Adventure Time with Fionna an...

By louhistory

17.9K 596 248

"Just marry me." Gumball says, his eyes and voice pleading for a yes. Pleading for me to agree. But how can I... More

Helping People Is What A Hero Does
The Day of 'Fun'
"I Will"
The Wedding
Just a Queen
He Cares
I Hate Your Trouble Causing Butt
Making Gumball Happy
What A Jerk! Wait, Maybe Not...
A Surprise, a Rant, and a Kiss
Being Used
Cake's News
A Nasty Creature of the Nightosphere
I'm Under Arrest?!
The Meeting and the Deal
Gumball, my Husband
Not Meant To Be
The Real Gumball
Attack on the Treehouse
Helping Me Out
My Problem Is Out Of My Life
I Think I Might Love You
Going and Being A Hero
Perfect Place to Hide a Prince
The Quiet Game
Making Up

Not Myself

750 27 8
By louhistory

I hustle around the castle looking for Pepermint Maid to ask where this meeting is and who I'm meeting, but there is no sign of her anywhere. Suddenly a new feeling hits me. Why was I so set on going to this meeting anyway? Just because it was my duty as a queen? Just because I'm always a good person? It would be boring anyway, and who would care if I skipped out? I change direction and head toward my bedroom, the horrid dress dragging behind me. As soon as I got back to that room I was changing out of it right away. I mean, if I'm the queen shouldn't I get a say in what I'm wearing?? I throw the bedroom door open and shut it just as hard. I whip open the drawers, searching for my all too farmilliar clothes I had planned to wear before I was forced into this horrid dress. In what feels like record time the nice ironed dress lay in a crumpled, wrinkled pile on the floor while my original clothes are on me, nice and snug. This felt better, much better. Now, what I should be doing is getting my butt over to whatever meeting I was suppose to be at, but ditching sounded a litte more fun. So this time I open the bedroom door a little quieter and softer, peering my head out. Wth no one in sight I creep out, shutting the door quietly. My black flats are much easier to silently hurry down the hall in. Surprisingly then only other people I come across are the banana guards at the front gate to the castle.

"Fio- uh, Queen, I thought I heard you had a meeting this morning." One of the two chimes. Good thing they really weren't the brightest.

"Yes. I did. It was very uh, metting like. But now I'm headed out to meet with someone else. Goodbye now." I muster up a lie, hurring out of the castle and waving to them. One looked a little confused but the other just smiles and waves goobye to me as well. I turn, slowing my pace once I'm away from the castle to a usual walking speed. I really didn't know where I was headed, it just felt good to be ditching something I didn't want to go to instead of being a good little girl and doing as I was told.I walk slowly out of the cand kingdom, just watching the scenery I'm so used to. Considering I used to have a giant crush on Gumball, I had spent loadsof time in the candy kindgdom getting t know everyone. But I don't wave at anyone or greet them as I normaly would. I'm concentrated on leaving the kingdom. I avoid conversation with everyone I pass, until I finally get out of the dumb kingdom and run into some ding dong not watching where theyare going. I tumble over, falling on my butt. "Watch where you're going, why don't you!" I shout, looking angrily up at the rude person. "Don't you know who I am? The Queen of the Candy Kingdom!" I say matter of factly. The short person pulls back the hood of their cloak, revealing their face finally.

"Of course I know who you are. I'm your sister!" Cake doesn't look very happy to be spoken to this way by me, bu surprisingly I don't feel bad. She should have been watching where she was going after all. "And I know mom didn't riaise you to talk to people you don't know like that!" she snaps, but still extends her hand out to me to help me up. I take it, standing up and dusting myself off, glaring at her all the while.

"I can act how I want, Cake. I'm grown up and make my own decisions, and look where they led me. I'm a Queen now!" I put my hands on my hips. She looks taken aback.

"What has gotten into you? It's only been a ew days and your acting so wonky! Good thing I chose today to come and see you."

"Well I'm acually booked with a meeting today so even if you made it to the castle without knocking me over it would have been a waste." I glance back to the astle, hoping she doesn't ask why I wasn't there for this meeting if it was going on.

"That meeting is with me. I was just running a little late. Had to pick something up." I give her a curious look as she moves her hands around in the cloak. "Come on out and talk some sense into this girl." she mutters as a bat under an umbrella emrges from the bottomof her cloak. The bat quickly transforms into Marshall Lee, holding the umbrella to block the sunlight that would burn him otherwise.

"Marshall? Why would you two have a meeting with me? I don't think Marshall is even alloud to see me."

"He's not, that's why I was going to sneak him in. We missed you, baby." Her voice goes from a scolding mother type to a friend mourning. I just look from her to him. Marshall avoids my eye contact as he speaks.

"Yeah, I've got to admit, it's quiet without you around, Fi."

 'Well, I'm married now and a Queen and I'm too busy for meet ups with my friends, so I'm going to have to miss this little meeting you've planned. Goodbye." I turn swiftly on my heel back toward the castle, but Marshall's umbrella engulfs me in the shadow so he can put hs hand on my shoulder.

"Hey. Why are you being so uptight? Has Gumbutt really changed you this much? You sound like him now." he snaps, and I turn back toward him, shoving him away from me.

"My husband has one nothing to me and I don't appreciate you talking this way about him! He works so hard and what do you do Marshall? Sleep all day when your suppose to be a Vampire King? You have no room to speek poor of him!" I yell, and his expression changes completly. I can tell he's shocked by what I had jut told him. Never have I eversaid anything like this to him, or anyone fr that matter. And again I have no feelings of sorrow or regret which I would usually have. I cross my arms as he stares at me, his eye color changing from a black grey to a red tint. His hands clench into fists right before Cake stretches her arms aroud him a few times, pulling him away from me. She looks just as surprised to hear me talk like this.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Marshall shouts, strugging against Cake's grips.

"Marshall, no!" Cake tries to soothe his anger, to no avail. I just stand there with my arms crossed across my chest. I watch him struggle, feeling a bit dizzy. Maybe it was just all the action that was happening now, or that I hadn't eaten much. But the next thing I know I' passed out, falling to the ground. Cake releasses Marshall to run over to me, flipping out. "Fionna! Fionna, baby!" she strokes my cheek, trying to get a responce out of me, but I'm completly out. Marshall stands back, peering ove Cake's shoulder, still a little angry, but concern was his main emotion now.

"What....what happned to her?"

"I don't know, but she's passed out. We've got to get her back to the Can-"

"NO!" he shouts, shaking his head violently. "No, I'm not alloud there or around her. I need to know she's...she's alright. Can't we take her back to the tree house?" he mumbles the last part, looking down at his feet, a bit embarassed. Cake looks at him, furrowing her eyebrows. She had never seen Marshall care so much about something. He was usualy too cool for emotion it seemed like.

"Okay." she nod, going to pick the unconcious me up.

"It's okay, Cake. I've got her." Me cradled in one arm and the umbrella in the other he flies toward the treehouse, wide concerned eyes never leaving me.

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