Carnival Heart

By Indgio

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I was at my second last throw, I threw the dart making the balloon pop. " nice throw " someone said behind me... More

Chapter One- " are you new to the town? "
Chapter Two- " shes a snake a cold hard snake
Chapter Three- " i'm kind of an outsider "
Chapter Four- " you think it's amazing? "
Chapter Five- " now that would just be creepy "
Chapter Six- " I can't believe this is really happening "
Chapter Seven- " it's not flirting "
Chapter Eight- " I just can't tell you "
Chapter Nine- " give that back! "
Chapter Ten- " I will find out who you like "
Chapter Eleven- " you're always working "
Chapter Twelve- " you know we can't be friends "
Chapter Thirteen- " i'll think about it "
Chapter Fourteen- " that's a good question "
Chapter Fifthteen- " it's a surprise "
Chapter Sixteen- " one day "
Chapter Seventeen- " that will not happen "
Chapter Eighteen- " let me think.... "
Chapter Nineteen- " I know it's crazy "
Chapter Twenty- " i'm great, amazing "
Chapter Twenty One- " blushing mode "
Chapter Twenty Two- " why did you come? "
Chapter Twenty Three- " teenage daydream "
Chapter Twenty Four- " as a friend? "
Chapter Twenty Five- " she's my bestfriend "
Chapter Twenty Six- " i'm not doing it for you "
Chapter Twteny Seven- " you too besty "
Chapter Twenty Eight - " i dont love him "
Chapter Twenty Nine- " happy new years "
Chapter Thirty- " she can not blame me "
Chapter Thirty One- " i'm the one trying here "
Chapter Thirty Two- " i'll wait for you "
Chapter Thirty Three- " i know your drunk right now "
Chapter Thirty Four- " everything is great "
Chapter Thirty Five- " i never want to leave "
Chapter Thirty Six- " just chill "
Chapter Thirty Seven- " what! no! your crazy! "
Chapter Thirty Eight- " grace is not my best friend "
Chapter Thirty Nine- " runaway "
Chapter Forty- " what are you going to punch me? "
Chapter Forty One- " i think you should go "
Chapter Forty Two - " oh am i ok? "
Chapter Forty Four- " i dont want to hear it "
Chapter Forty Five- " so what happens now? "
Chapter Forty Six- " no save it, it's fine "
Chaptwr Forty Seven- " i can't do this "

Chapter Forty Three- " friends? "

11 4 0
By Indgio

Cole walked into my room the next morning.
" why aren't you up? " he asked.
" I think i'm going to stay home today " I said.
" ok, but your coming to school tomorrow you can't miss the last day " he smiled leaving my room.
I rolled over and went back to sleep till 11am.
Once I woke up again I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and put ice cream in it, I walked back to my room and sat down on my bed and started to watch some tv.
I put on the movie Before I fall since it's one of my favorite movies.
By the time the movie was almost over my brother walked into my room.
" hey how are you feeling? " he asked.
" good I guess " I smiled.
" have you eaten anything? " he asked.
" I've had ice cream " I smiled.
" you need food " he said.
" I know " I said.
" anyway, someone came by to see you " he said.
All of a sudden Judy walked into my room and my heart dropped.
" i'll leave you too to talk " Cole said leaving my room closing the door behind Judy.
" what are you doing here? " I asked.
She walked over and sat beside me on my bed.
" Cole told me what happened " she said.
" guess everyone likes you, huh? " she added.
" yeah I guess " I smiled.
" i'm sorry, not just because Chance did something shitty, but because I did too " she said.
I looked away.
" i've been ready to be your friend again for months now, but I was scared that I rewand all my chances of our friendship so I never came up to you " she said.
I looked back up at her, " Judy you'll always have a place in my life not matter what " I smiled.
" really you don't completely hate me " she smiled.
" not at all " I smiled.
" friends? " I smiled.
" friends " she nodded giving me a hug.
" please don't be scared to tell me something ever again " I said.
" don't worry, will never happen again, but tell me what happened with Chance " she said.
" ok " I took a deep breath.
" Chance came to me drunk on Monday and he said he liked me, then on Wednesday he told Brendon that I liked him causing Brendon to break up with me, but when I told him he was lying he didn't believe me since I spend more time with Chance then him " I took another breath.
" then I went over to Chance almost wanting to punch him in the face, but instead I just yelled at him and didn't listen to what he had to say " I finished.
" ok wow, that was a lot to take in " she said.
" I know " I said.
" can I tell you what I think? " she asked.
" of course " I smiled.
" I think, you did like Brendon, but I know you and deep down why you are so made at Chance more than Brendon, I can see it in your eyes Beth, it's because you like Chance " she said.
" what? Me like Chance no that was in grade 7 " I said.
" Beth, were best friends I saw the way you looked and talked to Chance, you had a sparkle in your eyes, that's why I kept asking if you liked him, I tried to get you to admit it to yourself " she said.
" no, Judy I can't like Chance, he's a jerk " I said. She grabbed my hands.
" Beth, think about it yes you liked Brendon, but you also liked Chance and that's why your so mad since you never thought someone you like could do that to you " she said.
I took a deep breath, maybe I do like Chance and always have.
I thought back to all my times with Chance, i've had a better time with Chance then Brendon anyday, yes Brendon was always there to comfort me, but that was really it.
" you ok? " she asked, I looked over at her and nodded.
" i'm great " I said.
" do you see it now? " she asked, I nodded.
" how about you get dressed and we go to the diner and catch up for a little bit " she smiled.
" I'd love that " I smiled.

We got to the diner and grabbed a table to sit at.
" ok, so what happened with you and Grace? " she asked.
" oh my gosh, we were friend then she started to hate me again, I honestly have no clue " I said.
" wait, I just have to say this, your voice is amazing you need to sing on one of the tracks " I smiled.
" never going to happen " she smiled.
" ok fine, but did you tell your family? About.... you? " I asked.
" yeah I did, my mom was a little shocked at first and my brother loved it, but my mom got used to it " she smiled.
" that's great " I smiled.
She just kept smiling, " there's something else " I said.
" I might have met someone " she said.
" what! Spill " I smiled.
" she lives on the other side of town, our families know each other, I don't know anything yet, but yeah she's really cute " she smiled.
" a name and when can I meet her please? " I smiled.
" her name is Frankie and I have no idea when you can meet her " she smiled.
" well i'm happy for you " I smiled.
" thanks, but back to you and Chance " she said.
" I think I do like him, I think I have since summer, you were right I just didn't want to admit it " I said.
" are you going to talk to him? " she asked.
" I can't, I need time, i'm still mad at him " I said.
" that's understandable " she smiled.
" tomorrow morning, i'm going to pick you up again and i'm going to take you for a motorcycle ride " I smiled.
" sounds great, oh and with that song you upload straight dig at Chance " she smiled.
" why yes it was, thank you for noticing " I laughed.
I was glad to have my bestfriend back, it feels like she was never gone, even thought she was, I know it will take a little bit of time to get used to having her back, but I was just excited she was actually back.

I got back home and walked into the kitchen.
" so how was that? " Cole asked.
" it was great and thank you " I said.
" for what? " he asked.
" being my brother " I smiled.
" something's different about you " he said.
" I have my best friend back and that's all I could ask for " I smiled.
" i'm now going to shower, maybe we should watch a movie tonight " I smiled.
" glad to have happy Beth back " Cole said as I walked away.
I got into the shower and let the cool water hit my body, I let it wash away every bad thing that has happened in the past week. Tomorrow was going to be a good day since. I have my best friend back and I love it.

Yes yes yes the friends are back Juth ( Judy x Beth ) is back.
Only 4 more left + epilogue ahh

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