Happily ever after? /// Cedri...

By hayleyrebecca

78.7K 1.2K 790

Evan is a muggle-born witch in her 5th year when 6th year Cedric Diggory is chosen to be a Triwizard Champio... More

Another life update!


1.3K 33 50
By hayleyrebecca


It was the morning of the first task and Cedric couldn't be more nervous. Since the day Evan and him saw the dragons, he has been practicing and perfecting his spells, but still he felt uneasy.

Sitting in the tent with the other Champions, he saw he wasn't the only one. Potter couldn't stop sit down and stay still to save his life. Krum looked more or less how he usually does, but with a tint of green to his face. Fleur looked to be on the verge of tears, and yet Cedric couldn't help but feel like he looked the worst of them all.

Something attacked him from behind, and he fell to the ground in a heap. He felt someone on top of him and looked up to see Cho Chang, one of his Ravenclaw friends holding onto him for dear life.

Laughing slightly, Cedric gently and awkwardly tried to stand up with a crying Cho on him. He hadn't seen his friend in some time so to see her so emotionally charged overwhelmed him. What was it with him and crying girls?
Assisting her to also stand up, he wrapped her into a hug to comfort her. Wasn't he the one who was supposed to be nervous? Not everyone else.

"Cho I'm going to be just fine please don't worry about me, I promise it will be okay! I didn't get chosen just to get burned by some ole dragon. I promise I will be fine," Cedric reassured her, hoping she would calm down before Dumbledore or Ludo came in.

"I know you will. But I can't bear something happening to you without me being honest with you," Cho said, tears still streaming down her face.

"What do you mea-" but before Cedric could finish his thought, Cho smashed her lips to his, catching him completely off guard. It was all wrong, but before Cedric could push away, there was a flash. Cedric broke the kiss quickly and whipped his head around to see none other than Rita Skeeter with her minion beside her holding a camera.

Looking back at Cho, he saw the girl blush deeply then run off before Cedric could say anything. Aspirated, Cedric walked up to Rita and demanded she delete the photo, claiming that was an invasion of his and Cho's privacy. Rita looked at him from atop her glasses and smirked.

She ruffled his hair and laughed. "Oh darling, I don't have to delete anything. I'm just doing my duty to the truth! If all goes bad in a few minutes, you and your adorable girlfriend might just make the front page!" and with that she flounced away, no doubt to harass someone else.

Trying to refocus, Cedric rejoined where the other Champions were sitting as Dumbledore, Crouch, and Ludo walked into the door. They all explained what the task was, to fetch a giant golden egg, and then said they had to pick from the sack their own dragons.

Standing right next to Crouch, Cedric got to go first.

He pulled out a miniature Swedish Short-snout and his stomach dropped. Though it wasn't as vicious as the Hungarian Horntail, Cedric knew there was a huge chance he could be seriously injured. The little dragon he held in his hand made everything so much more real for him. The tension in the air grew as every as the other Champions chose their dragons as well.

Before Cedric could even process, he was pushed outside of the tent and led towards the dragons. His heart felt like it was about to bust out of his chest, and he tried to calm his breathing. He couldn't tell if the roaring was from the awaiting crowd or the blood pounding in his ears.

Glancing up at the crowd, Cedric found the one person who could calm his nerves. Her bright blue eyes and dazzling smile soothed him immediately and he broke out into a grin. She gave him an enthusiastic wave and a thumbs up and Cedric saw the adorable dimples in her cheeks even from so far away.

Turning back to the arena, there was a newfound confidence that Cedric had discovered. He grabbed his wand out of his boot and stood ready to face the dragon.

It stood atop a nest full of eggs, with a golden egg among them. It had the ugliest snark on its face and a huge yellow body coiled protectively around the eggs. That's all he had to get.

Before he could even begin approaching. a wave of heat hurtled towards him as the dragon spewed his flames. Cedric barely had time to duck behind a rock before getting roasted alive. Even from behind the rock, he could feel the skin boiling heat. His hands began to shake and he couldn't think clearly. Mustering up every ounce of energy and concentration, Cedric attempted to turn the rock next to him into an equally as terrifying dragon, yet instead it transformed into a golden retriever. Why was this happening right now?

Seeing no other way out of his situation, Cedric decided to work with what he was given. He sent the dog to distract the dragon with it's movement, and he would go in for the egg while it was preoccupied. Doing just that, Cedric crept closer as his plan unfolded perfectly. That is, until the dragon got bored and returned it's attention back to Cedric, who had gotten significantly closer. Seeing that he was out of time, he dove for the egg before the dragon could blast him.

Pain exploded through his body, but his hands held something worth more than that. In his hands he held the golden egg. He had done it. A wave of relief overpowered the stinging pain and he couldn't hold back the smile on his face. Glancing up into the crowd, he saw one bright face shining brighter than anyone else, seeing the biggest smile  worn on her face. He had done it.


Sorry it's been a quick second since my last update!! Also thanks for over 700 views that's so cool! Please let me know what y'all think I really wanna talk and befriend y'all!

Can we just talk about that KISS THO LMAO!! This girl straight mauled him with her face

Thoughts?? Predictions?? Let's hear em! I'll be updating hopefully this weekend although I'm having my grad party and trying to get my rush packets out so we'll see, it'll be soon though!

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