We are still Beating

By falleninfinite

9.6K 294 83

Alternate Ending to Allegiant. Tris is not ready to give up so easy. And neither is Tobias. To what measure... More

We are still Beating
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5 Part One
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Title your Story Part
Ch. 23

Ch. 16

336 14 7
By falleninfinite


I wake up in a bed with the comforting and familiar feeling of Tobias's arms around me. I open my eyes to see through my sleepy vision, Tobias's deep blue eyes staring right back at me.

"How long have you been up?" I ask. My voice still sounds a little raspy but is getting better.

"About half an hour," he says. "But I wanted to stay and see you sleep peacefully in my arms. I miss seeing you calm. It doesn't seem to happen often that you get a break."

I let out a small smile that quickly fades as the dulling aches return. Tobias seems to realize because he reaches behind him to grab the containers of painkillers and a glass of water.

"Thanks," I mutter as I down the pills. Within a few minutes the pain begins to subside. "I'm tired of just laying here. I'm going to get ready- by myself," I add quickly when I see Tobias begins to open his mouth.

"Ok but I'm getting you breakfast at least," he says. And that is what we settle for. I slowly, with help, get out of bed and I make my way to the bathroom. Tobias carrying my weight, I move my feet. Once I'm out, I find clothes to wear including tight black jeans and one of Tobias's giant black t-shirts that goes just about to mid-thigh on me. Then I slowly make my way to the stairs slowly, leaning against the walls, but as soon as I reach the first step, Tobias must have heard me somehow because he practically sprints up the stairs to help me. I give him a look to tell him I don't need help and try again, but stepping down is hard with my sore side and I'm scared I'll fall.

"Oh come on Tris, it's your first day walking by yourself, at least let me help you down the stairs," Tobias pleads.

"Fine," I mutter. He stands on the step below me, facing backwards towards me and reaches out both his hands. He holds onto my hips and I grab his arms and let him help me down. After what seems like forever we get down and that's when the help stops. On the table I see a plate with scrambled eggs waiting for me. Again we slowly make our way over there. When I sit down I swallow the food down in record time.

"Hungry much?" Tobias says, chuckling. I just nod and ask for more. "Sure," he says and gets up to get me more. When he sets it down on the table, he says "For someone who just got two critical gunshots in her back, you are moving fast."

"Well," I say in between bites, "you know I hate not doing anything and I especially hate looking weak so honestly, don't look so surprised." I grin and he smirks back. I find myself getting lost in his eyes and he is getting lost in mine. We stay like that until Tobias leans in and kisses me on the forehead.

"Alright, I guess I should have saw it coming," he says smiling. "I'm going to be right back. Don't do anything stupid in those five minutes." I roll my eyes.

"No promises," I say my voice oozing with sarcasm. He heads down the hall to the bathroom. I finish my food and slump down into my chair.

Now what?

I think of what I really want to do today and honestly, there are probably millions of important things listed for us to finish, but I really couldn't care less. I just want to waste the day doing pointless, relaxing things. A day of absolutely


Maybe this is how life will be from now on. Just me and Tobias and our friends, care free and relaxed. It would be something new. Cool to try. I lean my head back in the chair and close my eyes, my hands folded across my stomach as I lean back.

Then I feel to strong arms wrap around me, folding over my hands. Tobias rests his chin on my shoulder and I lean my head into his.

"I love you," he whispers, his breath warm against my neck.

"I love you too," I say while bringing one of my hands to hold his face against me. I gently rub my fingers up and down the side of his face, feeling his tiny stubble. I get lost in thought again about how are lives will be and I don't know how long we stay like that but Tobias must notice I'm out of it because he asks,

"What are you thinking about?"

"Us," I answer. "The life ahead of us. What peace and quiet actually means." He chuckles slightly and kisses my shoulder while moving his head off it. He pulls a chair up and turns me so our knees are touching and our hands interlocked on top of them. He rubs soft circles with his thumb on the back of my hand, sending shivers up my arm.

"And so far, what have you decided on?" he asks.

"It consists of you and me," I start. He nods. "Aaaand I guess all the others too, Christina, Zeke, Uriah, and all of them. But most importantly, it means out of stress and harm's way." He smiles.

"I couldn't agree more," he replies.


Oh my goodness! Guyssss!! Stawwwp! (I'm just kidding please don't!!!) I love you all for the comments and votes!

Sorry the update came so late, I was on a missions trip building houses in Mexico. (Which was such a blessing) and also inspired me... If you're picking up what I (might) end up putting down... ;)

7 votes/comments!!!

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