Spiral Fate

By bLanksama_

454K 23.5K 1.7K

[MPreg] [ManXMan] [Completed] Carlisle Ross, was what you call a typical office worker suddenly found himself... More

Please, just a minute here..
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (NSFW)😅
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (NSFW) 😅
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Side tracks
Chapter 41 (NSFW)😅
Chapter 42

Chapter 35

7.2K 398 12
By bLanksama_

Zander took a turned before he arrived at the chaotic spot. Truth to his ears, the recognisable voices belong to both Noah and Noël. In rushed he examining both of them for any physical injuries.


Zander released a relief breath. But, before he could inhaled another breathe, his eyes unintentionally shifted aside from those two mini screaming figure. That was the time his breath hitched involuntarily, while his legs neigh to buckle and his body almost sagged unenergetic from the sight of a laying body at the front of both twin.

Staggering, he willing himself to walk to them. Each step was like a blew of misfortune rushed to him and demanded him to know the reason of this tragedy.

Why was this happened?

It is his fault?

Where's his stand here?

Shook his head from the stupor of self-condemned, Zander focused on the poignant sight behold in front of him was like a scene in one of those melancholy drama he might had seen before. He slumped down beside the laying body as soon as he foot touched the floor near his unconscious future partner. He stretched his numb finger; which maybe resulted from the irregular circulation on blood; or maybe not. Everything had went unrecognisable to him, "Carlisle...", he shook the man who was laying unconsciously on the floor. "Carlisle!", his voice raise unintentionally. He continued to waggle the man shoulder; trying to rouse him from his sleep. "What happened?", he turned to the front and asked the crying toddlers like a dumb person; as if those upset twin will providing him with answer.

"What--", Abigail voice suddenly added to the upset noices made by Noah and Noēl.  "--oh my god!!", she gasped in terror. "Ma! Dad!!", she shouted as loud as she managed as soon as her saw the scene at the hallway, "Come here! Hurry!" There at the end the hallway, the scene of terror portrayed clearly to her eyes. This was one of the time she was glad for herself, to following her intuition to check for the cause of the commotion she heard. Although she thought nothing serious will happen since his brother and Carlisle were together with the twin, but in reality, it was wrong at her side. "Zander... Oh god! What happened?", She was asking with an intention for her brother that looked unfocused with his hands gripping and shaking the unconscious Carlisle to snap from his erratic mind. Failed to receive any answer from the blank looking Zander, she tried to pry both twin from clutching Carlisle's shirt. To her dismayed, Noah and Noël were screaming their head off and convulsed like they had been hurt badly in each attempted she made to detach them from the fainted Carlisle.

Precisely forty seconds past after Abigail's shouting, series of nearing rushed foot steps could be heard, followed by gasped of shocked by different tone of voice resounding.

"Mason, called Doctor Fernandez!", Jordan immediately commanded his older son to contact their family's doctor before squatted down to check for Carlisle's condition as Zander looked incapable to do so. He stretched his hand under Carlisle's nose to make sure the unconscious young man was still breathing normally. Satisfied with the hot air that been exhaled in normal paced, he glanced to his dazed son. "Zander, bring him to your bedroom."


To Jordan dismay, silent was answering his request like it's been uttered to the deaf ears. Sighed, he took his own initiative, "You two..", he referred to Micah and Abigail that still fawning over the crying twin, "..hold both of them. I don't want them to cling on Carlisle when I lift him."

Micah looked at his husband along the time Jordan voicing his request before responding to him, "Okay." He took the first action to grab and separated Noël's gripped from Carlisle's shirt followed by Abigail to do the same to Noah.

As soon as been grabbed to be detach, although separately, both of that monozygotic twin were giving an almost deafening screamed to adults at there.

Ignoring those blood curdling screamed, Jordan focused on the most important matter at hand and tried to hook up the unconscious younger man in his arms. Halfway through the lifting, he'd been stopped by a dead grip on his arm. Alerted by the action, he stopped his movements and looked up front.

"What are you doing?", Zander asked in alarmed. His eyes shifted from his father's hand that currently hooked under Carlisle knees to his father's face.

"Bring him to the bedroom", Jordan stated a matter of fact. "Don't want him to lay here until a doctor come." Again, he tried to continue his earlier action, but once again, he'd been stopped.

"Let me..", Zander voluntered for himself to take over the task. Without waiting for Jordan replied, he stretched his hand and supported at Carlisle's back; replacing his father's hand at there. His left hand went under Carlisle's knees. Fasten his hold, he heaved the young man limpy body and stood upward. Stabilized himself with the sudden change of gravity center, he jogged to the stairs.

"Zander stop! Don't jogged!", Micah shouted from the side. "You'll jolts him. We don't know his injuries. Careful." He reprimanded his son while on the same time, he was battling with Noël in his arms that arching and wiggling his chubby body and crying pitifully while pointing and made a grabbing hands at Carlisle's unconscious body; liked he was begging Micah to let him to go to his mother.

Heard the reminder, Zander changed his act. From jogging with unconscious Carlisle in his hands, he walked but in a fast paced. Without looking at his back to do an act of acknowledgement to his mother words, he continued his strutted upstairs. Arrived in front of his bedroom's door, he tried to push it with his side body but it was futile. Just after his first attempted, a hand came and helped him to open the door. Quickly, he barged inside his room without giving a glanced to the helper. He made a beeline to the bed and careful laid the young man on the comfort of a mattress. He fixed his eyes to the pale unconscious man; looking for any discomfort that may arose at that blank face. "Did anybody call for Doctor Fernandez? When will she's coming?", he asked randomly; wishing for anyone that followed him inside his room will be answering.

"I did", Mason took the liberty and answered his brother. "She'll arrived in a bit."

"Okay", Zander glanced to his brother vaguely before he's back to observe Carlisle that was laying unresponsive to any attempt he did to rouse him. Again, he smoothed the non-exist creases on the duvet the he used to cover the younger man up until his middle.

One smoothe.

Twice swipes of smoothe movements.

Thrice lingering brushes of smoothing inexistence crease.

Quad times continuing the exact action for hundreds tick of second, Zander expression turn sour. "Did you really called her?!", he shouted suddenly at that two innocent person at his back.

"I..!", Mason gritted his teeth. He balled his fists, restraining himself from replying his brother question with the same tone used by that dishevelled looking younger brother. Inhaled a hopefully calming breath, he spoke, "I did."

Zander scrutinized his brother. His eyes showed that he did not believe the words uttered by Mason. "Did--."

"Do keep your calm Zander", Jordan interrupted the tension that was thickening between his sons. "Mason had called Doctor Fernandez. I'm the one who'd asked him to do so."

Zander eyes shifted his focus to Jordan's face before ignoring both of them as he had no words to reply to his father. Out of respect to his father, he unwillingly stopped the almost happening argument with his brother and chose to keep observing Carlisle; hoping for the man to awake from his unconsciousness. Slowly, he reached for Carlisle hand. He caressed that quite cold hand for an anchor to himself in that moment.

Minutes past, Zander almost lost his rational again. He shook his leg in frustration and agitation. One leg turned two, added with his brows knitted and eyes shut. He felt like his veins almost popped in restless. It had been too long of waiting for the doc--

"I'm sorry for being late", a feminine voice uttering an apologize suddenly been heard. "So, what type of emergency we have here?"

Whiplashed, Zander turned his head toward the door. Stood abruptly, he said in the calmness tone he managed to muster, "My fiance, he's fainted."

Dr. Fernandez nodded. On the same time she walked to the bed with a nurse trailing behind her. In calmed voice, her asking, "Any particular condition that I need to be alert about the patient?"

Zander silent. He can't thought anything alarming about Carlisle's health except one, "He's pregnant."

"Okay." Dr. Fernandez stood beside Zander, looking down at her patient before took out her stethoscope from her medical bag. "I'm sorry but I need you to step aside Mr. Hemmelton." As soon as Zander walked away from the side of Carlisle, she start her examination. "How long he had been pregnant?"

"Erm, four months."

"In weeks if you may?"

"About 17 weeks, if I'm not mistake."

Dr. Fernandez scrutinized the man as soon as she heard the unconfident words. Moment later, she hummed and shifting her gazed to the intended. In that ten minutes span, the only sounds inside that bedroom were her voice and the nurse that came with her.

"What's wrong with Carlisle? The baby?", Zander almost sprinting in that eight meters distance towards the doctor as soon as he saw she had fastened back her stethoscope inside the medical bag.

"The baby is fine. Nothing to worry about. But, for the mother it's really concerned here", Dr. Fernandez delivered the news calmly.

"How bad?", Jordan asking as he saw his younger son looked too shocked to open his own mouth.

"His blood pressure are low, so did with his sugar level. For now, I had prescribed him with an IV to normalize his sugar level. For his blood pressure, I suggest, please make sure he stay away from any strenuous activity and stress. For the time being, the patient are stable and awake."

"I will", Zander interjected after the doctor words. "Anything that I need to give an attention regarding his condition?"

"You may talk with him, but please on short amount of time only. Let him rest a bit more. Also, please refer to patient's obstetrician for further examination regarding his condition. I'm sorry I can't give you the details regarding his condition as the pregnancy was not in my specialty."

"Thank you, Dr. Fernandez." Zander walked toward Carlisle as soon as he said his thanks. Stood at the side of the bed, he looked down at his fiance. Carlisle looked lethargic, laying silently with half lidded eyes, "Hey", he greeted.

"Hey..", a croaky tired voice answering. A small curving movement happened at the younger man's lips.

Slowly, Zander took his seat at the edge of the bed, "I'm sorry." He lifted Carlisle's hand and gripping it before he brought the hand to his lips and gave it a warm kiss. "I'm sorry."

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