RWBY: Electric Rose

By speeder105

14.8K 385 55

The son of Cole Macgrath has had enough of the killing and is going to finish what his father started. Kill t... More

V1 The Son Of The Beast
V1 The Fight With The Beast
V1 A New World
V1 Eventfull Evening
V1 The Shining Beacon Pt1
V1 The Shining Beacon Pt2
V1 Ceremony
V1 A Nightmare
V1 Initiation Pt2
V1 The Emerald Forest Pt1
V1 The Emerald Forest P2
V1 Players And The Pieces
V1 Awkward Moment
V1 The Secret
V1 Teaching A Punk A Lesson
V1 Infamous
V1 Boost Of Confidence
V1 Quality Time
V1 Worm up
V1 Fight To Remember
V1 The Strays
V1 The Fang Hunter
V2 Best Day Ever
V2 Down Memory Lane
V2 Bad To Worse
V2 The Disk
V2 No Trick's
V2 The Coma
V2 The Connection
V2 Burn the Candles
V2 The Dance
V2 Forgiveness
V2 Blizzard
V2 The Past
V2 Grave
V2 Guardian
V2 Breach part 1
V2 Breach part 2
V3 The Stranger
V3 Beacons Worrier
V3 Pain
V3 Betrayed
V3 The Fall Of Beacon Part 1
V3 The Fall Of Beacon Part 2
The Fall Of Beacon Part 3
V4 New Body Different Person
V4 Inner Horror
V4 The Temple
V4 The Dragon blade Part 1
V4 The Dragon Blade Part 2
V4 Infamous
V4 Remember
V4 Changeing Fate
V4 Faster Then Lightning
V4 Haven Part 1
V4 Haven Part 2
V5 A Moment Alone

V1 Initiation Pt1

441 10 4
By speeder105

Yang's pov

I wake up before Ruby and I wasn't expecting to see Devan laying on his back with Ruby cuddling him. I walk to them and look over them. I bend over and flick Devan in the four head. he flinches and with his left hand he rubs his four head, he looks at me and shakes his head.

Devan: what was that for!?

Yang: look to your right.

Devan looks to the right of him and sees Ruby resting her head and her left arm on his chest. his eyes widen as he sees his right arm rapt around Ruby.

Devan: so it wasn't a dream.

Ruby wakes up and rubs her eyes, she sees Yang knelt down over the top of her and Devan. both of their cheeks go red as they see each other.

Yang: Devan, why is Ruby laying on your chest?

Devan: um... well, she was cold and I thought I would give her some of my warmth.

Ruby: um t-thank you.

Devan: y-your welcome but can you get off of me before she hits me.

Ruby: o-oh right sorry.

Ruby stands up and looks away from Yang and Devan. he stands up and grabs his bag, Yang looks at the both of them and sees there blushing. asher and Ruby are packing up their sleeping bags yang sees Devan looking down at a weird-looking Scroll.

Yang: never seen that Scroll before is it new?

Devan: it's not a Scroll it's a Samsung.

Ruby: never heard of a Samsung before.

Devan: it's a type of Phone... where I'm from, I'll answer your questions later. don't we have something to get ready for?

Yang: good idea let's go to our lockers and get ready for this initiation, shall we?

boys pov

Girl: wake up lazy bud!


Girl: It's morning, it's morning, it's morning, it's mooooornig!

in bathroom

Girl: I can't believe we've been at beacon for a full 24 hours! not that I that we'd get kicked out or anything I mean, you're the perfect students and I'm, well, I'm me but it's just crazy, you know? we've been friends for soooooo long. *back in ballroom* what are the odds that we'd still be together? well, not together, together. not that I'm not saying you're not handsome! you are handsome, but that's just be weird.... right?*eating breakfast* right. what was I thinking? but still, I hope we end up on the same team together. *slurps pancake* ooh! we should come up with a plan! to make sure we end u on the same team together! What if we bribe the headmaster? no, that won't work, he has the school. I know! well, have some sort of signal! like a distress signal! *gasps* a secret signal so we can find each other in the forest! can you imitate a sloth?

Boy: Nora...

Nora: yes Ren?

Ren: I don't think sloths make a lot of noise.

Nora: that's why it's perfect! No one will suspect we're working together.

Ren: come on, Nora. let go.

Nora: but not together, together. * giggles*

Devan's pov

I'm getting changed as Ruby and Yang get their gear, a boy a girl walk past where we are. the girl won't stop talking, I feel bad for the guy. nothing I can really do though.

Ruby: wonder what those two were so worked up about.

Devan: sounded like they knew each other for a long time.

Yang: besides this morning you seam chipper

Ruby: yep! No more awkward small talk or 'getting to know you' stuff. today I get to let my sweetheart do the talking.

Devan: your Scythe is your sweetheart? I thought I was. the way you wear holding on to me, seemed like you didn't want to let go.

Ruby:*blushes* well I was cold and you were wormer.

Yang: well, remember Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. if you want to grow up, you're going to have to meet new people and learn to work together.

Devan: me and Ruby work together just fine thou, but Yang does have a point.

Ruby: you two sound like dad. ok, first of all, what does meeting people have to do with fighting? and secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up. I drink milk!

Devan: milk isn't the only thing that helps you grow up, you also need a healthy dose of meat and vegetables to keep the muscles growing.

Yang: thank you. But what about when we form teams?

Ruby: Uhm, I don't know, I'll just be on your team or Devan's team or something...

I walk over to Ruby and Yang with a light gray t-shirt, blue jeans with one white line going done the right leg, my black fingerless gloves and my black shoes, my shoulder bag is now dark green.

Devan: That sounds like a semi-good plan but what if you are not on either one of our teams, you should try to be on someone else's team maybe?

Ruby*walks up to Devan and puts a finger on his chest* are you implying that you do not wish me to be on the same team with you or my sister!?

Devan: *putting up arms in surrender* no that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm just saying you have more than just me and Yang.

Yang: maybe you can break out of your shell.

Ruby: what the!? I don't need to break out of my shell, that's absolutely-

Jaune: ridiculous! there's no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday!? I would've remembered having to count that high! ugh, why does this have to happen today!?

Weiss pov

Weiss: so, Pyrrha, have you given any thought to whose team you would like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong, well-known individual such as yourself.

Devan:*walks by* someone did their research Ice Queen. sounds like a stalkerrrr.

Pyrrha: know him?

Weiss: Just a nuisance.

Devan: *yells* herd that!

Pyrrha: well I'm not quite sure. I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may.

Weiss: well, I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together.

Pyrrha: well that sounds grand!

Weiss: this will be perfect! the smartest girl in class combined with the strongest girl in class. together we will be unstoppable! I can see it now, we'll be popular, we'll be celebrities, we'll get perfect grades! nothing could come between us now!

Jaune: you know what else is great? me, Jaune Arc. nice to meet you.

Devan: Jaune she was being sarcastic.

Weiss: you two again.

Pyrrha: nice to meet you, Jaune and you are?

Devan: Macgrath Devan Macgrath nice to meet you, I already meet the Ice Queen. like this guy said, his name is Jaune Arc don't mind his... upfront personality.

Jaune: Yeah, so Weiss couldn't but overhear your fondness of me the other day.* Devan facepalms *

Weiss: Oh you've got to be kidding me. Devan is right I was being sarcastic.

Jaune: don't worry, no need to be embarrassed! so, bin hearing rumours about teams! I was thinking you and me would make a good one. what do you say?

Devan: oh god.

Pyrrha: Actually, I think the teams are comprised of 4 students each so.

Jaune: you don't say. well, hot stuff poll your cards right and maybe you could join up with the winning team.

Devan: Jaune your on your own man.

I walk off to find Ruby and Yang, I'm having a hard time doing that so I go back to see if Jaune is still where I left him and I see him sitting on the ground, Yang and Ruby with him.

Glynda: *speakers* would all first-year students pleas report to Beacon cliff for initiation. again, all first-year students report to Beacon cliff immediately.

Yang: having some trouble there, lady killer?

Devan: lady killer HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Jaune: I don't understand... My dad said all women look for is confidence. where did I go wrong?

Devan: well for starters. you tried to flirt with two girls at the same time.

Ruby lifts Jaune up and dusts him off making Devan a little jealous he tries hard to hide it but Yang sees thro his hiding. she taps him on the shoulder and he looks at her.

Yang: you want to be Jaune right now don't you?

Me: ya... uh no I-I mean well *sigh* ya. *blushes*

after that awkward moment, we all arrive at the cliff and listen to Ozpin speech.

Ozpin: for years you have trained to become warriors. and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the emerald forest.

Glynda: now, I'm sure many of you have heard the rumours about the assignment of teams. well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. each of you will be given teammates... today

Ozpin: these teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well.

Ruby: *scared noise*

Ozpin: that being said the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next 4 years.

Ruby: what!?!

Devan: *whisper to Ruby* I'll try to find you.

Nora: see? I told you!

Ozpin: after you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. you will meet opposition along the way.

Devan: those Grimm right?

Ozpin: correct Macgrath, do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die.

Devan: great test, pass or die. we give a letter to your family saying your son or daughter is dead better luck next year.

Ozpin: you will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation. But our instructors will not intervene. you will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics.

why would you need relics if you have a team? unless the relics symbolize something? but what would they symbolize, maybe it shows your dedication to your team if you all pick the same thing.

Ozpin: each pair must choose one, and return to the top of the cliff. we will regard that item as your standing, and grade you appropriately. are there any questions?

Devan: um ya. why are we standing on this pads?

Ozpin looks at Glinda and she pushes a button. the pad under Devan catapults him over the cliff.


no ones pov.

Ozpin: Any other questions? Good! now, take your positions.

Jaune: um sir I have a question*Weiss and other students catapult* so, this landing strategy thing, uh, w-what is it? you're like dropping us off or something.

Ozpin: you'll be falling.

Jaune: so you're handing us parachutes?

Ozpin: did I give Macgrath or any other students parachutes, no you'll be using your own landing strategy.

Yang winks at ruby and then puts sunglasses on and gets catapulted, Ruby looks at Jaune and gets catapulted too.

Jaune: so, um, what is landing is a landing strateGYYYYYY!

Ozpin: I hope that man was telling us the truth about you Mr. Macgrath.

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