Small (Yoongi's Sister BTS Fa...

By singformeangel

445K 13K 11.7K

"You were fifteen, Yoongi-ah." Jin states softly, "Neither of you had a choice." DISCONTINUED, but there is a... More

To New Readers~
I | Home
II | Absence
III | Coffee
4 | Dare
5 | FaceTime
6 | Sorry (Not Sorry)
7 | Chance
8 | Hug Him
9 | Deal or No Deal
10 | The Question
11 | "Oh, Please, No."
12 | A Girl?!
13 | Nothing
14 | For Me
15 | Memories
16 | Occupation?
17 | Hangry
18 | "Don't Say That"
19 | Except One
21 | For You
22 | Sweet Dreams
23 | No Matter
24 | Cute Enough
25 | Good Dongsaeng
26 | Mask On
27 | The Man on the Other End
28 | Safety First
29 | Respect Your Elders!
30 | Awkward
31 | 쩔어 on the Street
32 | Didn't You Know?
33 | Little Min Swag
34 | In Our Blood Pt. 1
35 | In Our Blood Pt. 2
36 | In Our Blood Pt. 3
37 | Bitter
38 | Kids These Days
39 | Worth It
40 | Not a Date
41 | D- D- Chats?
42 | Too
43 | New Reality
44 | Of Course
45 | Siren
46 | Really, Really
47 | "Would You Like Your Receipt?"
48 | Brother
49 | Heart-Stopping
50 | Worse for Wear
51 | Deaf to My Own Pleas
52.1 | Second Skin
52.2 | Compromised
53.1 Interim
Unfortunately :(

20 | I Could Never

10.6K 329 286
By singformeangel

      SURPRISEEEE... You asked for another chapter, and I deliver. (Though I don't have any more yet after this one... You'll just have to wait! But until then, enjoy your extra chapter.

     Oh, by the way, you should prepare yourself for some serious drama. 


      Yoongi can't even bring himself to shake his head; his entire consciousness is sucked into the shimmering charcoal eyes across the room. No thoughts pass through his mind, except one. A single, reoccurring thought that he hasn't been able to shake off since seven years ago when he made the best and worst decision of his life. A single word that's always stayed lock in his subconsciousness since the day he first heard it spoken aloud by his mother.



      Jimin's head snaps back to look at B, shocked beyond all belief to hear an honorific title come from B's usually blunt mouth. He is even more surprised, however, by the fact that it wasn't just eonni or ssi, which would be much more common. Out of all honorific titles she could've used, she used oppa.

      Oppa-- which means "older brother".

      Why in the world would she call hyung Oppa? Unless... 

      Jimin's mind explodes. 

      I was right all this time? Jimin examines B for the hundreth time, and again all the similarities between her and Suga are clearly visible, now even more so than before when his hyung is sitting right across the room to easily compare her to. The conversation where he specifically asked her if she had a brother comes to mind, and he frowns deeply when he recalls the suspiciously odd way she reacted to the question. Jimin had felt that something was off, and he was right all along. So... she lied about not having a brother? How many other times did she lie to me?

      "Byeol-ah?" Yoongi weak whisper confirms Jimin suspicion, and Jimin turns to look at Suga in concern, unsure of how the emotionally unstable hyung will take it, "What... how-"

      If Jimin's in shock, he doesn't want to know just how shaken Yoongi is. This was supposed to be a casual meeting of mutual friends, not a long lost family reunion. Jimin runs a hand through his already horrendously messy hair and sighs.

      Well, on the bright side, at least we know where she is now.

       Just then Suga's eyes widen indefinitely, and he flies from his seat like a very large green and white bird. Jimin whips back around to see what the problem is, only to see an empty space where B was once standing, and an open door that Yoongi flies through with a speed Jimin didn't know he could reach. Jimin stands frozen for a second, unable to process all this new world-changing information, before racing after his hyung and out the door.

      As long as we don't lose her.

*          *          *          *

      Yoongi doesn't know what to think anymore. One moment he's calmly sipping the most delicious coffee he's ever had, and the next he's chasing after his long lost little sister, who now apparently has silver hair

      Not that I can complain. I have a wilder color than she does.

      Yoongi has envisioned reuniting with her too many times to count, the thought has been constantly on his mind ever since he left her seven years ago, but he'd never once in all those seven years expected to meet her like this. He has always expected it to be a happy event, maybe even a little tearful, but not a chase. And he doesn't like this. He doesn't like this at all; but there's not much Yoongi can do about it except keep running and hope he catches up eventually.

      So he does.

      At least all that awful exercise is coming in handy.

     Her silver hair streams out behind her as she darts down the street, and Yoongi is surprised she can even run this fast when her legs are that short. (AN: Short people problems... T T) She's probably only grown 6 inches since Yoongi last saw her (about 15 centimeters), and the obvious lack of meat on her small frame bothers Yoongi even more than that fact that she's running away from him. The small knot of worry growing in his gut spurs the pale boy to sprint even faster, and he regrets wearing sandals. 

      "Byeol-ah!" Yoongi shouts out after her, ignoring all the strange looks the sprinting pair are receiving from the other pedestrians casually walking on the sidewalk, "Byeol-ah! Please, stop!"

      The only response he gets from the fleeing girl is for her to run even faster than before, nearly tripping over her own two feet. Yoongi's overprotective nature urges him to shout at her to be more careful, but the given situation causes him to regretfully swallow the words.

       Why is she running from me? Am I that scary looking? I mean, green hair might be a little off-putting, but I don't think it's that bad. ...does she not love me anymore? Does she hate me for leaving her?

       "Byeol-ah!" Yoongi tries again, the words sounding desperate in his own ears, "Wait! Please, I just want to see you!"

      B continues to run as if he didn't say anything at all; her soft-soled sneakers barely making a sound on the grey cement beneath their feet. 

      The panic starts to settles in when the thought that maybe Byeol won't stop running crosses his already racing mind. Suga's lungs start to burn with a mixture of a lack of oxygen and desperation at the forbidden thought. Yoongi has just found her after seven years. Seven years. And he is not going to let her out of his sight anytime soon; even if it means burning lungs and aching legs. 

      Please don't run away from me. Please don't hate me. I'll do anything- anything. I just need you here with me. I need you.  

       He helplessly stretches out his hands towards what he longs for as he calls out one last time, Yoongi's voice cracking as he struggles to keep his composure.

      "Princess, please!" For once in his life the pale man doesn't even try to hide the pain coursing through him; he lets it show through the agony-filled tears streaking from his dark eyes and in the panic stricken expression on his face, "I miss you so much. I need you!"

      And finally, finally, her legs still.

      Yoongi, still running at full speed, barrels into the tiny girl and crushes her into his chest; heaving as he presses what he treasures most as close to himself as possible. He trembles madly as he holds her, and some part of him urges to pick her up and twirl her in circles in glee. A greater part of him, however, keeps him clutching onto her like this; his iron grip as gentle as a feather.

     I found her. Yoongi's mind whirls as it tries to keep up with this quick succession of mind boggling events. The same relieved thoughts repeat over and over; a pattern of overjoyed mantras. I've got her. I'm holding her. Byeol's right here. I found her.

      Yoongi acts on his desperate thoughts and lets his hands race gently across her back and through her silky hair as he comes to realize that No. I'm not just dreaming. She's real, and she's right here. In my arms. My sister. My precious little sister is finally here.

      "Oh, Byeol-ah, Byeol-ah." Yoongi murmurs into her surprisingly soft hair, pressing hasty desperate kisses against the top of her head, "Princess, I missed you so much. So much."

      Yoongi clings to her like a starfish, desperate for any kind of consolation after years of being apart, but B stands stone still in his arms. Her hands hang motionless at her sides; frozen in incomprehension. The only signs informing Yoongi that she's still actually alive are the small movements of her chest cavity and the violent trembling of her thin limbs.

      "Byeol-ah, why did you run from me?" Yoongi asks gently, honest hurt spilling from his chest and from his eyes, "I missed you so much; did you not miss me? Do you not want to see me?"

      The girl locked in his embrace doesn't say a word; silently letting him do as he wishes. Neither the soft kisses and frantic words, nor the tears that drip from his cheeks and into her hair make her say a word. Her own dark eyes are completely glazed over, and the words barely even register inside her muddled head.

      "Princess, why won't you answer me?" The short man, who looks quite tall in comparison to B's miniature stature, starts to beg for any sort of response, "Do you not want me here? Maybe- maybe you've moved on, and can live fine without me, but I haven't. I've felt what life's like without you, and I don't want that. I want you in my life, and I need you in my life. Please, Byeol, don't do this to me. I love you."

      B pulls back a little from her older brother, looking up at him with wide, utterly confused eyes. A single, pale hand grips the bottom hem of his t-shirt as she whispers her question.

      "You don't hate me?" Her midnight eyes glisten with unshed tears, and her bottom lip trembles slightly as it forms the fearful words.

      It isn't just what she says, but how she says it that shatters Yoongi's heart into little tiny pieces. Her dark eyes stare up into his the entire time, not an ounce of deceit or mischief anywhere in them. Instead a whirlpool of innocent confusion stares right back up into Yoongi's pained gaze, and his heart aches at the sight.

      It's impossible to hate you. No matter what you do to me, how many times you shatter my heart, I will never hate you.

      "No!" Yoongi bursts, shaking his head wildly as he gently grips the sides of her arms, "I don't hate you! I could never hate you, you pabo! Why would you ever think that?"

      "Well..." B stares at their feet, unable to meet Yoongi's passionate gaze, and her gentle eyes fill with tears that streak down her pale cheeks, "Y-you left me. You didn't even say goodbye. Why would you do that unless you hate me?"

     "I-" Yoongi gulps down a pitiful sob, struggling to be strong in front of his little sibling, and scrambles to remember the logical reasoning he had for leaving her there with an awful excuse for a father. Nothing that makes any sense comes to mind, "I left you a letter. I put it on your nightstand the night I left. It explained everything. Didn't you read it?"

      "What letter?" Byeol looks back up from the ground, her confusion deepening, "I never found a letter. You- you were just gone. I couldn't find you, and he wouldn't tell me where you were."

      Yoongi's already dark eyes darken exponentially, his entire expression growing dangerous as hears the new, sadly not surprising, information. B shrivels a little at the fiery anger bubbling in his irises, but Suga doesn't notice. His whole back tenses as he strains to reign his fury in.

      "Of course. He saw me leave that night." Yoongi growls, his jaw clenched, "He probably saw the letter, and took it just to spite me. He's always hated me."

      B flinches at Yoongi's harsh growl, and he instinctively glances down at her to see the frightened expression on her pale face. His anger immediately melts away into gentle concern, and a couple of his long fingers carefully push her metallic bangs away from her eyes.

      "Mianhe." Yoongi smiles apologetically, cradling the back of her head with one hand and pulling her back up against him, not caring in the slightest when her tear-streaked face gets his expensive shirt wet, "I didn't mean to get so upset. I'm not mad at you, princess. And of course I don't hate you! I left because I needed to find a job so I could support us, so that I could eventually get you out of that awful house. I'm sorry it took me so long; when I came back you were already gone."

      "You came back for me?" B asks from her place tucked away in the crook of his neck. The genuine surprise in her voice is like knives in Yoongi's gut.

      What did that man tell you to make you think so little of yourself? Yoongi tightens his hold on her just a little, promising himself to never let her out of his sight again. Don't worry, Byeol-ah, I'll fix this. I'll make it better.

      "I was always going to come back to get you," Yoongi breathes out with a gentle chuckle, resting his chin on the top of her head, "I never even considered abandoning you there. I love you too much to ever leave you like that, and don't you ever forget it. Okay, Byeol-ah?"

      "Okay oppa." B murmurs back obediently, her eyelashes tickling his neck as her eyes flutter shut. Her entire body slowly relaxes in his familiar warmth, and her thin arms hesitantly wrap around her older brother's sturdy back. Yoongi rocks her back and forth, running one hand through her silky hair just like he used to all those years ago, reveling in every moment his sister is back where she belongs.

      Never again. I'm never leaving you like that again. You can count on it.

      "I forgive you, oppa." B tiredly whispers in his skin, her sweet purity causing a new wave of agony to burn through Yoongi, and a couple more fat tears to fall from his already puffy eyes, "I love you always."

      "I love you more, princess."

      No more words need to be spoken; both siblings are perfectly content in each others embrace after being apart for far too long. Yoongi almost can't believe that she's real. That she's here, when not even a half hour ago he felt that finding her was starting to look like a lost cause. Yet somehow, against all odds, Jimin befriended his little sister out of all people, and liked her so much that he wanted Yoongi to meet her.

      Yoongi stares down as the small form bundled in his arms, his vision slightly blurry, and remembers the subtly tender way Jimin described her. Jimin didn't sound like he just wanted B as a friend, and, for some reason, Yoongi doesn't hate the idea near as much as he should.

      Jiminie and Byeol-ah... he'd take good care of her, wouldn't he? He'd probably take even better care of her than I can. He always makes sure the other boys and I are okay, even though he isn't the oldest, and he's always kind and thoughtful. I'd much rather her be with Jimin than some jerk I don't trust.

      With anyone else on the planet Yoongi would rather get a shotgun and eliminate them then let them get close to Byeol, but Jimin isn't just anyone else on the planet. Jimin's... Jimin. And he's the sweetest boy Yoongi's ever met. Plus, Yoongi has Jimin to thank for finding Byeol in the first place.

      Never mind Jimin for now; that's Byeol-ah's choice to make, not mine. I have other things to worry about. Like how I can feel all her ribs pressing into my chest. 

      "I thought we'd never find you," Yoongi admits, "No matter what we tried, nothing worked. I thought I'd never see you again."

      "I'm sorry, oppa." B ducks her head in shame, burrowing deeper into his chest.

      "You have nothing to be sorry for, Byeol-ah." Yoongi chuckles humorlessly and shakes his head, "I was the one who left you behind. I would've said goodbye to you in person, but I knew you would try to convince me to take you with me, and you would've succeeded. Back then I wasn't sure if I would be able to support myself, much less you as well. I should've taken the risk, though. I should've taken you with me, and I'm sorry for that."

      "It's alright, oppa." B pulls far enough away to peer up at Yoongi with a sweet smile, and her tiny hands brush away tears from her oppa's dark eyes, "I already forgave you, and we're together now. Isn't that all that matters?"

      "As long as you're safe and happy," The pale man leans into B's sisterly touch, cherishing the sweet smile she sends him, "That's what matters to me. Are you, princess?"

      Because something tells me you're not.

      "As long as I'm with you I'm happy and safe, Yoongi oppa." B giggles when Yoongi rolls his eyes at her answer, even though both of them know it's true, "And you're with me now, so I'm good. The best I've been in seven years."

       "You cheesy brat!" Yoongi scolds, unable to hide his amused grin, and trying to ignore the fact that B only partially answered his question, "I better stick with you 24/7 then, shouldn't I?"

      "Yes!" B laughs, her eyes sparkling in the same old way that Yoongi loves. He chuckles and easily picks her up off the ground in one move, loving her giggled-filled protest. He gets angry for a split second at her ridiculous lack of weight before deciding to enjoy this moment, and worry about that later.

      "You can't run from me now!" Yoongi declares, spinning her in circles as she desperately wraps both her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Her giggles fill the empty hole in his heart one by one, easily refilling the gap that their absence had created, "You can't escape your oppa! Didn't you know that? Oppa will always find you."

      Yoongi hardly notices it when he slips back into the way he used to talk to her when he was being especially goofy or affectionate, and B probably doesn't notice the third person speech either; both of them are too used to it to care.  

      "You're making me dizzy, oppa!" B complains, still laughing nonetheless as she clutches tightly onto him. Yoongi finally stops spinning, much to his pleading sister's relief, but the giant gummy smile doesn't fade off his face.

      "I don't want to make you sick right after I just found you," Yoongi agrees with a chuckle, refusing to set her back on the ground. He wraps his arms under her and easily holds the short girl up as he turns and starts walking back to the cafe. I should find somewhere quiet to sit. We have some serious catching up to do, "I can't believe we found each other by total coincidence. And all through Park Jimin. How did this happen? How did you meet him? Has he been nice to you?"

      "He's been very sweet, oppa." B pouts when she realizes that Yoongi isn't going to be putting her down any time soon, but she answers his questions anyway, "It's kind of a funny story of how we met, though. He-"

      "Hyung!" Jimin's shout interrupts her, and they turn to watch bright-haired boy run up to the pair panting, his cheeks flushed and his jacket askew, "Finally! You guys- *gasp* You guys run too fast! I lost you when- *gasp* Did you know you ran across the road without looking *gasp* both ways! You could've been hit by *gasp* a car!"

      "Did you?" Yoongi looks at B with a raised eyebrow, and she meekly nods her head with a regretful smile.

      "I'm sorry oppa," Her sweet apology and lack of sarcasm shocks Jimin into not breathing, but Yoongi only stares at her expectantly, patiently waiting for her to finish what she has to say, "I was- I was scared that you hated me."

      "It's alright, princess," Yoongi plants a chaste kiss on her cute nose, ignoring when Jimin blanches at the nickname, "Just remember: safety first, safety second, and running away from meanies third, okay?"

       "You're not a meanie, oppa." B scolds, her dark eyebrows furrowing, "I mean, you can be really dense sometimes, but you're never mean!"

      Jimin nearly falls over, spluttering like a mad man.

      Yoongi smirks and walks coolly past the shocked boy. I may not disapprove of your affection for my sister, Park Jimin, but that doesn't mean I'll make it easy for you. Jimin nearly trips over his own feet, but somehow he manages to follow after the pale duo, the stunned expression plastered to his face.

      "Thank you, Byeol-ah." Yoongi knows he's enjoying this too much, but he can't help it. He has his sister back in his arms, and he has leverage over the first crush Jimin's had in years. How could life get any better? "Now, what were you saying about how you met Jiminie?"

      Cliffhangers are fun. I'm sorry, but at the same time I'm not sorry at all. 

      The beginning is over. The next stage of my book has begun. *cue evil laughter*

      Honestly I went back through all my chapters today, and I can't believe how far I've come already. You guys are the bestest fans ever! I always make sure to have time to read all your comments, and I will always respond if you guys have any questions. I'll probably even respond with some mysteriously vague sass if you try to predict what's happening next. Communicating with you guys has been the most fun part of writing this book. Thank you for that.

      B is sometimes really hard to write, because the way she acts changes drastically depending on who she's with at the time. With Mina she's obviously sassy and shameless. With Jimin she's sassy, but she's also sensitive and thoughtful. With her oppa... as you can tell, she no longer contains an ounce of sass in her body when she's with her beloved oppa. Well, usually.

      I hope you liked this reading chapter as much as I liked writing it, even though I hate the last half of it.

      Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT to your heart's content!


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