Real Love

By Kpopaddict4

92.1K 6.5K 2.2K

It's five years after they've graduated from college and gone they're separate ways. Pha has been kicking hi... More

The Order (Phana)
The Delivery (Wayo)
I want to make you mine (Phana)
Fitting Into His Life (Wayo)
The Old and New Yo (Phana)
Getting Things Ready (Wayo)
What Just Happened? (Phana)
A Night In (Phana)
First Day Off (Wayo)
Ring Shopping (Phana)
The Warning (Wayo)
The Next Step (Phana)
Explanations (Wayo)
Surprise (Phana)
What the Hell? (Wayo)
The Lunch Date (Phana)
A Day at the Hospital (Wayo)
Trying New Things (Phana)
Interviews (Wayo)
The Dads (Phichit & Ruang Sak )
Forgiveness (Phana)
Complete and Total Chaos (Wayo)
Movie Night (Phana)
Blissfully Ordinary (Wayo)
Meeting a Companion (Phana)
Pardon the Interruption (Ruang Sak)
Our Happily Ever After (Wayo)

What Happens Next (Wayo)

3K 245 80
By Kpopaddict4


I keep looking at my new ID and giggling.  I look over at my dad whose trying very hard to control himself.  None of us knew this was going to happen, he can't possibly blame me.

"Come on, I have to get back to work and I want to take you home first." P'Pha says wrapping his arm around me.

I look at my dad and give him an apologetic look.  I know he's mad and I'm sure that after P'Pha drops me off I'll hear about it but until then, I can ride home with my brand spanking new husband.

"P'Pha, can you give me a minute? I want to thank that man." I say then go to daddy.

"I told you that you were rushing.  Now look you're married to a complete stranger!  It was bad enough that you were going to live with him but now you're legally bound to him!" My father rants in a whisper.

"Daddy! P'Pha is not a stranger and you know that.  And you know that we only came to apply for a wedding license not get married.  I wanted to get married once I told him the truth in front of all of our friends and family thank you very much." I say placing my hands on my hips and stomping my foot.

He stops and looks at me pulling his head back.  His expression instantly changes.  He starts cackling at me.  What the hell is so funny?

"Did you just stomp your foot at me? What are you like, four?" He asks.

"That's not funny daddy." I say.

"That's the thing son, it's very funny.  If I had known this was going to happen I would have recorded it, because it's gold." He says walking away laughing loudly.

It's not funny.

I walk back to P'Pha who has a strange look on his face.  I lace my fingers with his and start heading to the car.

"Apparently he thinks it's funny that we didn't know we were getting married today." I explain.

He nods his head and smiles.  Just as we're about to reach the car he lets go of my hand and jogs ahead to open the door for me.  I stop and look at him like he's stupid. I'm not a girl.  I'm not even a girly man, why is he acting like this?

"What's up with you? Why do you keep doing that?" I ask.

"Doing what?" He asks back.

"Opening the door for me." I tell him.

"Because that's what I'm supposed to do." He replies.

"No.  It's not.  You do that for girls, or lady boys.  I'm neither, so stop treating me like that." I tell him.

"I'm sorry.  I didn't think it would bother you." He says softly.

"It does.  I'm not a girl.  I'm a man.  A man who can open his own doors.  I don't feel that way about all things, but this one, it bugs me." I say truthfully.

"OK.  I didn't know. We'll learn each other's likes and dislikes overtime won't we? Let's not get worked up over it now." He says.

"We will, and hopefully you'll still like me as you get to know the real me." I say.

"There's no hopefully.  There's undoubtedly.  For all your strengths and weakness, every little quirk that you have, I will love 80% of them for sure." He says staring me in the eyes.

I can't stop the chuckle that flies out as I clap my hand over my mouth.  It soon bubbles into full on laughter, and just like that, my P'Pha changed the atmosphere in the car.

"Let's get rings tonight." He says as he starts the car.

"Only if you take me out to dinner first.  No freebies for you mister." I say in a teasing tone.

"I would never dream of not feeding you.  If you're anything like the real Wayo, you're dangerous when you're hungry." He says off offhandedly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask feeling angry again.

"As sweet and friendly as Wayo was most of the time, that's how grumpy and aggressive he was when he was hungry.  His friends always made sure to keep snacks with them at all times in case he didn't get a chance to eat.  No one wanted to risk being around a grumpy Wayo." He says smiling to himself.

"As a matter of fact..." He says while turning to the back seat and grabbing his bag.

"I still keep these with me.  It became a habit." He adds as he pulls out my favorite energy bar.

I can't believe he carries those.  I had no idea that he did that.

"So you carried them too?" I fish.

"Oh yeah, but I never gave them to him myself.  I would make Beam or Kit do it." He admits.

"So that's why they always looked awkward." I whisper.



"Did you say something?" He asks.

"Nope.  Did I? Mumbling maybe?" I add.

"Maybe." He says smiling at me.

"Can I have that?" I ask because all of a sudden that looks really good.

"Of course." He says as he hands it to me.

"Ahh." He says as soon as I unwrap it.

I look at it and at him.  Do I share? It would be rude not to but what if he only has this one? What if he takes a big bite? What am I supposed to do?

"Yo." He calls grabbing my attention.

My decision is made.  I shove the majority of the bar into my mouth leaving a normal size bite which I pop into his mouth with my fingers.  For the next five minutes I work on chewing the mouthful I now have thanks to my greed, but am I bothered?  Not at all.  Am I ashamed?  Not even a little.  Would I do it again? Absolutely, although I may not give him as much next time.

I can hear him laughing next to me but I'm preoccupied with trying to swallow little bits at a time.  When I finally manage to get it all down I take the time to appreciate just how sexy he looks while driving.  If only he would unbutton that shirt more.

No, even better, somehow he had to take his shirt off but it's hot so he starts sweating causing his skin to slightly shimmer from the moisture.  Then, oh so slowly, a bead of sweat would decide to travel over his pectoral muscles, over his pert nipple, making its way over each row of his six pack, getting caught in that V outline before disappearing into his pants.

"Yo." I hear being said.

"Yo-oh." I hear in a sing-song voice.

"Hey! Yo!"

"What?!" I say jolting up and focusing on P'Pha.

"Just what are you thinking about?" He says with a smirk.

"Nothing." I say as I wipe my mouth.

Dammit, I was drooling.

"Oh really?" He says and I watch as his hand travels over towards me the rests right between my legs.

"This tells me otherwise." He says giving a slight squeeze to my very hard dick.

"P'Pha. Don't tease." I beg.

"Oh I'm not gonna tease. Come on baby, let me take care of that for you." He offers.

"TURN HERE!" I yell.

He quickly obeys and we drive on a side road and end up in an empty parking lot.  My dad owns this property. The building has been empty for a few years so I'm fairly confident that no one should be here.  He pulls in and stops the car.

While he was driving I was working on my pants.  He has to get back to work so I don't want to waste time.  For maneuvering and time purposes I decide to just take off one pant leg. 

"Where are we?" He says noticing my appearance.

"Just a secluded place." I say as I climb onto his lap.

I don't even bother kissing him yet, I just get started with his pants.  They MUST come off.  Once his juniors is free, I attack his mouth.  I start rubbing against him as he grabs the back off my head and starts kissing me harder.

At first I was simply going to jack us off together but this is working out way better.  I've got a great rhythm going as I move my body up and down over him.  He's long since grabbed my hips and pulled them closer to his body.  My moaning comes out like a deep humming sound.  Sometimes it sounds higher than my normal voice but not today.  Every now and then a groan escapes P'Pha's lips, joining my moan.

Soon his grasp on my hips becomes stronger, holding them in place.  He starts moving, thrusting underneath me, rubbing our members together.  He moves faster and pushes us closer together.  My breath continually hitches as I get closer to my release.

"Fuck." I scream out as I coat his stomach.

His essence mingles with mine a few pulses later.  I flop onto him and he wraps his arms around me.  After I catch my breath, I push myself up and take a look at him.

"You're all wrinkled now." I tease.

"Good thing I took that extended lunch then.

We didn't even bother to clean up.  We just put everything where it belonged and drove home.  It took fifteen minutes for him to shower, change, and leave for work.  You couldn't even tell he was so disheveled mere minutes ago.  I wish I had that super power.

After he left I hopped into the shower.  I could have joined him but he'd still be here if I had and he really needed to go back to work. 

I head out into the living room and am greeted with the incessant sound of the bell.  I know who it is.  Does he have to be so annoying by constantly ringing the bell.  I pull it open and stare in surprise at my visitor.

It's not my dad.

"You asshole!  How could you?" The fierce voice says.

Ming strides over to me and starts to shake me as soon as he's close enough.

"I can't believe that you're here.  I can't believe that you went to see fucking Phana Kongthanin before you came to see me!  Where's the loyalty man!" He yells.

"Are you done shaking me, I might vomit on you." I tell him.

He immediately lets go.

"I was going to tell you but at the same time I couldn't.  You kind of have a big mouth and I couldn't trust that you wouldn't tell P'Kit." I explain.

"P'Kit? What does P'Kit have to do with this?" He asks.

If there's a way to get Ming's complete and focused attention it's to mention anything to do with P'Kit.  Then he's like a Pitbull who won't let go until he knows everything.

"Technically nothing, but you live with P'Kit and talk to P'Kit and you don't keep secrets from P'Kit and THIS is a big secret." I explain.

"You know you haven't actually told me anything right?" He asks.

"Yeah, I know, but I'm still trying to figure out exactly how much I can and cannot tell you.  I know better than to ask you to lie.  I think it's physically impossible for you to do, so I won't.  That's why I have to word this properly." I say slowly.

Ming sits down and props his feet on the coffee table.  He knows me and he knows this will take a while.  I sit across from him have an internal debate about how much information to divulge.

"I'm here to open a branch for the company that I worked for in Europe." I start.


"But I also came here to be with P'Pha." I add.

"The guy who you watched for six years? The one who never gave the slightest hint that he was interested in you.  That P'Pha?" He questions.

"Yes. Well I recently found out that he's interested in me." I reveal.

"Ah, so because of this you picked up and came back here?" He asks.


He stands and starts pacing around the room.  Most of what he's saying is under his breath but every now and then he'll make sure I hear what he has to say.  Words like: idiot, fool, and freaking moron which was said more than a few times.

"Ming." I say walking closer to him.

"No.  Stop right there.  I'm more than a little disappointed in you right now Yo.  This is going to take a few minutes." He says holding out his hand.

"I mean what if you've come running back for nothing?" He says looking at me with concern.

"I didn't." I tell him.

"How do you know?"

"I just do."

"You just do! What does that mean? How am I supposed to have faith in that!?"

"We're married." I reveal.

"Who's married? You and me?" He asks looking concerned for my mental health.

I roll my eyes at him.  I pull out my brand new ID and hand it to him.

"P'Pha and I got married today."


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