RWBY: Electric Rose

By speeder105

15.8K 387 60

The son of Cole Macgrath has had enough of the killing and is going to finish what his father started. Kill t... More

V1 The Son Of The Beast
V1 The Fight With The Beast
V1 A New World
V1 Eventfull Evening
V1 The Shining Beacon Pt1
V1 The Shining Beacon Pt2
V1 Ceremony
V1 A Nightmare
V1 Initiation Pt1
V1 Initiation Pt2
V1 The Emerald Forest Pt1
V1 The Emerald Forest P2
V1 Players And The Pieces
V1 Awkward Moment
V1 The Secret
V1 Teaching A Punk A Lesson
V1 Infamous
V1 Boost Of Confidence
V1 Quality Time
V1 Worm up
V1 Fight To Remember
V1 The Strays
V1 The Fang Hunter
V2 Best Day Ever
V2 Down Memory Lane
V2 Bad To Worse
V2 The Disk
V2 No Trick's
V2 The Connection
V2 Burn the Candles
V2 The Dance
V2 Forgiveness
V2 Blizzard
V2 The Past
V2 Grave
V2 Guardian
V2 Breach part 1
V2 Breach part 2
V3 The Stranger
V3 Beacons Worrier
V3 Pain
V3 Betrayed
V3 The Fall Of Beacon Part 1
V3 The Fall Of Beacon Part 2
The Fall Of Beacon Part 3
V4 New Body Different Person
V4 Inner Horror
V4 The Temple
V4 The Dragon blade Part 1
V4 The Dragon Blade Part 2
V4 Infamous
V4 Remember
V4 Changeing Fate
V4 Faster Then Lightning
V4 Haven Part 1
V4 Haven Part 2
V5 A Moment Alone

V2 The Coma

136 6 0
By speeder105

Ozpins pov.

In the Airship back to Beacon I could tell the hostility with Yang, Weiss and Blake about Devan. The only one worried about him was Ruby, it's sad knowing that Infamous did this. I just wish I was a little faster, all I can do is hope they'll hear me out.

Devan is in the infirmary while me and Team RWBY are in my office.

No ones pov

Yang: why is he here!? You know what he did!

Ozpin: Yang I understand your concerns. I understand all your concerns, but that wasn't him.

Ruby: it was Infamous.

Weiss: *folds arms* ya right. Infamous took control of him and killed all those Faunus, Ya okay.

Ruby: but it's true!

Ozpin: Ruby, let me handle this please... when Macgrath was sleeping I found out about a chip he put in his neck, with out him knowing I had it... how you say rigged. If Infamous took to much control of Devan, the chip would send a surge of pain through his whole body.

Blake: if that's try why did it take so long to activate?

Ozpin: Infamous somehow figured out how to stop it, but when Ruby kissed Devan Infamous lost some control over the body. This gave Devan the chance to send some electricity to the chip activating it.

Ozpin put the burnt up chip on the table. Ruby picks it up and looks at it.

Ruby: but what about the silver lightning?

Ozpin: before the chip burnt up all Infamous vitals were forced out of the body. That silver lighting was Devan shooting Infamous out with your help.

Yang: I don't believe any of this.

Ozpin: with this crazy night, I... would not blame you. All I'm saying is just don't go to hard on him, he has been through enough.

Yang scuffs before walking to the elevator with Blake and Weiss following her.

Ruby: thank you. *follows her team*

Meanwhile in the hospital wing Devan is laying on a bed with his vitals on monitors.

Infamous: no madder how hard you try to get rid of me, I'll always come back.

Devans heart beat goes faster.

Infamous: I'm going to kill everyone you love and care for.

White Fang: NO! NO! DON'T KILL ME!!

Infamous: I'll kill that little rose first... or should i leave her for last?

Devans heart rate beats faster and faster as his body starts shaking uncontrollably.

Cole: I'm going to make you a born killer.

A memory flash through Devans head of him drop-kicking a teen off a roof top to save someone. Unfortunately the teen fell on his head splitting it open.

Kuo: it's okay. Sleep, everything's all right.

His body stops shaking as a memory of Kuo hugging him as a child flashes through his head.

in Team RWBY's dorm Yang is walking back and fourth mumbling angrily, Blake is lying in bed looking at the sealing, Weiss is studying and Ruby is sitting on her bed with Devans AMP in hand.

Yang: I can't believe we trusted him.

Blake: you have to admit, he was good at hiding it.

Weiss stops studying and looks at Yang and Blake.

Weiss: I agree with you two but why didn't he fight Ruby?

Yang: probably because he loves her.

Blake: that would explain why he didn't attack her when she was open.

Yang hops on her bed and lets her body fall.

Yang: ya... don't remind me. *looks at Ruby* you gona hold that thing all night?

Ruby: no...

A cold silence swarms the room as Ruby lies down and closes her eyes.

Ozpin is sitting on his chair looking out the window, his Scroll starts vibrating so he answers it.

????: did it happen?

Ozpin: yes, we have him sedated. But his body forced him in to a small coma.

????: how's the team? how are my nieces?

Ozpin: they're fine, he didn't brake there Aura.

????: this is getting crazy Oz. Everything he said would happen, is happening! ... I don't think we're ready for what's gonna happen next.

Ozpin: do not worry my friend, I have everything under control.

????: I hope so. *hangs up*

Ozpin: I hope so too...

Ruby's pov.

I've been visiting Devan everyday despite my team telling me otherwise.
But ever since I kissed him every night in my dreams I see a destroyed room. Computers and desk's everywhere... blood leading to a wall with someone hanging from it, I went to Ozpin about it and he told me Devan had the same dream.

Whenever I'm near Devan I feel something pulling at me, like I'm a anchor or something... as the days go buy I feel the same pulling sensation get stronger and stronger, in a way it gives me hope that I'll see him again. I'm not sure how my team will feel about that though...

Ruby: class is starting so I'll visit again later, ok? ... why am I even asking?

no ones pov

Ruby holds Devans hand one more time before standing up, she walks over to the door and opens it. she looks at him one more time before flicking the lights off and closing the door. three figures are standing in the corners of the room looking at Devan. one oldman, a younger man and one girl. one of the men slowly walks over to Devan with a Cane.

Man: don't brake your self old man. why do you want to see this kid anyway?

Oldman: oh please, you and I both know we have to make sure he's the one.

Girl: why?

Oldman: ... I don't know. hehehem

the younger man walks to the old man and looks at Devan, he moves his head side to side with his hand.

Man: he doesn't look like much.

the girl walks over to the man and leans her elbow on his shoulder.

Girl: well he did send basically a hole army of Grimm packing with there tails between there legs.

Man: I can do that with out even trying.

Oldman: but I do recall when you first used your Dragon Eyes, you flew in to a wa-

Man: okay, okay. I get it! are we done here?

the oldman nods and like that there body's fade away.

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