The Secret Prince (Amourshipp...

By Azazel0886

957K 16.6K 22.9K

After his loss in Unova Ash returns home to regroup and plan which region he will go to next. However while p... More

A few words from the author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
authors request
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Putting it to a vote
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 48

9.7K 196 845
By Azazel0886

Author's notes:
Wow, 48 chapters. I never thought this book would go this long, I am truly amazed. And it's all thanks to you, my readers. If it wasn't for you enjoying my work so much I probably would have skipped alot of content and made this book shorter like I planned. But your support made me love working so hard on this. The point I'm getting to is, Thank you. It's because of you I keep writing.

Ok enough mush. I'm planning on this book having 60 to 65 chapters. So I now find myself wondering what will I do next. I have enough ideas in my head to make it explode, but I can only do one story at time because I can't multitask. So I've decided to do another Journey for Ash and Serena. It will not be a continuation of The Secret Prince. This will be an all new Journey based off of the anime, except in an all new region. If any of you have read my one shot book, you've already read the first chapter. I asked that if you haven't read it, please do. And also I really want your input, more so then I have on this book. Reason being, decisions need to be made, and I've decided to give you my readers a chance to help in the creative process. I could go on and explain everything here, but please just read it. It is titled "Pokemon: Alpha and Omega."

Now to what you really want. If you like my story vote, please leave comments, and please do share with your friends. I now present to you chapter Chapter 48, enjoy.

poke-girlx, after you read this chapter, please don't kill me. (Azazel starts running full speed, leaving a cloud of dust behind him.)

"Pikachu electro ball, Greninja cut," Ash yelled. Currently Ash was having a training battle between Pikachu and Greninja, to help get ready for his eighth gym battle at the Snowbell City Gym.

Pikachu jumped up and did a flip sending the ball of electricity at Greninja. Greninja then used cut, splitting the attack in two and causing it to explode behind Greninja in the stream they were training in. This caused water to erupt into the air, soaking both Pokemon, and Ash.

"Wow they're going at it hard," commented Bonnie.

"I'm battling them after this," said Korrina.

"And I'm battling them after dinner," added Clemont.

"Ash, get out of the water and dry off before you get sick," said Serena as she threw Ash a towel.

Ash caught the towel and dried his face. "Thanks Serena, but I've never heard of anyone getting sick that easy. And besides I'm an Aura Gardian, I've got an immune system of steel, I never get sick," Ash said back as he threw the towel back on shore.

"Pikachu iron tail, Greninja aerial ace," Ash called out as he focused back on the battle. Ash was so busy with the practice battle, he didn't notice Serena take her boots off and walk into the water with a full bucket of water.

As she walked up behind Ash she filled it with water and started to raise it over his head. Splash. Serena dumped the whole bucket of water on Ash's head. Everyone busted out laughing. Ash was caught off guard by this, and quickly turned around to see Serena giggling with a playful smile on her face.

Ash wiped the water out of his eyes and an equally playful smile formed on his face.

"I hope you know, this means war," said Ash as he started to walk towards Serena.

"Oh no," Serena laughed as she dropped the bucket and tried to run away. But Ash was too quick and caught her and lifted her up in the air.

"Aaahhhhh," Serena screamed as she was picked up. Ash then started to walk in to a deeper part of the stream.

"Put me down Ash," Serena demanded as she laughed.

"As you wish my future queen," replied Ash as he started to hold her up higher.

"Oh no, don't you.." Serena started, but was unable to finish as Ash dropped her into the water.

Now it was Ash's turn to laugh. However it was short lived, as Serena grabbed Ash by the ankles and pulled his feet out from under him, causing him to fall backwards into the water. Ash sat up using one of his arms to prop him up as the other wiped the water from his eyes.

Serena stood proudly in front of him with a smirk on her face, "Do you surrender?"

"Ok ok you win I give up," Ash chuckled.

"Good, now for me to claim my prize," said Serena. She walked closer and then sat on Ash's lap. She then put her hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

Pikachu and Greninja rolled their eyes at this, as they knew that their battles have been postponed for now. Greninja walked over to Braixen and sat down beside her under a tree. He then wraped his left arm around her and pulled her close. Braixen just melted into the hug, loving the affection. Greninja did have thoughts for more, but Braixen got angry at him when he suggested things earlier that day. So he decided to just keep these ideas to himself until she seemed to be in a better mood.

Pikachu walked over to Sylveon, who was laying down watching Ash and Serena make out in the water. He sat next down very close to her and saw her with a slightly longing look on her face. Even though they both had a crush on each other, both were too nervous to openly admit they want to be more than just friends.

Pikachu, even though nervous, decided to make a small move and nuzzled up to Sylveon. Sylveon's eyes widened by that act, but she returned the gesture by wrapping two of her feelers around Pikachu, pulling him in closer as she cuddled up with him.

While all this was happening the gang was being watched from a distance. There was a young man with a disgusted look on his face watching them all through a pair of binoculars. "What's taking so long, something should have happened by now," he said angrily. He then looked to the figure standing behind him. "Are you sure you completed your task correctly," he questioned. The figure just nodded slowly. "Tomorrow better produce results," he said as he went back to spying on the gang.

The next morning Serena woke up peacefully cuddled up against Ash. She could see the sun was pretty high up, so she knew it was late in the morning. Normally she and Ash would already have been training, but since the Master Class, she's been sleeping in a little bit. Although this was later than usual for her. Normally Ash's training would have woken her up, but today he was still asleep. Serena didn't worry about it though, Ash was up late training his Pokemon, so she felt he deserved to sleep some more.

She wanted to stay cuddled with Ash a little longer, but the sudden need to use a toilet made her get up. Carefully she slipped out so not to wake Ash.

On her way back she saw everyone except for Ash was awake. "Good morning Serena," said Bonnie cheerfully.

"Good morning Bonnie," Serena replied back.

"Good morning Serena, breakfast is almost ready. Is Ash with you," asked Clemont.

"No, he was still sleeping," said Serena.

Just then the flap to Ash and Serena's tent unzipped and Ash started to climb out in just his boxers. "Good morning ASH," said Korrina yelling Ash's name. Korrina quickly covered Bonnie's eyes.

"Ash what are you doing? Go get some clothes on," Clemont scolded. But Ash didn't respond, he kept walking towards Serena.

"Ash are you ok," asked Serena, as she could tell Ash wasn't acting normal. But again Ash didn't respond. Once he got to Serena he started to collapse, but was caught by Serena.

"Were running out of time. It's now or never, run," Ash struggled to say. Ash then passed out. "Ash," Serena cried.

The gang helped Ash back into his tent and into his sleeping bag.

"What's wrong with him," Serena asked Clemont, who was checking on Ash.

"He's burning up. I'd say he's sick," said Clemont as he rubbed some hand sanitizer on his hands.

"So much for an immune system of steel," Korrina commented sarcastically.

"Given enough pressure even steel can break. Which means what ever Ash has is probably a pretty nasty sickness," said Clemont as he passed the hand sanitizer around. Everyone took generous amounts of sanitizer upon hearing this, to try and ensure they don't get sick.

"We'll go to town and get some medicine for Ash. Serena you stay here and try to keep him comfortable," instructed Clemont.

"Wait. Take my tablet, you can use the maps to get there and back quicker," said Serena. Clemont took the tablet, then he and Bonnie took off towards the nearest town.

Korrina hung back just a little longer. "You probably should work on cooling Ash down," said Korrina.

"I know. I'm going to get some water from the stream and a cloth to put on his forehead," said Serena.

Korrina then got a devious smile on her face, "you might also need to strip him down to help cool him off."

"But all he's wearing are his boxers," said Serena with a blush.

"Exactly," Korrina teased as she ran off to catch up with Clemont and Bonnie.

"KORRINA," Serena yelled.

Meanwhile, the same young man who was spying on the gang last night was at it again. "Finally," the man groaned as he saw Korrina run off. He then looked at the other young man standing motionless behind him.

"Now go and do according to the plan. I'll take care of the others. Oh, and act like your normal self, we don't want Serena to get suspicious too early," the first young man explained. The other young man nodded, and they then both walked off in separate directions.

Back at camp Braixen was filling a bowl with water and bringing it back to the tent. Once inside she placed the bowl down. Then Sylveon used her feelers to put a washcloth in the water, then wring it out and give it to Serena. Serena then placed it on Ash's head, to try and bring his temperature down. She looked over and saw Pikachu sitting next to Ash with a worried look.

"Don't worry Pikachu, the others will be back with medicine soon," Serena said to try and reassure him. Pikachu gave a weak smile back, as he knew this wasn't normal and that something else had to be going on.

Serena kept wetting the cloth and putting it on Ash's forehead for a while, until finally his fever broke. However her happiness was short lived as she heard very loud rock music suddenly start playing outside the tent.

Serena emerged from the tent to find a young man playing an electric guitar, that looked like he belonged in a punk rock band. His face was painted white, with a big yellow circle in the middle, heavy amounts of eyeshadow around his eyes, a yellow spiked mohawk, and a red circle on each cheek that resembled a Pikachu. Head banging beside him was a Pikachu that had a mohawk.

"Excuse me, but could you please turn it down," Serena yelled, hopeing he would hear her. Serena was thankful that he did stop playing the music, but then groaned as he then began to speak very loudly.

"I'm Jimmy the Pikachu trainer and think is my Pikachu, Spike. I'm looking for Ash Ketchum," Jimmy practically yelled. His eyes than landed on Pikachu who was right by Serena's feet. "Does that Pikachu belong to Ash Ketchum," Jimmy asked.

"Yes he does. Could you...," Serena answered.

She was trying to ask Jimmy to keep quiet again, but then went on some long speech about himself and Spike traveling the world looking for strong Pikachu's to battle, and then he officially challenged Ash.

Serena wanted to tell him Ash was in no shape to battle, but she could tell he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Fine I'll get him for you," Serena said, caving in.

"You will, really," Jimmy replied excitedly.

"Yes, just keep the noise down," said Serena. Jimmy agreed and Serena entered the tent with Pikachu.

Inside the tent Serena, Braixen, Sylveon, and Pikachu looked down at Ash lying there. They all knew Ash was in no shape to battle, but that Jimmy wasn't going to leave without battling him. Serena knew if Ash knew he was challenged he would get up and battle, even though what he needed now was to rest.

Serena saw Ash's clothes and had an idea, "Fine, if he wants a battle against Ash, I'll give him one."

A few minutes later Jimmy was looking away from the tent when a figure emerged with Pikachu.

"I hear you want to battle me," said the figure.

Jimmy and Spike turned around to see a trainer wearing a blue and white jacket, with grey jeans, and a red hat.

"So your Ash Ketchum," Jimmy paused for a second as he looked the person who claimed to be Ash over. "Well alright then. Ash Ketchum I challenge you to a Pokemon battle," Jimmy said excitedly.

"I except your challenge," said Serena as she breathed a sigh of relief.

She had decided the best way to get Jimmy to leave so Ash could rest, was if she battled in his place. So she put on Ash's clothes, disguised he voice, and got Pikachu's to agree to follow her commands. Getting Pikachu to agree was probably the easiest part since he already liked Serena and since she was marrying Ash, he understood she was going to be family.

The only hard part for Serena was how Ash's clothes fit her. Thankfully his clothes were a bit big because of his muscles, but her breasts were a bit large so she did everything she could to hide them.

Jimmy and Spike, along with Serena and Pikachu stood an appropriate distance apart for the battle.

"Just so you know, Spike is the strongest Pikachu there is," Jimmy bragged.

Serena smirked, "we'll see about that, the stonger the opponent the harder we battle." "OMA, I sound just like Ash," Serena internally fangirled.

That battle began with both Pikachu using thunderbolt. The two attacks collided, and much to everyone's surprise they were evenly matched. The two Pikachu's then used quick attack. They were both equally fast and agile, attacking and dodging each others blows. Soon they hit each other, but we're again evenly matched and both flew back to each others respective sides of the field.

It was clear to everyone that this battle wouldn't be decided based on strength, but tactics.

Then Spike jumped in the air, began spinning and dug underground.

Serena started to panic as she tried to think what to do. She looked at Pikachu, who was looking back at her waving his tail. That when Serena remembered Ash's first gym battle in Kalos.

"Pikachu, iron tail on the ground!"

Pikachu jumped up in the air as his tail glowed white, did a flip, and hit the ground hard shattering it. This caused spike to fly up into the air, where Pikachu hit him with iron tail, sending him back down to Jimmy's side of the battle field.

Serena smiled, proud of how well she and Pikachu were doing, and wishing Ash could see this. She looked over at Jimmy and Spike to see a determined grin on their faces, showing they were enjoying the battle and that it wasn't over yet. But then suddenly their grins disappeared and they just gave blank stares.

"Well hello Serena," said a voice behind Serena. She recognized that voice and quickly spun around. "Calem," Serena said in shock.

She looked at Calem and could tell he'd seen better days. He was a wreck to say the least. His clothes were filthy and torn, his hat even had formed a hole in it, and the lenses of his sunglasses were cracked. Then there were his eyes, he had a crazed look, with dark circles around them, as if he hadent slept in a few days. Beside him was a Malamar.

"Pikachu," Serena called. Serena was worried about what Calem might do and called Pikachu to protect her.

"Pika," Pikachu replied. Pikachu was about to run to Serena, but was stopped by Spike hitting him with quick attack.

Serena heard Pikachu get hit and started to spin around to see what was happening, but was stopped by Jimmy grabing her and holding her in a bear hug.

"What?! Jimmy let go," Serena demanded.

"Oh it's no use, he won't listen. Him and his Pikachu are my puppets thanks to my Malamar here," Calem said patting Malamar.

Serena had a look of fear now, which Calem noticed. "Oh no, don't be scared. You see I'm going to make everything better. I'm going to get rid of that abusive fiance for you," Calem said with a smile.

"What?! Ash has never hurt me," Serena spat back, disgusted by the idea.

"Well that's what your going to tell everyone after Malamar is done rewriting you memories," said Calem with an evil grin.

Serena looked at him in horror. "Our friends will stop you. They'll be back soon," said Serena as she tried to hold in her fear.

"What, these friends," said Calem as he snapped his fingers and turned to the side. Just then Korrina and Clemont walked out from the bushes with blank looks. Serena then noticed Squishy in a cage held by Clemont, and Korrina carrying a tied up and unconscious Bonnie.

"What did you do to Bonnie," Serena cried.

"You know it was the strangest thing. When Malamar used hypnosis on them, her and the green blob weren't affected," Calem said curiously. "I was able to cage the blob quickly enough, but she created a blue ball of energy and threw it at me. I managed to dodge it, then she passed out. We're going to try and use hypnosis again, if that doesn't work I'm not sure what I'll do, but we'll worry about that then."

Serena looked at Bonnie worried what Calem might do, and then thought of Ash. She looked back at Pikachu and saw he was still struggling against Spike.

"So what are you going to do with us," Serena asked, trying to keep him talking long enough for her to come up with a plan, or for Pikachu to win.

"Well, I'm going to have Malamar rewrite your memories, making you loyal to me and hating Ketchum. We'll all travel for a bit and become good friends. As for Ash well," Calem's look just got even more crazed. "He won't be around anymore, so he won't be a problem."

Serena's eyes widened, "your going to leave him here to die from that sickness."

"Oh no, that won't kill him, and he's not sick. I had Jimmy here put poison in his food while you guys were in, Gloire City. Funny thing, I almost missed you. I saw you guys on your way there and decided it was time to make a move. After you arrived in Gloire City I just waited for my moment. After we posioned Ash it was just a waiting game till it took affect," Calem explained. "Now that he's down though the game is over. After we're done I'll have Jimmy kill Ash and make it look like a suicide. Then Jimmy will be let loose to take the fall if it's discovered that it wasn't," Calem said in a dark sounding voice.

Serena was terrified now, Jimmy's grip was too strong, there was nothing she could do.

"Now down to business, Malamar do your thing," said Calem as Malamar moved forward and his stomach started to glow.

Serena struggled more, trying to escape, but then she heard a familiar voice in her head. "Don't worry, I'm with you. It's all going to be ok." "Ash," Serena whispered as she relaxed.

Malamar stopped and signaled he was done. Calem smiled, "Ok Jimmy, you can let her go."

Jimmy did what he was told and released Serena who just stood there. Calem then started walking towards Serena, "Now that's more like it. Now Serena, your my girlfriend, so how about a kiss."

Calem stopped walking as he was close enough now, and puckered his lips. However, instead of a kiss, Serena punched him in the face, then kicked him between the legs as he stumbled back form the punch. Calem fell to his knees as he grabbed his groin.

"Grab her," Calem yelled.

Jimmy wrapped his arms around Serena and picked her up off the ground. However this time she was ready and he couldn't secure her arms. Serena was swinging her arms around trying to hit Jimmy who just kept taking the hits.

Calem then looked up at Malamar and yelled, "I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT WAS DONE." Malamar looked back very confused, signaling he thought it was.

"CALEM," a voice roared from behind Calem.

The tone of this voice sent chills down his spine. Serena stopped struggling and looked behind Calem with wide eyes. Calem slowly turned around to see a terrifying sight, Ash. But Ash didn't look even close to normal, the expression on his face was terrifying enough, but his whole body looked like he was engulfed in blue flames, with a glowing ball in each hand about the size of a baseball.

Malamar quickly moved forward to protect Calem and used shadow ball. Ash then threw both Aura spheres, the first blocked the shadow ball and caused an explosion. The second emerged from the smoke and hit Malamar knocking him to the ground by Calem.

Calem looked on in horror as he watched this all unfold. Then Ash held both of his hands out in front of himself and created and even larger aura sphere, this time about the size of a basket ball. He then hurled the aura sphere at Calem and Malamar. When the aura sphere made contact it exploded, and sent them 'blasting off' Team Rocket style.

Once they were gone, Jimmy, Spike, Korrina, and Clemont all collapsed to the ground. Ash's aura stopped raging and Serena ran up and wrapped her arms around him and held him close as she cried, "I was so scared."

"Shhh," Ash said as he patted her head, "its Ok now, you're safe."

Serena looked up at Ash after she had calmed down a bit. "Ash, I have so many questions. How are you better already, and why wasn't Malamar able to you hypnosis on me," Serena asked.

Ash smiled, "the answer to both questions is aura. I could feel the poison taking effect this morning, that's why I told you to run. Since I couldn't heal myself from the poison, I decided to just accelerate the effects and forced it out of my system. As for hypnosis not having an effect on you, you did hear me in your head. I reached my aura out to protect you."

Serena was amazed. She then smiled as she kissed Ash and hugged him. "Thank you for saving me." Pikachu then jumped up onto Serena's shoulder.

"Maybe I should say, all of us," Serena giggled.

"Well I better get dressed before everyone wakes up," said Ash as he realized he was only wearing his boxers. He then pushed Serena back lightly as he looked her over.

"Oh, sorry. I had to borrow your clothes to pretend to be you for a battle. What do you think," Serena explained, then blushed as she did a spin.

Ash smiled and blushed a little himself, "good, really good. I would have never imagined you'd look so hot in my clothes."

Serena smiled and blushed madly from the statment. Then a smirk formed on her face as she put her hands on his chest and looked at him, "maybe we should see how hot you look wearing my clothes."

Pikachu fell off of Serena's shoulder laughing at the thought, as Ash got nervous. "Not as hot as you," Ash said nervously.

Everyone woke up a few minutes after collapsing and didn't remember anything. Except for Bonnie, who woke up after Ash gave her some of his aura, since the only reason she was unconscious was because of the aura sphere she threw used too much aura.

Ash and Serena then explained everything to all of them. Jimmy and Spike were both very sorry for what happened, but Ash reassured them it wasn't their fault and to not be so hard on themselves. After that they all agreed to stay at the Pokemon center in the nearby town.

It was night now and everyone had decided to turn in for the night. Ash was just walking out of the bathroom after taking a shower when he saw Serena sitting on their bed looking down at something.

"What do you have there," asked Ash as he walked over.

"Just some old pictures from when I was younger," Serena replied as she picked one up.

"This one was taken the day, Shauna, Tierno, and Calem got their starters." Serena handed Ash the picture.

"Wow, you guys look like best of friends here," said Ash.

Serena looked down sadly, "we were. Even after they left and I stayed behind we all kept in touch. It all was good between us back then. Then a few years later Calem made it to the final four at the Kalos League and it went down hill from there."

Ash got behind Serena and gave her a hug, "at least you still have Tierno and Shauna. Calem just couldn't handle the praise he got for some reason."

"But I know the reason," said Serena, getting Ash's attention.

"What caused it," Ash asked.

Serena took a deep breath, "his father used to be a big shot trainer, even won the Kalos Leauge when he was younger. He never really cared much about anything Calem did until he was a trainer. Calem used to say he wanted to become a trainer just to make is father proud. And he did, when Calem made it to the final four his father was so proud of him. But then it went down hill from there. He kept filling Calem's head with all these ideas of how he was supposed to act. He even gave him a box of condoms as a congratulations gift for making it so far. He told him that since he was such a big shot now that he should be pretty much having sex with every girl in town. Tierno told me once that when Calem's father found out he had sex with with one of the girls in town he high fived him told him to not get locked down with any girls."

"Wow, sounds like his dad was a real piece of work," commented Ash.

"That's an understatement. I over heard him talking once, his opinion of women was that they are there to please their men, and take care of the kids," said Serena in disgust.

"Sounds like a very out dated opinion of women," said Ash.

"If it wasn't for him, Calem and I would probably still be friends," said Serena, she then sighed, "I just wish I could have my friend back."

Meanwhile in a Pokemon center, the next town over. "Ouch, that hurt," Calem growled as Nurse Joy treated his injuries.

"Well if you would stop squirming we'd be done already. I do have another patient that need my attention," Nurse Joy said back annoyed. Calem calmed down and looked away sadly as Nurse Joy finished.

"There all done," Nurse Joy said relieved.

"Thank you. How's Malamar," Calem asked sadly.

Nurse Joy looked back at Calem sympathetically, "he's alot worse off than you. It looks like he took the brunt of whatever hit you. He must really care about you."

"Please help him, he's only hurt because he was trying to protect me," Calem said as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"He'll be ok. I'll go check on him now," said Nurse Joy as she walked out of the room.

Calem sat there in the room feeling guilty for the pain Malamar was in, and doubting that he could ever beat Ash.

"Well it looks like he did a number on you Mr. Xavier." Calem spun around when heard the voice to see an older man with spiked orange hair and wearing a black suit standing in the doorway.

"Can I help you," Calem asked in annoyance.

"Actually I was thinking we could help each other, seeing as we have a common problem," said the man.

Calem sat up, "and what problem would that be."

"Why Ash Ketchum of course," said the man.

"Ok, I'm listening," said Calem

The man walked into the room and stood in front of Calem. "My name is Lysandre, and I run a group that seeks to make this world beautiful again. However Mr. Ketchum keeps interfering and my people can't seem to get the job done." Lysandre then smiled and points at Calem, "but I believe you are the type of man I need to complete this task."

Calem scoffed, "you see what happened last time I went up against Ash. I can't beat him."

"Not as you are. But I can make you stonger. I can make it possible you you to beat him," said Lysandre

Calem looked deep in thought, then a smile formed on his face. Lysandre saw this and smiled also. "So do we have a deal, I make you stronger, you beat Ash Ketchum," asked Lysandre.

Calem gave a wicked smile, "deal." Lysandre then extended his hand, which Calem took. "Welcome to Team Flare Mr. Xavier."

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