I hate you all!" she screeched and then stomped away.

"How cute," I muttered sarcastically.

* * *

"Deal it again, Heath! I am not losing this time." Allan said.

"Dude, we've been playing for so long and you haven't won as yet!" Heath said in an exasperated tone.

"Exactly." Sheer groaned. "Just accept the fact that you can't win speed."

"Thanks for having confidence in me, babe." he said sarcastically to a grinning Sheer. She started ruffling his hair and then she kissed his cheek.

Just then, I felt tiny feet march all over my thighs. I looked down to see Dallas getting comfortable on my lap. I smiled and started petting her. She responded immediately by wagging her tail and rolling her eyes in the back of her head. I grinned and kept at it whilst Heath dealt with the cards.

We played more rounds of speed and when Allan finally won, he didn't want to play any longer which was just now.

"I can't afford to play again because I might lose again." Allan said, making us laugh.

"You finally won, bro." Scott said, patting Allan's back. I smiled and shook my head.

"I think the meatloaf is done, Sheer." I said. Her face brightened and she jumped up, pulling Allan with her into the kitchen. Scott stood up and picked Natalie up bridal style and they went upstairs.

"Aren't they the cutest?" I asked Heath.

"Nope." he grinned. "We are." he winked.

I blushed. "We aren't even a thing as yet." I pointed out.

"We aren't?" he cocked his left brow. "As far as I'm concerned, you are mine."

"Oh really, Mr. Cullen?" I asked, playfully, sinking down on the floor to lie on my back.

"Really, purplehaze." he assured. I felt him grab my feet and then I felt myself gliding across the floor. I laughed as his fingers started dancing under my feet.

"Heath!" I bellowed. "Stop.. it!" I said in between giggles.

"Say it." he commanded.

"Say what, exactly?" I asked, playing difficult.

"Want to play hard? Okay." he smirked and then I felt his hands land on my sides and he started tickling me, causing me to squirm around trying to break free from his hold.

"Stop!" I begged.

"Say it." he repeated his words.

"Say what?" I asked.

"Say that you're mine."

"You're mine!" I called.

"Still playing hard?" he asked dangerously.

Oh God.

"You said to.. say.. you're mine. I-I did!" I laughed even though I felt like I was about to cry. This is torture.

"Say that you, Charm, are mine, Heath." he said.

"I'm yours, Heath! I am yours!" I called. Soon enough, he stopped torturing me.

He grinned and crawled on top of me, hovering. He then started peppering kisses along the crane of my neck. My hands played freely in his dark, soft, shiny hair.

"Heath," I moaned as his lips connected with my sensitive spot. He groaned and crashed his lips against mine. I gasped lightly and kissed him back. His force took me by surprise but I liked it. A lot.

After a while, he pulled back and we were both breathing like we ran twenty laps around planet Earth.

"Go upstairs," he said. "I've got to do something. I'll meet you there."

His words made my heart pick up it's pace. I wonder what he's up to. Is he planning on.. going all the way with me?

I got up and made my way up to my room. When I got there, I was totally bugging. I am not ready for sex again! I wouldn't be able to look at Heath and actually enjoy it. I'd be seeing Logan's face instead.


Just as I was about to storm our of the room and downstairs to find out what the hell was keeping Heath, I heard it. I heard the soft strum of a guitar, playing subtly outside of my window. My eyes widened. I could hear that they were playing "I won't give up" by Jason Mraz. I sped to my window and pulled it up, sticking my head out.

Heath stood there with a guitar in hand, looking up.

What is he going to do?! Oh my God.

"When I look into your eyes..

It's like watching the night skies.

Or a beautiful sunrise.

Well, there's so much they'd hold."

By the time Heath was done, my bottom lip was no where near my top lip as my mouth hung open. My heart was racking violently against my ribcage and my hands were shaking. My ears however, felt so much pleasure from the voice that sounded so angel-like outside of my window. He sounded so perfect. His deep voice made my heart hum with happiness and he made my smile look ten times creepier.

"Charm Mariah Mill, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, looking up and straight into my eyes. His own looked black in the nighttime with stars dancing through them. "You have the permission to say yes, by the way." he teased.

Is it weird that I wanna cry?

"Yes, Heath. I would love to be you girlfriend." I choked out. The smile that appeared on his face was one of pure happiness. It was absolutely contagious though I didn't need his happiness to be happy. I already am!

"See, the bad thing about this idea was.. I can't kiss you." he said sheepishly. I burst out laughing.

"Cullen, get up here. Now." I commanded, half jokingly.

He growled. "Feisty. I love it." he said right before he disappeared around the curb.

Heath can sing! Oh my God! How come he never told me?

Soon enough, I heard my door swing open. I spun around and smiled.

"How come you never told me you can sing?" I asked curiously.

He shrugged. "It's just not something you'd picture a bad boy doing." he smirked.

"I wouldn't have cared actually. You sound really good. You have a lot of talent." I said truthfully.

"Thanks." he smiled. "Remember at the hotel for you birthday your mum sang, and at the end she said it was from her and someone who wanted to stay nameless?" he asked.

I stood there thinking about that time and when it came to mind, I gasped. "The nameless person was you?!" I exclaimed.

He nodded, looking proud. "It was."

I ran towards him and tackled him onto my bed and showered him with kisses nonstop. I could feel his chest rumbling with laughter. I pinched his arm, which I'm pretty sure he didn't feel.

Lucky bastard.

"I know I'm lucky." he murmured against my lips.

He heard that?

"Yes I did."

My eyes widened and he grinned. Then he captured my lips again with his.

Author's note ~

hey people :$ how y'all doing? had a good day yesterday? I sure hope so <3 I love you guysssss :D vote and comment. :") - xo, Destiny.

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