The 100-Lydia Kane

By vizenya

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The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot been seen or touched - they must be felt with the hear... More



128 7 0
By vizenya

The drink you spilt all over me
"Lover's Spit" left on repeat


"What's that?" Murphy asked as we heard a distant horn blow. I looked up slightly seeing him by the window

"The conclave. It must be starting." I said with a raspy voice.

"Cool. You think we can see anything from here?" He asked stretching his neck to see further. I scoffed as I stood up crossing my arms across my chest.

"Oh, come on. What? Bunch of Grounders fighting to the death to see who gets the A.I. drilled in their brain, that doesn't sound fun to you?" He asked as I turned to the door and rattled it

"Hey...Lydia... I'm sorry. I know how much she meant to you." He said apologizing as I shook my head.

"This has nothing to do with me. We need to make sure that Aden wins." I said to him as I turned as the door opened

"What, you come here to finish the job?" I asked Titus as he closed the door behind himself

" No. I'm here to fulfill my vow to Lexa. Put these on." He said throwing us a couple of coats. Murphy immediately put his on and walked to the door as I stood in place.

"Look. The door we were banging on for the last 24 hours is open. Let's use it." he said to me as i looked to Titus

"You killed your commander. How are you still free?" I asked

" I'm the only Fleimkepa. Now please, if you go now, you can slip in with the crowds arriving for tomorrow's conclave." he said urging us to leave

"You heard the man. All right." Murphy said desperate to go

" Let's..."

" I need to see Aden first." I spoke cutting off Murphy

" That's out of the question. The Natblidas have begun the Purification Ritual. Something you should be doing as well." He said

"That sounds kind of private, Lydia." Murphy said by the door

"Where?" I asked as Titus rolled his eyes and simply motioned for us to follow

We walked through mazes of tunnels and hallways before we stopped before a set of double doors were the voice of a woman singing in trigedasleng could be heard drifting out onto the hall.

" They're just kids." Murphy said a bit sadly as we entered the room. I walked a bit closer as I avoided looking at the body that laid wrapped in a white cloth on a table.

"I'm sorry to disturb you." I said to Aden who was the one who stood to greet me. He stood before me and folded his hands in front of him.

"Would you like a moment with her?" He asked in a quiet voice looking down at me. I looking over to the white clothed body on the table for a second before averting my eyes and looked down to the floor and shook my head trying to gather myself and prevent the tears from spilling.

"No." I said in the same quiet voice

"I'm here to see you. You made me a promise to support my people." I said as he nodded

"If Heda's spirit chooses me. Yes." He said

"Will you still?" I asked as he gave me a small smile

"We all will." he said as I turned to the small group as they bowed their heads to me.

"Lexa made each of us vow it. We loved her." he continued as we heard commotion outside

"Out of our way." The voice of a man said as the doors were pushed open to reveal Roan and Ontari.

"You." Ontari said as she took out a knife as Aden stepped in front of me.

  "No." I told Aden as I moved him away not wanting him to get hurt

"Put the knife down, Ontari." Roan said as she glared at me

" Your mother is dead because of her." She said before she charged at me. I moved away at the last second before turning and kicking her square in the back which caused her to fall face first knife clattering away.

"You will obey your king." Roan said as she stood up

"An unfortunate fact we have her to thank for, as well. No matter. When I am Heda and the king bows to me, you and every last member of Skaikru will die." she said never taking her eyes off of me. She stayed there for a few seconds before leaving.

I turned to Aden and pulled him in for a hug.

"Don't try to be brave." I whispered

"She'll trick all of you. It's better to run than to die. So don't die." I said to him as he nodded. I let go of him and gave him a small smile. I smiled at the group before turning to leave.

"Where is Titus?" I asked Murphy as we walked down the hall

"I don't know. He left as soon as he saw that big guy." He said

"Roan." I answered as we stepped into the elevator as we started to descend very slowly

"How confident are you that kid Aden is going to win?" He asked as I took a deep breath.

"Before Ontari arrived? He was the one. Even...the commander knew that." I said not being able to bring myself to say her name just yet.

"And now?" He asked as I looked at him before turning away and not answering the question.

"That bad huh?" He asked as we reached the bottom floor and started to exit the building.

"He needed more time. Another year could have made all of the difference. Just a few more months even. I knew she was spending more time training him recently. I just hope that that'll be enough." I said as we entered the dark flame lit room.

"You do not belong here." Titus said as Murphy scoffed

" Really? Why is my blood decorating your floor?" Murphy said nodding over to a stain on the floor.

"There's nothing left for you in Polis. Why have you not gone?" Titus turned to me

" Yeah. That's what I'd like to know." Murphy said as he inspected the room.

"We need to talk about Ontari. She wasn't trained here. Why would you let her into the Conclave?" I asked as I stepped closer

" Ontari has the blood of the Commanders. It is her birthright to compete for the Flame. If you do not like it then compete for the Flame yourself. As I hate to say it but it is your birthright as well." he said as i chose to ignore the last part.

"Is she really in there?" I asked looking down at a small tin box

"Of course she is." Titus said in a strong voice

"What does it matter who wins, huh? I mean, listen to me. If your girlfriend really is in that thing, then we have nothing to worry about, right? Lydia, let's just get out of here while we can." Murphy said in his own weird attempt of trying to console me.

" It matters. I've served 4 Commanders as Fleimkepa, none of them half as wise or strong as Lexa kom Trikru. The truth is, she was all those things even before Ascension.

The Flame deepens what's already there. If the spirit of the Commander should choose Ontari, the Ice Nation will control everything, and Skaikru will face her wrath."Titus said I didn't take my eyes off of the tin box

"Not really a silver-lining type of guy, is he?" Murphy commented

" So how do we make sure Aden wins? He was Heda's choice. You know that." I said ripping my eyes away from the box and turning to Titus and taking a step closer.

"Then she will choose him." He said as we all heard a horn blowing

"What's that?" Murphy asked

"The victory horn." Titus answered as my breathing quickened.

The horn continued to blow as we all rushed back where the conclave took place. I shoved people out of the way as they all shouted trying to catch a glimpse of the new commander.  But as I made my way toward the front of the line a strong hand clasped itself upon my upper arm and pulled me back.

"What's going on?" I asked looking up at Roan who leaned down

"Shh." He said looking down at me with a smile he still didn't release me from his hold and kept me close as if he was trying to use his body to try to hide me.

"What is the meaning of this?" Titus yelled as everyone shouted

"Aden." I said trying to see if it was him on the throne.

"If she sees you, she'll have your head, too." Roan said as I caught a glimpse of Ontari sitting on the throne covered in black blood with her foot on top of an unknown head

"Lydia, I think we should get out of here." Murphy said as my heart dropped. Roan pulled me away as we slipped away unnoticed by all of the commotion.

"She killed Aden" I said as we took the stairs. Two heavy bags were on my shoulders as we had stopped quickly by my room to get my belongings.

"She didn't." Roan said as we flew down the stairs

"What?" I asked confused

"Aden isn't dead." He said as I looked over to Murphy

"So then that means that Ontari isn't the commander." I said

"It's happened before. Cowards leave when it gets too tough. He'll be an outcast." he said as we reached the final steps and walked out of the building

"Slow down, Roan. We need to talk to Titus." I said as I walked behind him.

"Trust me, right now your friend Titus is on his knees in front of Ontari." He said as I shook my head

" No. There's no way that he'll support someone who hacked the heads off children while they slept. Not when Aden is still alive." I said

"Yeah. Those children were marked for death, anyway." He said as he stopped to make sure we weren't being followed

" You'll support her, too." I said glaring at the back of his head as he turned around and looked down at me

"She's Ice Nation." He answered simply

" Whatever's best for your people, is that it?" I asked

" That's it, kind of like killing every man, woman, and child in Mount Weather was best for yours." He fired back

" That's not a bad point." Murphy said behind me

" Shut up, Murphy." I said as we stopped walking

"Tunnel's through here." he said pointing to an opening

"Ok. Great. Thank you." Murphy said as he walked towards the tunnel.

"Saved your life again. My debt to Lexa for sparing mine's now paid. Next time you see me won't be as friends." Roan said stepping close and leaning down to me. He stared at me for a few seconds before leaving.

"We are not leaving, are we?" Murphy said when he was out of sight

"Not without the Flame." I said

We walked over to where the Flame was kept.

"Have I mentioned that I hate this idea?" Murphy said as I put my bags down.

"We can't let Ontari get the Flame.  Come on. He keeps it in the pod. Just stay there. I'll be quick."I said as I grabbed a briefcase from inside the pod and opened it as I saw an orange cloth with the word commander on it.

  "You killed her." I heard suddenly as I looked up to see Titus leaning on a wall looking at me with sad eyes.

" I pulled the trigger, but it was you." He said as he took a few steps forward. I held onto the Flame as he came closer.

"Titus... you made her a promise, remember?" I said

"Give me the kit." He said snatching it away from my hands

"I know you don't want Ontari to get the Flame. She murdered those kids, children you raised. Heda's spirit would never choose to do something like that." I said 

"Yes, she did." he said sadly as I shook my head.

" You don't believe that." I said

"I have to. Ontari kom Azgeda is the last Natblida." He said

"Then put the damn thing in someone else." I argued as he looked at me with disgust

" You stupid girl, after all you've witnessed here, you still think this is just superstition.

When someone without the blood takes the Flame, the Flame takes their life." he spit at me

"I don't understand. If Nightblood is so rare, then why do you let them kill each other? That has to be the dumbest succession plan I've..." I was saying as he cut me off

"We honor those who die in the Conclave."he said as I narrowed my eyes just a bit as I remembered something.

"What? Wait. The eighth circle. Heda had markings on her back for every life she took at her conclave, 7 circles, only she told me that there were 8 novitiates in her class. What happened to number 8? There's another Natblida, isn't there?" I asked as my hope was raised

"Yes. She fled, a coward and a traitor to the blood. Lexa refused to let me hunt her down. She's unworthy of the Flame."he proclaimed

"More unworthy than Ontari?" I asked as I heard Murphy's yells

"Hey, hey, just... hey! She's here." He yelled as Titus grabbed my bags and shoved them to me.

"Hide." he said as I ran towards where he first appeared almost like a secret tunnel and stayed in the shadows

"How dare you bring Skaikru into the Order of the Flame?" Ontari asked

"It's what Lexa wanted." Titus said as i closed my eyes

"Well, Lexa's not Heda anymore, thanks to you. Let's get this over with." Ontari said as my heart clenched

"You must be cleansed before you ascend. Take her to the Commander's chambers. Perform the ritual." Titus announced

"Are you sure I'm ready for that?" Murphy asked before the door closed

"Thank you." I said coming out from my hiding spot.

"Even Luna would be better than her." He said as I did a double take

"Did you just say Luna?" I asked

"Yes. You heard the name before?" He asked as my mind wandered to the very beginning of my time here on earth.

"From my friend Lincoln." I said with a small smile

"Can he find her?" He asked as I nodded

"Then perhaps the spirit hasn't chosen, after all." he said

"I'll take you to him." I told him ready to leave.

"Luna will never allow me near her." He said as he stepped closely to me and pinched his index and thumb together and pressed them to my forehead.  He closed his eyes and muttered a few words to low for me to hear before he opened his eyes and removed his hand from my forehead.

"This is yours now." He said handing me the orange kit

"I'll protect it with my life." I promised

"There's a book inside. It's the journal of the first Commander. When you find Luna, you'll need it to perform the Ascension ritual. Come. Armor of the heda. Put it on and take the hidden passage.

The tunnel will lead you outside the city's gates.." He said

"What about Murphy?" I asked worried for him as I looked over to the door.

" I'll get him out. Your duty is to the Flame now... Fleimkepa." He said before leaving me alone.

Standing there in the middle of the room I walked over towards the closet that had been opened by Titus. I stared at the armor so familiar to me. I put the kit down and let my fingers float above the armor.

I quickly took off my weapons and began to change. The chest piece fit me a bit tight as I simply loosened the lacing. I grabbed her swords and knives and the black paint as my chest felt heavy.

I closed the case and grabbed my clothing that I had discarded and placed them in my bag. I knew my siblings and Clarke weren't here anymore.

Titus told me that they had left with Octavia. And I couldn't be happier. They were far away from here. And hopefully safe. 

I put the Flame inside the pocket of my jacket near my heart.

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