when he sees me | Jared Klein...

By musee_

42K 1.2K 3.8K

" 'I lost my Cinderella, I think it's time to go find her.' he said and smiled as he placed his hands on my m... More

coming soon
1. Introduction
2. Anybody have a map?
3. Waving Through a Window
4. Waving Through a Window (reprise)
5. Goin' Viral
5.5 I got tagged by @dear-mena
6. More than he seems
8. JFF
9. The Salazar's
10. Cigarette
11. Please Explain.
12. Shots fired
13. Jared in the Bathroom
14. I hope that you burn pt. 1
15. I hope that you burn pt. 2
16. Tell Me Why.
17. You Will Be Found
18. Messages
19. We Meet Once Again
20. Cinderella It Is
21. Dear Connor Project Community
22. Birthday Disaster
23. The Clock Struck 12
24. Tensions Rise
24.5 Announcement
25. Good For You
26. You WILLROLAND be found
Getting tagged ... again :3
27. Remembering
28. Close To You
A/N: The Happiest Day of My Life
29. Don't Leave Me Alone
30. epilouge

7. Pre-Chaos

1.3K 43 178
By musee_

**  Pre-Announcement before you start reading this chapter. Be honest how many of you have attempted to exercise and you "don't have the time" because of your busy schedule reading fan fictions?

Well, I know I am for sure and I'm currently trying to exercise more to become more healthy, and I came up with a good technique to help you out.

Whenever you're at home and you are going to start reading a book or something, like this new chapter CouGh CoUgh just find a wall and get into a sitting position.

This will murder your thighs so yeah.

Oh also you can probably read on your phone as you're doing push ups. I haven't tried that yet but if you are going to try that fill me up on the outcome.

Now onto the chapter,

Y/n's p.o.v.:

After going home and cleaning everything from the kitchen to the bathroom I was able to sit down and do my homework.

[I typed in homo work here instead of homework I thought ya'll should know]

My mother hadn't come back home from work, she must still be out trying to find another job. What did my mother do to deserve this punishment? This is why I was planning to get a scholarship to a decent college and then somehow get a better life for the both of us in the future.

As I was finishing up some math questions I heard the door creek and the sound of keys being thrown. Walking down cautiously I looked at my mother and saw her crying.

"Mom." I whispered as she turned around rapidly and ran to me embracing me in one of her big momma bear hugs. Except this time, she wasn't as strong, I could feel her weakness as she began to cry and shake.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked her trying to calm her down as we walked to the small brown sofa that we had in the living room.

"I lost my job. I can't even do one thing right." She stated still crying as she looked at the empty coffee table in front of the sofa. "What do you mean?" I asked her trying to get more answers.

"I was just trying to help out a customer, I think her name was Zoe or Chloe, and I believe she was having a bad day. But then she began to yell at me. She told me that it was my job to help out customers and that she wasn't getting any help. And then, then she whispered something about me being a poor dirty bitch that didn't even know what manners were. I got so mad. I'm sorry." She told me as she covered her eyes.

I could only imagine all of the things that she could have done to the girl. After all she always took offense when someone made fun of us low income people. "Then what did your boss say?" I asked her. "Oh, he ended up firing me and I ran here. It's okay though soon I will be able to find another job." And with that she stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

Knowing her she was probably going to make some food. She always had a good taste when it came to food. After eating with her I went back upstairs and feel asleep I needed it for tomorrow.


"Hey!" Jayden yelled behind me as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "Hey." I whispered back. Jayden seemed to notice my mood right away as she rolled her eyes.

"Don't give me that hey come here sit down and tell me what's going on." She said as she patted a seat next to her.

Just as I was going to start the teacher came in and I was lucky that I didn't have to say anything at all. "Okay, everyone listen up. I don't want any yelling after I saw this announcement." She said and if looks could kill then we would all probably be dead, she was not in the mood today.

"Today I'm giving you your first group project and you'll have to work in groups of four. Before you ask the most important question that you are all asking yourselves." A long pause was heard as Mrs. Ramos sighed and then finally finished. "you'll be working in the pairs I've assigned."

After that everyone began to groan saying 'miss' while others mumbled curse words at the teacher under their breathes.

She was only doing her job and everyone was getting mad at her? I think I preferred home schooling. I thought as Mrs. Ramos handed out the packet to each of us. "All right, let me put up the list of groups." She said as she turned on the projector.

"Cephas?" We all heard as we someone began to open the door. Once Mrs. Ramos looked up her face became dark filled with so many emotions all at once. It was so quick what she did that none of us were able to stop what happened.

"You fucking man whore!" She yelled and threw a dictionary at his chest causing him to fall on the floor. "I told you to leave me alone!" She yelled again this time throwing a ruler. "Cephas please relax." Mr. Ramos began to say as he began to walk towards our teacher. "I have a restraining order and you know what I'm capable of!" Mrs. Ramos replied.

"Shits bout to go down." Jayden mumbled in my ear causing me to jump. After a short amount of time getting to know Jayden I realized she loved to startle people. "I don't think we're going to start this project until tomorrow." I whispered back still looking at the entire thing unfold, at this moment everyone that was in front of the classroom moved closer behind not wanting to get hit by Mrs. Ramos.

"Yeah, but that's good, oh hey we're in the same group!" She said excitedly. Did she even know what was going on in the front of the classroom? Right as I was about to ask her if she wasn't aware of the entire situation occurring in front of us another teacher came in and separated them. I'm assuming that it was the principle because as soon as both of them saw the principle they became pale.

"Mr. Ramos, Mrs. Ramos would you please come with me outside? Students don't worry a sub is coming downstairs at this moment." She smiled at us as she escorted the two out. She had pale skin and her black hair was tied up in a nice bun. At the moment she was wearing a light blue dress and had on a black sweater combined with black flats.

"This is what happens when you work with family." Jayden said as she leaned forward with so much entertainment in her eyes. "What do you mean?" I asked not understanding what she was saying. "Mr. and Mrs. are married and I don't know what really is going on in their relationship right now but I do know the principle, Ms. Soo, is the sister of Mrs. Ramos so..." I connected the dots and finally connected the dots.

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on but there are so many rumors. Some say they're mad at each other, well Mrs. Ramos is mad, because her husband had an affair, another one is that their kid died or something. I don't think that's true. My best bet is that it's all a misunderstanding." Jayden continued to talk.

Suddenly I felt bad for both of them, I really hoped that they could settle whatever problem they had together. However, that soon faded once I saw what was on the board. I definitely wanted to curse of Mrs. Ramos at this moment.

Under group 5 it read:

Evan, Jayden, Y/n, Jared

hell no.


So, what do you think happened with Jasmine and Antony?

I'm so evil.

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