Small (Yoongi's Sister BTS Fa...

By singformeangel

445K 13K 11.7K

"You were fifteen, Yoongi-ah." Jin states softly, "Neither of you had a choice." DISCONTINUED, but there is a... More

To New Readers~
I | Home
II | Absence
III | Coffee
4 | Dare
5 | FaceTime
6 | Sorry (Not Sorry)
7 | Chance
8 | Hug Him
9 | Deal or No Deal
10 | The Question
11 | "Oh, Please, No."
12 | A Girl?!
13 | Nothing
15 | Memories
16 | Occupation?
17 | Hangry
18 | "Don't Say That"
19 | Except One
20 | I Could Never
21 | For You
22 | Sweet Dreams
23 | No Matter
24 | Cute Enough
25 | Good Dongsaeng
26 | Mask On
27 | The Man on the Other End
28 | Safety First
29 | Respect Your Elders!
30 | Awkward
31 | 쩔어 on the Street
32 | Didn't You Know?
33 | Little Min Swag
34 | In Our Blood Pt. 1
35 | In Our Blood Pt. 2
36 | In Our Blood Pt. 3
37 | Bitter
38 | Kids These Days
39 | Worth It
40 | Not a Date
41 | D- D- Chats?
42 | Too
43 | New Reality
44 | Of Course
45 | Siren
46 | Really, Really
47 | "Would You Like Your Receipt?"
48 | Brother
49 | Heart-Stopping
50 | Worse for Wear
51 | Deaf to My Own Pleas
52.1 | Second Skin
52.2 | Compromised
53.1 Interim
Unfortunately :(

14 | For Me

9.5K 300 289
By singformeangel

      I can't believe I've actually made it to chapter fifteen! I'm so excited guys! I hope you are too!

      SPOILER ALERT: I HATE sob stories (a.k.a tragedies where no one is really happy in the end). This book WILL have a happy ending, even if it seems impossible at the time... You just have to wait for it...

      Okay, enough of my rambling. On with the story.

      "No, I've gotta go now!" Jimin yanks harshly against his captor's restricting arms, desperately pulling himself towards the door using nothing but his biceps and the shaky hall railing, "You've already made it so that I'm gonna be five minutes late, and now you're only making it worse!"

      "No!" Jimin's captor is not budging one bit. He knows what he wants, and he's going to get it whether Jimin likes it or not, "Not until you tell me where you're going first!"

      If Tae knows where I'm going, then he'll want to come too. And either she'll think Taehyung was absolutely insane and be really uncomfortable, or I'll have to share my new friend with him. And people, for some reason, always seem to like him better than me.

      ...I don't want her to like him better than me.

      "No!" Jimin's just as stubborn, if not more, and his arms shake as he pulls the duo another inch closer to the door, "I told you it's personal!"

      "But I'm your best friend!" His captor whines, sounding less like a 19 year old boy and more like a 5 year old, "Why can't I go?!"

      "Because it's personal!" Jimin starts to violently thrash his body, in hopes that the other boy loses his grip. No such luck, "Tae, you can't just barge in on everyone's personal matters all the time! Yes, you're my best friend, but I have a life too!"

      Well... not much of a life. It primarily consists of novels and B. And I don't want to share either of them.

      "You always come to my personal things!" Tae whines pitifully, his iron grip not faltering for a second, even when Jimin gets desperate enough and ferociously bites his arm. Tae's childish pout doesn't falter, and Jimin sends his pouting friend a withering glare.

      "That's because you ask me to go with you!" Jimin points out harshly, frustrated that Tae is taking time away from his already short daily meet-up, "I didn't ask!"

      "Well I did!"

      "I said no!"

      "Why not?"

      "Because I said so, and I'm your hyung!" Jimin's meager supply of patience finally hits empty, and his angry shout startles Taehyung into dropping him. Jimin scrambles to his feet and is out the door before Taehyung can even comprehend what happened. Tae pouts at the open door, wishing Kookie, or Hobi-hyung, or anybody was here to cheer him up.

      I was just bored.

      With a disappointed sigh Taehyung shuts the door, knowing that Jimin would have a complete meltdown if Tae attempted to follow him, so Tae reluctantly trudges back into the solemnly silent living room. He stares at the TV, wanting to play their newest game addition to the Xbox, but he knows that it won't be any fun without someone else to play it with. 

      And maybe a little lonely, too.

      Instead of turning on the TV to lamely play a game by himself, Tae tiredly collapses onto the couch to take a nap. As soon as his eyes are closed his mind begins to run through the continually depressing events of the last four weeks. A sigh escapes Tae's lips.

      I know Suga-hyung's having a hard time right now, and that he really misses his sister, but I wish things would just go back to how they were before. When there was no sister. No complications. No stress. No crying. 

      I hate it when my hyungs cry.

      Taehyung sighs heavily and runs a hand over his face, kicking a pillow of the couch in frustration.

      I miss my happy hyungs. I miss our happy family.

*          *          *          *

      "I'm so dead! I'm so dead!" 

      Jimin is completely unaware and unbothered by the many curious stares he receives while full-on sprinting towards the cafe. All he can picture is B's sharp glare slicing though his deal-breaking soul without regrets. 

      Jimin almost can't believe it himself, but the time his phone shows only proves the point. The deal was to meet up at the cafe at 10:30 every weekday, but he's still five blocks away and it's already 10:32. In other words, Jimin just broke the deal.

      I'm so dead.

      The scenery can't pass by fast enough as Jimin dodges and weaves around the other occasional people on the sidewalk. His arms flail at his side at he struggles to keep his balance while weaving around a startled couple, shouting an apology over his shoulder as an afterthought.

      She's gonna hate me for sure. First she'll glare at me until I pass out, and then she'll probably kill me and bury my body where no one will ever find it. I didn't mean to be late! Tae was just so clingy today, and I forgot to check the time. 

      A spark of guilt flares in his belly, both for being unforgivably late and for yelling at Taehyung, who's usually as sweet as a puppy. 

      ...Speaking of, Tae isn't usually that clingy. Curious, yes, but not so clingy. He only gets clingy when he's extremely bored or upset.

      Jimin's struggling lungs manage a sigh for the millionth time as he realizes that yelling at the alien was probably not the best course of action. Yelling at Tae when something's up and he's acting strange only ever makes things worse.

      He's going to ignore me for days when I get back, isn't he? Great. Yet another issue to add to me steadily multiplying stack of problems. Well, if I survive B's wrath, that is.

      The cafe finally comes into sight, and Jimin picks up his pace even more, desperation chasing every other thought out of his mind. He barrels through the front door at record speed; unbelievably faster than the time he chased after Jin. Every eye looks up at the frantic ringing of the bell, but they quickly look away when they realize that it's just the annoying boy who has a habit of disturbing the peace of the quiet shop. 

      Jimin stands in the center of the entry way, his hands leaning on his knees as his lungs complain about the lack of oxygen. Jimin stumbles over to the table in the corner, his body still protesting, and collapses in his seat. 

      B doesn't look up at him, her face buried in her book of the day. Jimin sighs. 

      "I'm so sorry I'm late, B-ah." Jimin rushes to apologize, "One of my roommates was really clingy today, and almost didn't let me out of the house."

      B turns the page of her book, and her face remain hidden behind it's dark cover, her expressive eyes unreachable behind the paper. Jimin starts to panic a little, scrambling for some way to convince her that it truly was an accident. They've been meeting up for a little over two weeks now, and ever since they sealed the deal she hasn't ignored him once. Not like this. And it scares Jimin.

      This is what she was like the first time I met her; cold, closed off, unresponsive, and uncaring. Will she always treat me like this from now on? Did I really upset her enough to make her act like I'm a complete stranger?

      "B, please." Jimin stares straight at where her eyes should be, imagining that he can see her dark, enrapturing eyes instead of the classic cover of The Lightning Thief, "Tae Tae literally picked me up off the ground and refused to let me come. It took me a couple minutes to get free, and I'm really sorry. Please don't be mad."

      The girl still doesn't respond, instead opting to pull her maroon colored hood lower and bring the book closer to her face. Mina sends the two a confused glance, starting to worry a little for both their sake's. Jimin swallows loudly and runs his left hand through his hair.

      "B-ssi, plea-"

      "What did I say about honorifics and pleasantries?" The clipped tone is expected, but it still cuts into Jimin's heart. He consoles himself with the fact that she actually replied.

      "It's habit, I'm sorry." Jimin is quick to apologize, wringing his hands to stop himself from messing up his hair any more than it already is.

      "Stop apologizing," B sighs, pulling her book down a couple inches just so he can see her exaggerated eye-roll, "It's annoying."

       "But... aren't you mad?" Jimin's eyebrows crease as confusion takes over. If she is mad because I was late, wouldn't she just accept my explanation and apology? What else is there to be mad at me for? Did I say something yesterday?

      "Yes." B blinks, her black diamonds conflicted, "No. I- I was just-"

      "Did I say something wrong?" Jimin questions, her stuttering sending him into a worried frenzy. She never stutters, "Did I offend you somehow? Did you have a bad day? Is there anything I can-"

      "No." B interrupts him quietly, and Jimin falls silent instantly. He stares deep into her swirling eyes as he patiently waits for her to explain herself, "I was- I was just worried."

       Worried? About what?

      "What were you worried about?" His eyes don't fail to catch the way she protectively raises her book up a couple inches, "Could I do anything to help?"

      "You- you did." B look down at the floor, then covers her face with the book. Jimin stares blankly at the blue cover.

      If I wasn't confused before, I certainly am now.

      "I don't understand."


      "B, please, you're making me even more worried than before!" Jimin begs, his heart clenching when her book slides down to reveal a baffled expression on her usually disinterested face, "What's bothering you? Why did you ignore me?"

      "I-" Jimin almost faints when, out of the blue, a light pink blush graces B's snow-pale cheeks. His heart rate speeds up just the slightest at her next hesitant whisper, "I was worried."


      "About you." B hides behind her book, the light pink color slowly growing darker, "I thought that maybe- maybe you'd been hit by a car on your way here. Or maybe you- you didn't want to come and see me anymore."

      She was worried about me? Jimin's concern dissolves, and a bright smile happily takes the place of his worried frown. I can't believe she actually cares about me, especially since I'm some weirdo she's only known for a few short weeks.

      "Why wouldn't I want to see you?" Jimin chuckles, finally letting his tense body relax into the comfy chair, "You're sassy yet still friendly, cold as ice but still kind, and you're freaking adorable when you blush. You should blush more often, B-ah. It really suits you."

      "Oh, shut up, Noise Boy!" B snaps, her cheeks still steadily darkening as she drops the book onto the table with a thump. Her glare doesn't faze Jimin in the slightest. At least, not when her bright red cheeks make her look more like a mad kitten than a tiger, "You worried when I fell and scraped up my arms, why can't I worry when you're late? What if you had died?"

      "Well I haven't," Jimin smiles cheekily, "And I don't plan to anytime soon, so you don't have to worry."

      "Whatever," B huffs, grumpily crossing her arms, "I didn't make fun of you when you were worried."

      "That's because you were seriously injured," Jimin sagely responds, his eyes focusing on her arms, "Speaking of, how are your arms healing up?"

      "They're fine- hey! Jimin!" B protests when Jimin gently grips her arm and forcibly rolls down the sleeve of her cream top to personally examine her forearm. The deeps cuts the gravel had ground into her arms have now closed up nicely, but the red marks will still take another week or so to fully heal. His eyes catch an odd green bruise encircling her wrist, and he points at it questionably, looking up at B. 

      "Oh, that." B shrugs, but her eyes won't meet Jimin's. Jimin's heart sinks a little; an unexplained anxiousness settling in his gut, "Sonnie had too much caffeine and got a little too excited while dragging me around the house. I'm fine. It isn't serious, and she already apologized multiple times."

      Aish. She's sure injury prone, isn't she? That's dangerous, especially considering how small she is. It's too easy to accidentally hurt her when one push from me could send her sprawling. People should know to be more careful with her.

      Jimin examines her other arm as well, and is happy to find it bruise free. His small hand easily wraps around her wrist, and he's staring at how white her smooth skin is when suddenly hits him. Jimin snaps to attention at the sudden revelation, and he reaches out to gently hold her other wrist in his grasp as well. She stares on in confusion as he then reaches up to grip her shoulder; gently squeezing it as he analyzes her.

      "What is it?" B asks, halfheartedly trying to pull her arms away, "What are you doing?"

      "Stand up." Jimin commands cordially, his eyes flashing up to her puzzled face for only a second before refocusing on her arms and shoulder. B stands up slowly, walking around the table to stand in front of Jimin, who's eyes are now focusing on her legs. Her teeny weeny, thin as sticks legs. Jimin unabashedly reaches out to grip her calf, and sighs when he pulls away.

      Are her roommates actually trying to take care of her? Aren't they like sister to her, or at least best friends, like she said? Shouldn't they be taking care of her?

      "What is it?" B asks, her eyes flashing.  

      "Have you been eating well, recently?" Jimin asks, lazily propping his head up on on hand. His face remains black, but angry fire burns through his veins. B looks down at the floor and nervously licks her top lip, a habit Jimin knows Suga has as well.

      The similarities never end, do they?

      "Honestly, not really," B admits, crossing her arms to put off an air of nonchalance, "My boss put me on a diet last week. I have to look my best for my job."

      "Wanting someone to look their best and starving them are two different things," Jimin struggles to keep the indignation out of his voice, knowing that excessive and dangerous dieting is a common problem in his line of work as well. Jimin does not want B to fall victim to it too, "You're way too thin; and it's not the good kind of thin. I can feel all the bones in your shoulder, and there's barely more than skin and bones on your legs and arms as well. You need to eat more. Your weight isn't healthy." 

      "If I get caught eating at the dorm he might fire me," B whispers, shrinking back into herself a little. The pressure in Jimin's chest grows.

      Her boss would fire her just for trying to eat a healthy amount? I'm starting to really despise this guy. What kind of job demands that it's workers be deathly thin?

      "Then you'll eat here." Jimin is deadly serious, but B sends him a skeptical look, "I'm not kidding. I want you to eat. You need more calories in you. When was the last time you ate?"

      "I- I had a small serving of rice and vegetables for dinner last night."

      "And before that?"


      I can't believe this. Why didn't I notice how thin she is getting before? 

      "B. Answer me please." 

      "I'd had a small portion of the small thing the night before." B's whisper is barely audible, and Jimin knows that she understands just how unhealthy only one meal a day is. She won't meet Jimin's unhappy gaze, and he waves her back to her seat. Jimin holds in his sigh and tries to accept a fact he really doesn't want to accept.

      She's only eaten twice in the past two days. Twice.

      "What do you want?" Jimin asks tenderly, smiling softly when B glances up at him.

      "What do you mean?" Her glimmering eyes scream vulnerability, and Jimin's entire body aches to leap across the table and envelop her in a hug.

      "What would you like to eat?" Jimin restates his question, but disappointment weighs heavy on his shoulders when she quickly shakes her head no. Jimin hates the twinge of fear in her eyes.

      "I really shouldn't, Jimin." B's silver hair dances around her shoulders and lower back as she continues to stubbornly shake her head, "I like my job."

      AN: I just really wanted a pic of B's crazy awesome hair. So imagine that B's hair looks like this, except without the dark roots.

      "Well, then I guess I'll just have to choose for you." Jimin pushes himself out of his seat and makes his way to Mina's counter. B protests loudly behind him, but falls silent when he rings the bells for service. Mina looks up cheerily, and slides her phone back in her pocket.

      "How can I help you, Jimin-ssi?" Mina asks, eyes sparkling with mischief.

      "I'd like... maybe a turkey club like the one you made me, but with tomatoes?" Jimin looks back at the table, trying to guess what B likes to eat. Mina follows his look, raising an eyebrow in curiosity, "And... chocolate milk? A large one. With extra chocolate." 

      "You sound somewhat unsure," Mina pushing her burning curiosity aside and giggles, tapping his order onto her screen, "Would you like some recommendations, or do you want to stick with your choices?"

      "I'm not ordering for myself, so I'm not sure what to get," Both of their eyes flick to B for a millisecond. Jimin continues, playing with his fingers nervously, "Do you know what B-ah likes? Should I order something else?"

      "No, actually," Mina accepts his card and slides it flawlessly, a cheeky grin creeping on her face, "She loves chocolate milk, and could probably drink a whole gallon by herself in a day. What made you want to order her food, though? Usually she's totally against anyone buying anything for her."

      "Mina-ssi?" Jimin asks tentatively, and she hums in response, quickly getting to work on the sandwich, "You're her friend, right?"

      "Yes! We've been friends for a little over two years now," Mina chirps happily, "She's my best friend, and I think I'm hers as well. Her roommates are more like sisters to her."

      "Does..." Jimin swallows bitterly, lowering his voice so that B won't hear, "Has she always been this thin?"

      Mina's head snaps up, her hands freezing in place. Her honey-colored eyes slowly slide to meet Jimin's conflicted gaze, and she slowly shakes her head.

      "So you noticed, too?" Mina whispers, shakily returning to making the sandwich, "It's only happened once before, and it wasn't as bad as this. They're getting ready for a big project in a month, and her boss is really strict about appearance. I really don't like the guy; he's got his priorities all mixed up, but B loves her job, and I don't think she'll ever leave. I've tried to convince her to eat something, but she's too stubborn for her own good."

      "Maybe-" Hope glints in Jimin's eyes and it reflects in his voice, "Do you think I'll be able to get her to eat?"

      Mina sets the sandwich in front of the boy and examine's him with squinting eyes. She shrugs and grabs a tall glass.

      "I hope so." 

      Jimin grabs the professionally made meal and carefully carries it over to the table, gently setting it directly in front of a frowning B. Instead of thanking him, or at least eating a bite or two, she crosses her arms and refuses to meet his gaze. Jimin is far from giving up, though, and picks up the sandwich himself, bringing it to her face.

      "Open." Jimin commands, his tone kind even though he's being bossy.

      "No." B sniffs.

      "Don't make me force-feed you." Jimin threatens, not lowering the sandwich, "Because I will."

      "You can't make me do anything," B growls, turning her body away from the tempting food.

      "You're right, I can't." Jimin agrees, his voice as smooth as butter, "That's why I'm asking - no, begging - you to eat. Because I worry about you, and I want you to be healthy. So please, at least take a couple bites."

      B doesn't move.

      "If you won't do it for your own good, then please, do it for me." Jimin begs, desperation creeping in, "Because it hurts to see you suffering like this. I care about you, B-ah. I want you to eat so you can be healthy. Please, for me."

      B daintily twists around in her chair, frowns with distaste, and takes a bites.

      Jimin's never felt so happy.

*          *          *          *

      Jimin sighs tiredly, pulling out his phone to try and fix yet another one of the great many issues piling up on his plate. Normally Tae would text him multiple times an hour if they weren't in the same room, but nothing new is waiting in the conversation. Jimin hangs his head and sits down on the nearest bench with a thump. He's halfway back to the dorms and could attempt to make up with Taehyung in person, but facing Tae when he's sulky is never a good idea. 

      Sulky Taehyung means a life full of pain, constant annoyances, and eggs being thrown at your head. Don't ask.

      I shouldn't have yelled at him earlier... even though he was prying into what he shouldn't, he didn't mean any harm. I shouldn't have gotten so mad at him. Shouldn't I be used to his child-like curiosity by now? We're all just a little high strung with all this stress going around. 

      Jimin taps out a quick apology, his heart aching for their struggling little family.

Jiminie: I'm sorry for shouting earlier, Tae Tae.

      The response is immediate.

Taelien: No ur not.

      Yup. He's definitely sulking on the couch. ...maybe I can bribe him? 

Jiminie: Mianhe! How can I make it up to you?

Taelien: ...will u play the new game w me when u get back? 

Jiminie: Of course.

      That was surprisingly easy.

Taelien: And buy me pizza?

      Aish, this brat. He expects too much.

Taelien: ...please? <3

      ...he did not just use a heart.

Jiminie: Fine.

Taelien: YAY! Thank u hyung!

Jiminie: No problem. <3 I'm truly sorry though. I didn't mean to snap at you.

Taelien: Its alright Jiminie pabo. Im sry 2.

Jiminie: Yah! Who're you calling a pabo, you pabo! I'm older than you.

Jiminie: ...And it's okay. As long as you aren't mad at me, I'm happy.

Taelien: I can nvr stay mad at u for long, hyung. I <3 u 2 much.

Jiminie: Saranghae too!

Taelien: Saranghae.

      Jimin stands up with a smile, hoping that that will never change.

      I'm so sorry that this took so long... I had writer's block for a few days, and then the new quarter started up on top of that. But here it is! <3

      I love all of the members equally, even though I do have a bias (or two), so I'm going to work extra hard to give each and every member a couple of chapters and moments of spotlight in this book, where they will get to show off just why they are awesome and adorable and should be loved. So far I've covered everybody except Kookie and RM. Tae's part wasn't very long, but I'll be sure to add more of them later on for every member.

      I can't believe I'm 5 votes away from 100!!! I love you guys!!

      Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT to you hearts content! Saranghae.


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