Drowning / SM

By miazebrose

267K 7K 2.5K

{COMPLETE} Alyssa went to the Starbucks near her home as every day to do her job as a waitress and that's whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103

Chapter 49

2.6K 79 26
By miazebrose

I didn't talk with Shawn since the day I listened to his song and I don't really know why. Maybe I was scared, maybe I was angry or maybe I was too busy but deep in me, I hoped that he'd call me. I wanted him to, but nothing. 

However, I take my phone from my handbag while getting in the car to call him because I wanted to talk about his song. I didn't ask him how he feels or anything even though this song is really really vulnerable. I've just finished my class of the day so I take this little moment to call him but the second I unlock my phone, I get a call from another person. 

< Cameron Williams is calling >

I sigh when I see his name on the screen because I didn't see him since the soccer game. Seems like he's reborn from nowhere!

"Hello," I say right after I pick up and he immediately answers. 

"Hi, beauty... I'm calling you to ask you out... I don't know... maybe we could go to the cinema or something like that..." He asks as if he was asking for some bread at the bakery. 


"Well, I don't know... I don't have the time at the moment... I'm sorry..." I try to decline his proposal but he insists. 

"Please, Alyssa... You told me that you'd give me another chance..." I don't know why he wants to date me that much but it seems really weird to me. 

"But-" I don't have the time to argue that he cuts me off. 

"You said yes." He doesn't give up. 

"Fine." I finally accept but more to end this discussion than to see him because I didn't like his behavior at the game and even at the restaurant. 

"Thank you," He says and I'm about to hang up when he adds something. "Oh and... Is your brother okay?? Is he training hard at the soccer club? Is he tired sometimes?" He asks many questions at the same times and it just confuses me because I don't get why he's talking about him. 

"What??" I ask while turning on the engine of my car. "Listen, Cameron, I'd love to answer your questions but I gotta go. Bye." I say and hang up. 

I start driving away but before putting my phone back in my handbag, I hear a tinkle which says that I received a message. 

< From: Teddy 

Hi you! Could you pick me up at the studio before we hang out with your friend?? See u > 

Teddy, Rosalie and I have planned to hang out today since we don't have any work and because I didn't see them in ages. So we wanted to do something all together and I was going to the restaurant we chose to take our lunch but Teddy's text changes my destination. 

I reply to ask her for the address and drive off when I get it. 

I don't know why she asked me to pick her up while she told me that she'd take her car but it doesn't change anything to me. I'm somehow happy to see where she works and with who. 

After about 15 minutes, I finally find the location of the studio and I take my phone to tell her to join me outside. 

"Hey, Teddy... I'm here,-" I quickly say but she doesn't let me finish and talks over me. 

What do people have with cutting me off all the time ugh? 

"Get inside." She says as if she didn't hear me. 

"What?" I ask but she already hung up. 

I sigh and get out of my car that I lock. Then I push the big door of the studio and get in it. A huge great soundproof place separated in two and so beautiful. On a side, people who are listening to some music and regulate it with the sound engineer, probably musicians and others.

I only recognize a few people I met at a party and, Teddy.

I move slowly towards her but everyone seems spellbound by the voice of the person who's on the other side of the window. A sublime voice that mesmerizes me as soon as I recognize this person.

Dark eyes with which I make an eye-contact. In which I get lost every time I look at him. 

{ So she decides to show up

Tell her, "I'm not waiting no more", yeah

And I don't know who I'm looking for 

But if she comes your way 

Tell her I'm not taken }

"Recorded!" Someone shouts at Shawn and everyone applauds even though all of them look confused. 

"Did you just added those lyrics? Because I don't find them in the paper." A tall man with pretty long brown curly hair asks Shawn right when he crosses the door to join us. 

"Maybe," He says while running his hands through his hair. Probably embarrassed. 

"Everyone listen!" Teddy, who was near the recording machine, starts while turning on her chair to face everybody. "Let me introduce you the beautiful Alyssa!!" She says with her arms open. 

"Hi..." I shyly say. 

"We already know her... We met her at the same time you did" One of the boys says while chuckling but I can't remember his name. 

"I don't care! There is Geoff, our mascot, Brian, our little bro, Scott, the man of the situation, Matt, our food bringer, and-" She starts introducing me everyone but everyone laugh which makes her stop. 

"I won't forget anyone thanks to your descriptions," I say and chuckle at the same time. She's hilarious, I swear. 

Everyone keeps on laughing and some start new conversations but the only thing that I want is to talk with Shawn so I walk over to reach him. 

"hi... This was amazing..." I begin but I'm still really mad because of Jenny and can't help but talk about her again. "I think Jenny would go crazy when she'll know that you're not taken..." I say and wink at him. 

"First, she won't hear this until the album comes out. Second, it isn't about her." He says with a closed expression which clearly means that he's not happy about the fact that I bring this topic up again. 

"Ummm... then who is it about if it isn't about her?" Really, Alyssa? Why are you asking that? Is there something wrong with you? "Forget about that..." I say and look at his sparkling eyes. 

He smirks as if he was challenging me but the only thing he achieves is to embarrass me. I feel my cheeks turning red and just look away so he won't notice it. 

I fail. Once again. 

"I could have told you if you didn't ask me to forget about it." He admits and crosses his arms. 

I'm going to kill him. He's playing and he won't stop until I don't play back. 

Guess what, Shawn? I won't. 

I clear my throat and frown when I look back into his eyes just to seem serious while I'm struggling not to laugh. 

"The song you made me listen to..." I start and his gaze totally changes. He's not playing anymore. "How did you call it??" I ask because I was wondering this since that day. 

"What do you think the title is?" He asks back which makes me laugh. 

"What?... I don't know... maybe 'Giving up' or 'strong' or 'I'm trying to fight against my demons and I don't know how to do but it's okay because I'll never give up'... I don't know I suck at names" I say and after a moment we both get in a giggle that hurts my stomach really bad. 

"Remind me to never ask you again," He says between two laughter. 

"Could you two shut up? We're trying to work!" Geoff says, acting completely outraged which makes us laugh even more. 

I'm literally dying even though I'm trying to make it less hurt by holding my belly. I'm trying really hard to stop but the more I hear Shawn laughing, the more I struggle to stop. 

I'm bent in half and I grab on Shawn's arm but nothing changes, still laughing.

I don't know if it's because I'm a mess in finding titles or because of Geoff's face when he asked us to stop, but this giggle will be the best forever. 

After a while, we finally stop and I straighten back my body. Everyone went back to their job and we just stare at each other with our eyes full of laughter tears. 

"I didn't know you could grab me this hard," He says and I bring all the rest of my strength together not to laugh again. 

"Seems like I'm a savage woman," I say and none of us adds anything. 

We just stay here, staring at each other and taking the time to admire each of our eyes. 

"It's 'In my blood'... The title of the song." Shawn finally says while rubbing his eyes to wipe the tears. 

Cutest thing ever. 


Hi everyone! I hope that you loved this chapter because I couldn't stop laughing while writing it only by imagining their faces. 

Love you all!


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