I Need Your Love

By MeganBloodyrose

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I Need Your Love
What The Hell?
Is It Possible?
A Realization
How Does He Feel?
It Can't Be!
Some Of The Best Things In LIfe Are Unexpected
The Dream
Why Me?
Kill Me I Don't Care
The Shadow Of Death
A life unseen
I Need Your Love


284 13 1
By MeganBloodyrose


I guess everything that people have told me about werewolves is true, Dahvie did forget me. His best friend! He even attacked me, but he did spare me, my willingness to die must have some how gotten to him. I'm honestly shocked that he agreed to come with me, I'm taking him back to the house, hoping, maybe even praying that it will bring back some of the memories that had been brainwashed from his mind. As we walked Dahvie seemed to be very cautious. He constantly looked at me as if expecting an attack. Perhaps he thought that this was a trick. I snickered to myself at that thought. I would never hurt him, even if it did ruin my reputation. You see, I have the reputation of a badass werewolf killer. I've killed many of Dahvie's pack, but I've always avoided him and the ones that he cares about. I sighed and Dahvie looked up at me with a glare resting on his face. I laughed quietly at him; he just couldn't pull off the angry look. No matter what he does he still has this cute almost childish expression. "What are you laughing at jackass?" Dahvie said quietly. I sighed and whispered "nothing Dahv, nothing." his glare faded and he sighed. "Why didn't you fight back?" he stopped as I did, but he still stood a good five feet away from me. "I didn't want to hurt you." he smirked and asked in a harsh tone "and just what makes you think that you could hurt me?" I walked slightly closer to him, and he backed up a step. "Dahv, you know how you have been losing so many pack members, the strongest and the bravest? The ones that are the best known to kill vampires with just one flick of the jaw?" he nodded with an annoyed look on his adorable face "yeah, a shame to lose so many. We've lost over sixty just this month, but why would that make me afraid of you?" I sighed at his stupidity and walked closer to him once again, but this time he didn't back up. "I killed them all; I had no help at all. Your father has been hiding it from you. He's been hiding me from you." he looked up at me with a sad look on his face "why would he do that?" I took another small step towards Dahvie and bent down to whisper in his ear. "They've been planning something, I'll have to tell you at my house they're listening." his eyes went wide "but I told them to leave." he whispered. I smiled sadly and nodded with my head at where they were standing, glaring at him and I. Dahvie looked and saw them, a sad look on his face. He sighed and nodded and I quickly took his hand into my own, leading the way. He blushed but didn't pull his hand away; he actually gripped my hand back. Maybe the old Dahvie is still there, I just have to find him. We walked up to our house and I led him in. as I closed the door behind us, he stood awkwardly in the middle of the living room. I gestured to the couch and he slowly sat down. "So what has my pack been planning?" I sighed sadly and sat next to him, "they are going to kill you Dahvie." I stated matter-of-factly. He gasped and his eyes widened, "yo-you're lying." he said, sounding like he was on the verge of tears. "I wish I was Dahv, but I'm not." he swallowed hard and whispered "but how do you know?" I chewed on my bottom lip, "okay I'll tell you." I took in a deep breathe and sighed "I have many jobs, one is a to be a fighter another is to spy on packs that we can't trust. I've been spying on your pack for almost two years now, but about a week ago something really caught my attention. Your father had called a meeting to order while you were asleep. He had the three toughest wolves directly in front of him. He had told them to attack you as you slept. They had already drugged you and everything, but they weren't able to go through with the plan then, but they are still planning to go through with it." He had tears glazing his beautiful brown eyes. "Why weren't they able to go through with it then?" he asked, sounding scared. Once again I chewed on my bottom lip, debating on whether I should tell him or not. After a few moments of silence I decided that whether he believed me or not, he deserved to know what had happened. I sighed and looked directly into his eyes "I picked you up and carried you deeper into the forest and hid you there, that's how I knew who you were today, I recognized your scent. Anyways after I left you in the forest I went back and attacked the wolves, they were dead on the spot." by now Dahvie's eyes were overflowing with tears. "Th-they betrayed me?" he whispered "they want me dead?" I sighed and nodded. "I'm sorry Dahvie, but I'm going to be looking out for you, trust me." he sniffled and looked up at me "wh-why d-do you care so much Jayy?" I smiled and rested a hand supportively on his shoulder "I protect the ones that I love Dahvie." he smiled slightly, but it quickly disappeared "but you don't even really know me." I sighed and whispered "it's too much for you to understand right now, but you'll understand later." he smirked but nodded. "I better go; they are probably wondering what's taking so long." I sighed and turned my head away from Dahvie. Tears were threatening to flow down my cheeks; I didn't want to see Dahvie leave. "And Jayy?" Dahvie whispered. I turned and he whispered "thanks" while tensely wrapping me into a hug, but he quickly melted into it. I smiled and hugged him back "it's no problem Dahv, anything for you." he pulled away smiling, yet it wasn't the beautiful smile that he used to have. This smile was full of resentment and bitterness. "Jayy can we meet up tomorrow?" he asked sounding shy. I smiled and nodded "just come over whenever, I'll be here." he smiled but quickly frowned "see you later Jayybear." I smiled at the old nickname and Dahvie looked shocked. "that was weird." he whispered very quietly. I chuckled and walked him to the door "see you tomorrow Dahvie." I whispered. He smiled and said while nodding "bye Jayy, thanks again." slowly he turned and walked out of the house. I watched as he slowly disappeared into the forest. I sighed dreamily and slowly closed the door. I shouldn't be able to feel this love for him like this anymore, but I still do. This cant be right, how can I still love him? Maybe our history isn't correct, maybe vampires can still love anyone, no matter what "kind of species" they are. Part of me hopes that this is the case, and yet the other is desperately hoping that it is not. But I do know that I love him in some way, and that is never going to change.

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