RWBY: Electric Rose

By speeder105

15.8K 387 60

The son of Cole Macgrath has had enough of the killing and is going to finish what his father started. Kill t... More

V1 The Son Of The Beast
V1 The Fight With The Beast
V1 A New World
V1 Eventfull Evening
V1 The Shining Beacon Pt1
V1 The Shining Beacon Pt2
V1 Ceremony
V1 A Nightmare
V1 Initiation Pt1
V1 The Emerald Forest Pt1
V1 The Emerald Forest P2
V1 Players And The Pieces
V1 Awkward Moment
V1 The Secret
V1 Teaching A Punk A Lesson
V1 Infamous
V1 Boost Of Confidence
V1 Quality Time
V1 Worm up
V1 Fight To Remember
V1 The Strays
V1 The Fang Hunter
V2 Best Day Ever
V2 Down Memory Lane
V2 Bad To Worse
V2 The Disk
V2 No Trick's
V2 The Coma
V2 The Connection
V2 Burn the Candles
V2 The Dance
V2 Forgiveness
V2 Blizzard
V2 The Past
V2 Grave
V2 Guardian
V2 Breach part 1
V2 Breach part 2
V3 The Stranger
V3 Beacons Worrier
V3 Pain
V3 Betrayed
V3 The Fall Of Beacon Part 1
V3 The Fall Of Beacon Part 2
The Fall Of Beacon Part 3
V4 New Body Different Person
V4 Inner Horror
V4 The Temple
V4 The Dragon blade Part 1
V4 The Dragon Blade Part 2
V4 Infamous
V4 Remember
V4 Changeing Fate
V4 Faster Then Lightning
V4 Haven Part 1
V4 Haven Part 2
V5 A Moment Alone

V1 Initiation Pt2

361 8 1
By speeder105

Devan's pov. 

I'm soring through the sky just enjoying the view until I note the view is coming close to my face. oh, SHIT! I collide with several trees breaking them and snapping them in half as I crash into them, as I roll on the ground after the fall I roll into a tree hitting the back of my head. I look up and see several trees on the ground.

Devan: did I do that? 

I see Ruby flying through the air hitting a bird directly in the face. I stand up and before I can move something slams against the ground. the shock of the impact makes me jump off the ground, I push my back against the tree and look to the leftover my shoulder past the tree I see a giant Dragon surrounded by lightning. 

Devan: oh fuck me... is that a student or a Grimm?... oh god. 

the Dragon starts to crawl around the right side of the tree as Devan slowly shuffles along to the left avoiding the Dragon's view. the Dragon stops and starts to sniff the area, Devan stops. to the right of his eye he sees the nose of the Dragon, he holds his breath and standstill. 

no ones pov. with Yang.

Yang: WooHoo! Ahaha, Yeah! Ali oop! 

Yang laughs at whale dodging trees with her gantlets, she does a few flips and lands on the ground in her cool flare. 

Yang: nailed it.

with Pyrrha.  

Pyrrha is falling with her shield in her left hand and sword in her right. her shield is colliding with the trees, she lands on a branch and transforms her sword into a rifle and aims it, whale Jaune is screaming and flailing his arms and legs in the air. Pyrrha transforms her gun into a spear and aims it with some calculation she throws it in Jaune's direction, the spear stabs into a tree holding Jaune by his hoody. 

Jaune: *yells* thank you!.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry!

with Ruby.

Ruby lands on the ground in a superhero landing, she stands up and looks around before she starts running in a direction. 

Ruby: gotta find Yang and Devan. gotta find Yang and Devan gotta fiiind Yaaang! Devaan! Yaaang! Devaan! Ugh, this is bad, this is really bad!

with Devan

Devan is standing still as he looks at the nose of the Dragon, he doesn't notice its tail slowly coming at him from behind. without warning the tail grabs him and slams him on the ground. Devan grunts in pain and starts to hit the tail.   

Dragon: ENOUGH! 

with one more motion, the Dragon lifts its tail and slams Devan on the ground again. 

with Ruby

Ruby: what if I cant find them? what if someone finds them first? there's always Jaune... he's nice. he's funny! I don't think he's very good in a fight though. Oh! what about Blake? so mysterious, so calm. Plus she likes books! well then again, I'm not sure I'd be able to hold a conversation with her. Ugh! okay... who else do I know in this school? There's Devan, Yang, Jaune, Blake and-

Ruby runs into Weiss nocking both of them over. Weiss sees who bumps into her, she stands up and walks away.

Ruby: wait! where are you going? we're supposed to be on the same team now...

Weiss is walking away from Ruby, the farther she gets away from Ruby the more she can hear another voice making her lookup.

Jaune:* mumbling* Ugh come on you stupid urg... come on agh* looks down at Weiss* hey Weis-

Weiss walks back in the direction of ruby. when she gets to her she grabs Ruby by her cloak dragging her along the ground. 

Weiss: By no means does this make us friends.

Ruby: You came back!

with Devan

Devan: *in pain* h-has anyone told you that you have a smashing personality? 

Dragon: no. 

Devan: *in pain* then can you please loosen your grip? 

Dragon: no. 

the Dragon uses its wings and fly's off with Devan still in its tail. shortly after it drops him to the ground, the Dragon lands and lies down looking at Devan as he stands up. 

Dragon: you look different from when I saw you last. 

Devan: w-what?

Dragon: I said you lo-

Devan: I know what you said, I've never met you before. 

Dragon: no we have, you just don't remember it. 

Devan: I think I would have remembered seeing a giant Blue Dragon with white pupils! not to mention your big ass claws are the size of my head! plus your wings are fucken huge!  

Dragon: no need to scream. 

Devan starts to walk back and forth in a quick motion as he looks at the Dragon.

Devan: what do you mean no NEED TO SCREAM!! I got smashed into the ground TWICE! TWICE! *lift two fingers* then you lift me and bring me up to several hundred feet above the ground. FOR WHAT!? 

Dragon: I have a lot of explaining to do. 

Ruby and Weiss

Ruby: what's the hurry?

Weiss: I will not let my mission be delayed because you're too slow. I swear if I get bad grades because of your- whet the?

Ruby: *zooms in front of her* I'm not slow see? you don't have to worry about me!

Weiss: when did-.

Ruby: Weiss, just because I don't exactly know how to deal with people doesn't mean I don't know how to deal with monsters. you're about to see a whole different side of me today, Weiss! and after it's all over, you're gonna be like "wow! that Ruby girl is really really cool... and I want to be her friend." *zooms off*

Weiss: you may be fast, but you still excel at wasting time!

with Devan and the Dragon

Dragon: there do you get it, now?

Devan: *walks back and forth* ok. so your defiantly a Dragon and not a Grimm, there are more of you and apparently I'm one of you? witch makes no sense case the last time I checked I wasn't a DRAGON. *the Dragon growls* ok, ok. You're also my spirit animal... and your a girl?  

Dragon: why do you make it sound like a question? 

Devan: because you sound like a-a guy, heh heh

the Dragon sighs and gets up, she looks at Devan and lunges at him with her left claw ready to strike him, Devan rolls to the side just dodging the attack, the Dragon sticks her claws in the ground slowing her down and spinning her around. 

Devan: oh crap.  

back with Weiss

Weiss: Ruby?... Ruby!?* red eyes look at Weiss in the bushes growling* Ruby!! 

Grimm: *ROWRS!* 

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