Real Love

By Kpopaddict4

92.2K 6.5K 2.2K

It's five years after they've graduated from college and gone they're separate ways. Pha has been kicking hi... More

The Order (Phana)
The Delivery (Wayo)
I want to make you mine (Phana)
Fitting Into His Life (Wayo)
The Old and New Yo (Phana)
What Just Happened? (Phana)
What Happens Next (Wayo)
A Night In (Phana)
First Day Off (Wayo)
Ring Shopping (Phana)
The Warning (Wayo)
The Next Step (Phana)
Explanations (Wayo)
Surprise (Phana)
What the Hell? (Wayo)
The Lunch Date (Phana)
A Day at the Hospital (Wayo)
Trying New Things (Phana)
Interviews (Wayo)
The Dads (Phichit & Ruang Sak )
Forgiveness (Phana)
Complete and Total Chaos (Wayo)
Movie Night (Phana)
Blissfully Ordinary (Wayo)
Meeting a Companion (Phana)
Pardon the Interruption (Ruang Sak)
Our Happily Ever After (Wayo)

Getting Things Ready (Wayo)

3K 236 55
By Kpopaddict4

Last night was spent filled with kisses, touches, caresses, and lots and lots of moaning. We did everything short of the actual deed. He has this way about him that makes me weak and I want to give everything to him. Truthfully I wanted to go all of the way but I was nervous and he stopped.

He stopped for me.

I'm still in bed. I look around and can't believe that I'm actually here. I'm in Thailand. I'm in Phana Kongthanin's house, in his bed. This is surreal.

He comes out of the shower with a towel tied around his waist. It draws my line of sight down and I can feel my mouth slide open. His chuckling brings my attention to his face.

"I have to go to work today. I'm sorry." He says looking sad.

"I understand. Of course you have to work."

"But I told my secretary that I needed an extended lunch and to clear my schedule next week."

"You're taking a week off to be with me? Can you do that? You won't get into trouble will you?" I ask.

"No, everything will be fine." He chuckles as he ruffles my hair.

"Meet me at the hospital and we'll go together to apply OK?" He says.

"Sounds great." I say smiling.

He starts getting ready for the day and I unapologetically watch him. By the time he's done I'm a drooling mess. He looks fantastic. He's as handsome as ever. I can't believe he wanted me, that he wants me. We're getting married. Well in a month.

"What are you going to do today?" He asks as he starts making breakfast.

I should be doing that. I was too busy ogling my man that I didn't think about making him breakfast. Great job Yo.

"I'm gonna look for a job." I tell him.

"Anything in particular?" He asks sitting in front of me.

"Actually, no." I lie.

I had planned to work from home but he wants me to work so now I need a place of employment. I'll have to call in for reinforcements. This isn't something I can handle on my own.

"Well you don't have to work so make sure you find a job that you will enjoy." He councils.

That's really sweet.

"Sure thing P'Pha." I say.

"I have to go. Walk me to the car?" He asks extending his hand.

I stand and take that hand. We walk to the parking garage and stop in front of his car. I can tell he doesn't want to go. I don't want him to go either but we both have things we need to do.

"Will you need a car?" He asks suddenly.

"No, I can't drive. I'll make sure I get a job close enough that it won't matter." I explain.

He looks hesitant. I reach up and adjust his tie. I smooth over his shoulders and down the front of his shirt. Then I step up on my tip toes and kiss him.

"Have a great day at work. I'll see you at lunch." I say practically shooing him away.

He stares at me smiling and looking half dazed. He gets into his car and rolls down his window.

"You'll be alright?" He asks concerned.

"I will. I have a great sense of direction and even if I didn't I'm smart enough to figure my way around. Plus I have my phone. If I get lost you can find me can't you?" I ask.

"I'll never lose you again." He says seriously.

I lean into the window and steal one more kiss.

"Now go to work." I command.

He drives off slowly. That man. What am I going to do with him? I turn and head back to the apartment. Once inside I pull out my new phone and old phone. I transfer all of my contacts to my new phone then send out messages about the number change from both phones.

My dad is the first to respond. Of course he is.

"Well, well, well, look who finally remembered that he has a father." I hear come through the line.

"You're being dramatic daddy." I say.

"I'm being dramatic? No, I don't think I've hit dramatic yet but I can if you want me to." He says with a warning tone.

"I'm sorry. Forgive me?" I ask sweetly.

"I'm not sure that I should. You come back to Thailand after five years and where is your first stop? I can tell you where it isn't." He says with a pouting tone.

"You knew this was the plan daddy." I remind.

"Yes I knew you were coming with some ridiculous plan to win the love of your life but I thought you would have buffered in a few days to be with me first." He says.

Now I know he's pouting.

"I didn't want to lose my nerve. I have some time today. Want to come get me?" I ask.

"You know I'm on my way." He says sounding defeated.

"What? I haven't even told you where I am yet."

"Please. Do you really think that I didn't find out as much as I could about this boy once you told me your plan? I know exactly where you are."


"Hold on daddy, someone's at the door." I say as I pull the door open.

"I know." He says standing in front of me.

"Daddy!!!" I scream as I jump into his arms.

He chuckles and gives me a hug. I lead him into the apartment and he takes in the décor. I'm sure he noticed my pictures as well. I offer him a seat and go make us some tea. Once I'm done, I bring it to him and sit in the seat across from him.

"How is it going?" He asks once I take my seat.

"Good. Better than I expected actually." I admit.

"I still can't believe that you're doing this." He says.

"You've had some time to get used to the idea. This has taken a lot planning." I say for the hundredth time.

"I know, but I wish you were living with me instead."

"That defeats the purpose daddy."

"I know, I know. I just don't see what's so special about this young man." He says.

"You will once you meet him." I answer.

"Will I meet him?" He asks.

"At some point I will have to let him know that I'm not an android." I tell him.

"I'm not sure that's going to go well." He admits.

"I know, and it makes me nervous, but this was my way in daddy." I say.

"If it's meant to be it will work out." He councils.

"Well I have a month to make sure he loves me and come clean."

"A month? Why?" He asks.

"P'Pha and I are going to go apply for a marriage certificate today." I say nervously.

"YOU WHAT!!!" He yells.

"Yo, isn't that a bit too much?" He asks staring at me.

"We're applying daddy, not getting married." I explain.

"There's still the waiting period." I say a bit annoyed that this exists.

"Anyway, I want you there. It's not like P'Pha knows who you are." I say.

"Hmph." He grunts out.

"Thank you daddy!" I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"OK, so change of plans. P'Pha wants me to work so now I need to have a place of employment. This might work out better than I expected. Having a clinic will allow me to be more productive." I admit.

"So I assume this means you want me to help you with this endeavor?" He clarifies.

"Yes please." I say batting my eyes.

"Do you have an ideas what you want?" He asks.

"I hadn't really thought about it since I had intended to work from home. I'll need a decent space. It will need to have enough space to house my office, a secretary,technician, waiting room, exam room, storage and a workspace." I list out.

"Exam room? Why? Do you think that there are companions here?" He asks.

"No daddy, I plan on making functioning prosthetics. I'll have regular ones too but for those who are interested, I'll be able to attach appendages that can do small tasks." I explain.

"You can do that?" My dad asks in awe.

"Daddy, I can make an entire person. You don't think I could make an arm or leg?" I ask sarcastically.

"Alright, let's head to my office and map out the dimensions of what you'll need." He suggests.

"That sounds great. Let's do it." I agree.

"Oh and daddy, I have to meet Pha at one."

He rolls his eyes and heads to the door.

I grab my keys and run after him.

I greet the driver, offering a wai, as he opens the door for us. Daddy and I crawl into the back and get situated.

"Does Ming know you're back yet?" He asks.

"I haven't told him yet." I admit.

"What? How much does he know?" He questions.

"That would be, nothing. I didn't tell him I was coming back." I admit.

"Why not? Are you ashamed?"

"No I'm not ashamed, it's just that Ming lives with P'Kit."

"Yes I know that. I've had them over many times."

"Well P'Kit is one of P'Pha's best friends."

"And." He waving his hand encouraging me to talk.

"Look, Ming can't lie and he can't keep secrets. Especially from P'Kit. If I told him that I was coming here pretending to be a companion, it's a good as telling P'Pha himself." I ramble out.

"So Ming doesn't know that you're back or that you're with Phana?" He asks

"Nope." I say shaking my head.

"Don't you think you should tell him?"

"No!...yes." I say begrudgingly.

I pick up the phone and call Ming.

"Hey Yo! I see you got a new number." He says cheerfully.

"And a new phone." I reply.

"What? I've been trying to get you to ditch that antique for ages. What finally changed your mind?" He asks.

"P'Pha." I answer.



"Um, yeah. Did you say P'Pha? As in Phana Kongthanin?"

"Yeah. He bought me a new phone."

"He...bought you a new phone?"



"I'm back in Thailand."

"That doesn't explain why he bought you a new phone." He says sounding tense.

"I. I kind of moved in with him yesterday." I mumble out.

"Ming? Ming are you there?"

"Wayo. I'm curious how long you were planning this for." He asks.

"I'm not sure." I lie.

"Oh, you're sure. I bet you know to the hour how long you've known about this. Tell me now." He demands.

"Six months, thirteen days and 22 hours as of this moment." I spill out.

"Ming? Ming?"

"I think he hung up." I say looking at my dad.

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