How The Bad Boy Found True Lo...

By awkwardlyrare

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I watched him watch me as he was about to press his fist into the big red button that read "Emergency Fire!"... More

How The Bad Boy Found True Love.
Chapter 2 - I don't want to tutor you, air for brains!
Chapter 3 - A warning would've been nice.
Chapter 4 - Seniors Ditch Day, here we come!
Chapter 5 - This should be fun.
Chapter 6 - Does it hurt?
Chapter 7 - My right toe, your right ear.
Chapter 8 - Dude, why are you carrying around a can of whipped cream?
Chapter 9 - This party is gonna have my name on it!
Chapter 10 - You know, I'm terrified of lightening.
Chapter 11 - Your dad sucks.
Chapter 12 - It's so cute, I could die.
Chapter 13 - Today must be opposite day then.
Chapter 14 - She could put twerk team out of business.
Chapter 15 - Oh no, he didn't!
Chapter 16 - Hear me out..
Chapter 17 - When since did you hate school?
Chapter 18 - You suck at shopping.
Chapter 19 - I woke up in a new trolley!
Chapter 20 - What the hell?
Chapter 21 - We're married already?
Chapter 22 - Dare me, baby!
Chapter 23 - I've been shot!
Chapter 24 - Love hurts.
Chapter 25 - Uh, oh.
Chapter 26 - They took the cake.
Chapter 27 - No kidding.
Chapter 28 - Kids, be good in school. Detention sucks.
Chapter 29 - Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. Oh, did I say pathetic?
Chapter 30 - Love.. is frustrating!
Chapter 31 - Old times.
Chapter 32 - Don't you dare blame this on me!
Chapter 34 - Talk about exhausted.
Chapter 35 - Too sweet.. overload!
Chapter 36 - Something new, something true.
Chapter 37 - An unexpected meeting.
Chapter 38 - Hold on, what?!
Chapter 39 - I need a breather.
Chapter 40 - I'm happy on the whole.
Chapter 41 - It's a surprise.
Chapter 42 - Sheer and Allan's date.
Author's Note!

Chapter 33 - I think my heart just stopped beating.

3.1K 102 26
By awkwardlyrare

Author's Note ~ here's chapter 33 :D I've made it so far for a rookie with the bad boy thing. c; enjoy. - xo, Destiny.

Chapter 33 - I think my heart just stopped beating.

Heath's P.O.V.

"Idiot! That's the wrong chip." I chastised Allan.

"Stupid, it says ruffles." Allan shot back.

"But we want the cheddar kind, not sweet and sour so technically, it's the wrong kind." I deadpanned.

"Guys, shut up. It's still a chip. Does it matter what kind we're getting?" Sheer asked.

"Yes." Allan and I both say at the same time. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Charm would want the Sweet and sour kind." he smirked evilly at me. He knew just how to get at me. I rolled my eyes, muttering a whole heap of profanities.

"Fine. Get the mother sucking sweet and sour kind." I glared at him.

My mind took a turn and headed down Charm's lane. I was trying my hardest not to think about her and Allan just had to call her name. God knows how bad I want to see her face, hear her voice. Something.

"Dude, call her." Scott encouraged, patting my back.

"What're you talking about? Call who?" I played the fool. I don't know why. Scott can read me like an open book.

He gave me a look. "I'm not stupid, bro. I can see it all on your face. You miss her, even if she's with Emmed." he sneered Emmed's name just like how I usually would. "I'm still disappointed though. You let him take her away from you." he shook his head and walked back over to Sheer, Natalie, Nathaniel and Allan.

I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket and unlocked it. I went straight to my phone book and clicked on "T.L.O.M.L". I held the phone to my ear and waited patiently for her to answer. As a bad boy, I shouldn't admit to you guys how nervous I actually am. What if she curses me for interrupting her date with her precious Emmed? Though she did call me earlier to let me know how great it went with her father and I was extremely happy for her. Albeit, I could've hear the hesitance in her voice.. like she wanted to say more but she didn't. I didn't pressure her though.

The call went straight to voicemail and I stood there thinking if she intentionally let it go to voicemail or not. After all, she always has her phone on her.

Is she ignoring me? Why would she? We just had a decent conversation earlier. This girl is so bipolar.

I'm one to talk about bipolar..

I motioned Scott my way and he came.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Can I use your phone to call Charm and she if she'll pick up? I think she's ignoring me." I admitted sadly.

"Didn't you guys just talk earlier.. you know, without arguing?"

"Exactly. And I don't trust Emmed one bit." I muttered.

"Who does?" he asked, fishing in his pocket for his phone.

"Charm." we both said at the same time. He gave me the phone and I took it. I head straight for the phone book. After searching for a while in the 'C' area without finding her, I looked up at him with my left brow cocked.

"Oh! She's in 'M'. I stored her as Mariah." he smirked and I shook my head. It is a beautiful name though.

I clicked her name and put it on speaker. And like the time before, it went straight to voicemail after a while.

Okay, things are starting to get fishy. She wouldn't ignore Scott and she always has her phone in hand. What the hell is going on?

"Allan! Sheer!" I called them both and after they bought their stuff they came.


By the time we were done, I knew for a fact something was wrong. Charm didn't answer a single phone call, I think she even ignored a few calls from us. She ignored Sheer's call and Sheer told us they didn't have a fight or anything.

So why would she ignore Sheer?

I went in my phone and clicked on the App I'd usually call "Creepy Stalker App". Reason being because all I have to do is type in the person's name and they'll tell me where that person is. It's pretty weird if you ask me. But obviously we needed this app at the moment. I need to know where she is and why she's ignoring us all.

After putting all the needed information, we all sat back for about two minutes and it finally came through where she was.

"Um..Why the hell is Charm on the other side of town?" I asked, feeling the panic rise in my chest at once.

"Good mother sucking question! Emmed better be buying her a nice car over freakin' there." he spat. The other side of town had the best car stores. But knowing Emmed, he's not buying her any car. He's probably wrecking one..

Oh my God.

"Guys! Come on!" I demanded, not wasting another second in that stupid store.

We all raced out of the store and we got inside of my Jeep. I didn't even bother buckling up, I just brought my jeep to life and shot forward. I didn't give a rat's ass about who's bike I just knocked over.

* * *

My jeep came to a halt.. and I think my heart did as well. We were now on the other side of town and I'm exactly where the app said I should be. However, I couldn't bring myself to move, to speak, to breathe. I disliked everything about the sight before me. I disliked the way Emmed's car was upside down, the way one side of it was completely tarnished, the way smoke erupted from it like a fireplace. I hated everything.

I think my heart just stopped beating.

A piercing scream brought me back to reality. I soon learned the scream spilled from Sheer's throat. She was about to run towards Emmed's car but Allan pulled her back. She started trashing around in his arms, cursing, crying. Everything. I felt terrible.

"Let go of me! Tell me Charm isn't in that car! Let me go, Allan!" she screamed, still trashing around. "Where is Emmed?! Where is that mother fucker?" she wailed.

On the contrary, everyone else was stunned to silence with a look of horror on their faces. Being unable to stop myself, I flew out of the car and ran towards Emmed's own. The surrounding of the car was rancid. Liquids of different kinds were spilling from everywhere. But a certain liquid caught my attention. I froze when I saw it. Trickling from the car onto the ground was a deep red color liquid. My eyes widened and I took action instantly.

"Charm!" I cried when I noticed her purple hair dangling out of the window too. "Call nine one one!" I ordered no one in particular.

"Oh my God." I heard Scott say from behind me. I could still hear Sheer cursing and trashing around too.

"Help me!" I snapped at him.

We started working on her arms at first, pulling carefully, yet with enough force to actually get her out. The whole while I was completely numb. I couldn't feel a thing. If a huge garbage truck came right now and ran me over, I wouldn't feel it. I'm pretty sure it wasn't normal, but I even think my breathing ceased as well.

As soon as we managed to get her out of the completely ruined car, at least her side, I pulled my leather jacket off and placed her carefully on it. You could imagine how happy I was to know that she was still alive. But anger soon consumed my everything as I took in all of the ragged cuts on her arms, her face and legs. I also realized she was in the passenger side, which meant Emmed was driving. But where the hell is that fucking bastard?

I heard a painful, prickling sound coming from behind me. Then I heard a grunt. Reluctantly, I tore my gaze from Charm's beautiful, battered face and looked behind me. I tensed up when I saw Sheer standing over a bleeding Emmed and she was punching him continuously. Hard. I was pretty happy she was doing that, but I needed to get in on that too. I stood up.

"Scott, can you bring her this way, please?" I asked, making my way towards Emmed. When Allan saw me coming, he grabbed Sheer from behind and hauled her away. Of course, I'm sure she wasn't done with him but I haven't even started yet. As soon as he was in reach, I latched onto his jacket and I started batting his face brutally with my fist.

After what felt like forever, I felt someone pulling me back and I finally heard sirens. Every thirty seconds or so, I'd have Nathaniel make sure she was still breathing. She hadn't woke up, mumbled, groan, anything since we came. I was getting scared.

Yes, the bad boy was scared. I have a right to be.

Sheer's P.O.V.

I wiped Emmed's blood from my knuckles onto my pants and sniffed. I was currently inside the backseat with Nathaniel and Natalie whilst Scott and Allan took the front seat. Heath went with the ambulance. I squeezed Natalie's hand and sobbed some more.

How the hell can this happen? How could Emmed do such a thing? Why would Emmed do such a thing?

I could hear Natalie's silent sobs from beside me and I pulled her closer to me and tried to comfort her. But it was weird seen as I'm in need of comforting myself. I was bloody and full of tears. I was just simply waiting for the morning I woke up and it was all a dream.

Seeing Emmed's car flipped over and knowing Charm was inside of it sent me crazy. I was ready to tear that car to pieces just to get my best friend out of there. But Allan held me back, saying Heath was going to take care of it. He just wasn't moving fast enough for my liking. I get that he was just a shocked as me and by the look that was on his face, I knew for a fact that he was completely torn to bits and pieces. I've only heard piece of the story between the boys and Emmed.. but I knew Emmed took it too far. Which is why I gave him a taste of his own medicine. He deserved it.

* * *

I came out of the car and Allan grabbed my hand and we all made our way towards the ambulance to meet up with Heath. I felt nervous. What if something's gravely wrong with Charm? I would never be able to bear it and I'd never forgive that scumbag.

I was so out of it and engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't even realize we were now in the waiting room. How long have we been in here? I have no idea.

"How long have we been waiting here?" I asked Allan. I felt like I'd been eating sand for ten years.

"For about an hour and a half." he said curtly, wrapping his arms around my shoulder and pulling me closer.

"Wow," I said in shock.

We've been in here for that long? Where the hell was I? It was quite obvious I was having an out of body experience.

"The doctor said he'll be with us in a minute." Heath spoke. He too sounded as though he needed some water and his eyes were puffy and bloodshot red. So was everyone else's.

The door swung open and my heart beat accelerated. Hear comes the news we've all been waiting for. And to be honest, it doesn't look like it's good.

"I take it you're all here for Charm?" the doctor asked.

"Yes sir." Heath answered.

"Alright. Question, where are her parents?" he asked.

"I called her mother a while ago, she should be here soon." I answered.

The doctor nodded and flipped through his clipboard. "Okay. Well, I'm sure you're all waiting to hear Charm's condition.." he trailed, looking sad. His expression itself made me want to burst into tears.

"Yes. We are." I managed. "How is she? And give it to us straight please.. no sugar coating anything." I said. I hated it when people sugar coat .

"Well, since you want the blunt version. Here goes.. Charm's in a coma." he said well, bluntly.

Okay, the blunt version is harder than I thought. Is this how people feel when I'm blunt with them?

Instantly my vision became blurry with tears as I heard the news. My baby is in a coma! How the hell can Emmed live with himself?! And he didn't even stay to make sure she was alright, let alone come to the hospital.

"We're not sure for how long but we are sure that she's going to come out of it. Do any of you know how this happened?" Doctor.. I read his name tag and it said "Blu". Charm would loved his last name.

"No. The only thing we know was when we arrived at the scene, she was alone and the car was upside down. The person who she was with, her boyfriend was gone and she was still strapped in the passenger side. The driver's side is still perfectly fine and the door was swinging wide open." Heath said grimly.

Dr. Blu's eyes widened. "My, that doesn't sound like an accident at all. That sounds quite intentional." he said. I thought about it and comes to think if it, it does sound intentional. What the actual fuck is wrong with Emmed?

"I'm going to kill that jackass and get sent to jail." Heath spat.

"No you're not. He's going to get a piece of karma.. and when he does, it is not going to be pretty." Scott said, pulling Natalie closer. Heath sighed but didn't answer.

The waiting room doors burst open and Mrs. Mill and Mr. Keller came through looking frantic and panicked.

"What happened?!" she wailed.

For the third time probably, Heath repeated the whole story. Mrs. Mill looked pale and she looked as though she would faint any minute. Therefore, Mr. Keller guided her to the nearest chair. Tears were already welled up inside her eyes. I felt terrible. If I felt this way and this is my best friend, I could only imagine how she felt and this is her daughter.

* * *

Charm's P.O.V. (A week later)

My eyes fluttered open and they hurt badly. I felt like I haven't used them in forever. I looked around to see bunch of flowers, cards, chocolates, everything. My heart swelled up at the sight and it brought a smile to my face. I know I'm in the hospital but why? Why am I in the hospita-

Emmed. That mother trucker! I remember that night.. wait, didn't it just happen last night? Anyway, that's beside the point. The point is that stupid freak nearly killed me! How could he do such a thing like that? I see why the guys hated him.

"Are you happy now? You got what you wanted." I heard Heath's very distant voice. It sounded like he was either right outside the room or next door. If he was next door, these walls were very thin.

"I asked are you happy now, you son of a bitch!" he screamed crazily and I pitched. I heard a bunch of trashing around and screaming. Then the trashing stopped. "Let me go so I can finish mess up his face! I hate him. I want to kill him! One week, Emmed?! You wait one whole week before you come to visit her? Huh? What? The guilt finally started eating you alive? Why are you here? You did this to her!" Heath's voice was so vehement. It was so scary, if it were me he was talking to like that, I'd probably cry.

"Now you know how I feel when you took Samantha away from me!" Emmed called back and after that the room fell silent.

Heath took Samantha away from Emmed? Huh.

"I had to watch her cling to you, hold you, touch you.. everything. I had to watch the girl that I love do those things to you, when she should've been doing them with me!" he shot.

"Oh? And nearly killing Charm made you feel better?!" Heath asked incredulously. I still didn't mistake the angriness. Not by a long shot.

"You took Samantha from me!" Emmed shot back.

Stupid prick.

"She came to me, I didn't take her any where. Besides, you obviously weren't doing something right if she left." I could practically hear Heath smirking.

"Shut the fuck up, man." Emmed warned.

"Or what? Emmed, I swear to God.. if Charm doesn't come out of that coma today.. you're dead by tomorrow." Heath threatened and I nearly died.

Is he serious? I hope not.

The door to my room swung open revealing Sheer. She took one look at me and started screaming. Running up to me with an expression I took for relief plastered on her face. She threw the flowers aside and pulled me into a hug. Next thing I knew, the door flew open again and everyone spilled in. It was my mom, Mr. Keller, Heath, Allan, Scott, Nathaniel and Natalie.

"She's awake!" they all exclaimed.

"Charm, sweetie! Oh my God! I missed you." my mother gushed as she peppered my cheek with kisses, I winced from the pain and she stopped and gave me an apologetic look.

"I missed you too," I said to her then I looked at my friends. "I missed all of you." I squeezed Sheer's hand.

The doctor walked in and my eyes went straight to his name tag. Dr. Blu. I love his name.

"Hi, Charm. How are you feeling?" he asked, smiling down at me.

"I've been better." I said truthfully. Everyone laughed and I was dead serious.

"How's your head? Your face? Your arms and legs?" he asked.

"Surprisingly, I feel normal." I admitted.

"Are you sure?" Dr. Blu looked shocked. "You should be in pain right now. It sounds wrong but it's true. Your cuts and bruises were really terrible."

I shrugged mentally. "Well, I'm feeling good. That's got to count for something. I guess if you don't put pressure on the cuts and stuff I'll be fine." I said.

"Your mom is ready for you to come home? Do you think you're ready for that?" he asked. I looked over at mom to see her silently begging me with her eyes. This is the first time we spoke since the fight about dad and right now, I missed being on her good side. I miss her being on my good side. I nodded, now looking at Dr. Blu.

"I'm ready." I said. But this was by far one of the most comfortable hospitals I've ever been in or to.

He sighed. "Okay. If you can, you can get dressed in the bathroom and I'll send the information and pills home with your mom. See you in about ten minutes. Come on everyone, let's let her get dressed."

"Wait!" I called to no one in particular. "Do I have to wear those bloody clothes again?" I asked.

"Crap. Sorry. I forgot. Here ya go," Allan said, handing me the bag off of his shoulder. I smiled at him and took it, thanking him.

They all left the room and I started to sit up. I was trying to be cautious so I wouldn't hurt myself, in the end, I didn't. I got up and made my way to the bathroom which was right inside the room.

After dressing in what I knew Sheer picked out, which would be a pair of short ripped jeans, black toms and a black tank top, I grabbed the rest of my belongings and made my way out into the halls to meet everyone by the checkout area.

"Charm, someone special is waiting patiently for you." Dr. Blu said. I looked around. Who could it be? Everyone's right here.

Soon enough, tiny feet came pattering towards me and I looked to see none other than Helix. A huge smile broke out on my face and I grinned. He leapt into my arms and squeezed me tightly.

"Charm!" he exclaimed. "I missed you," he mumbled against my stomach.

"I missed you too, H. How was your stay at grandma's?" I asked as he stepped back.

"It was wicked! I had so much fun." he gushed happily. Then his brows creased as he stared intently at my face. "Why are bruises and cuts all over you?" he asked worriedly. My eyes widened slightly.

"Uh- I.. um.." I stammered, unable to say anything coherent.

"I'm listening.." he trailed.

"I-" I sighed. "got in a bike accident." I partially lied. "Which is why you should listen to Heath when he tells you no about driving on his own." I said sternly to him. I looked up and caught Heath's eyes. He was smirking at me and he mouthed a quick thank you. I just stuck my tongue out at him.

Helix nodded violently. "Okay. I'll listen. But are you okay?" he asked, his cute voice was laced with concern.

"I'm fine, H." I assured him, pinching his cheeks. He grabbed my hand and started dragging me.

"Good. I think the ice cream is melting at home." he said.

"Helix!" everyone chastised in unison, making me laugh.

"Oops?" he offered, looking so innocently cute.

Author's Note ~

Helix is just the cutest, I swearand guys, go check out my first chapter of "My Babysitter?" :) you won't regret it. Trust me.

But, I didn't really like this chapter :( and excuse the mistakes. :/ I suck. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I love you guys :)) ❤ - xo, Destiny.

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