The Demon's Eye

By Venus_Moon95

34.1K 669 189


Chapter 1: escaping from Dr. Kazuku
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: Finale
Message from Venus
Special Chapter- Chapter 13.5: A delicate flower blossoms
Message from Venus💜

Chapter 15

728 14 0
By Venus_Moon95

Catya POV:

"It's time." Renkotsu said.
I looked at around at everyone.
They were ready to fight, to kill. I followed closely behind Bankotsu.
My hands wouldn't stop shaking, I was feeling nervous.
Suikotsu places his hand on my shoulder.
"Calm yourself." Was all he said and it was all I needed to hear.
I took a deep breath.
'Alright. Let's do this.' I think to myself.
We made it to a clearing and in the middle stood two people.
I looked a bit closer and gasped.
It was ThirtySeven and Twentynine!
"Where is that doctor?!" Bankotsu yelled out to them.
"We have your money, do you have Thirteen?" Twentynine asked calmly.
ThirtySeven has her eyes locked on me, and I kept mine locked on her.
She was the closest to my rival at the facility. Our strengths were neck and neck.
Bankotsu grabbed my arm and pulled me in front of him before shoving me to start walking to Twentynine.
"You stay back!" Thirty Seven yelled pointing at Bankotsu.
"Just Thirteen." She said staring at me with pure hatred.
Bankotsu grip on Banryu tightened as He glared at them.
"You get her when we get our fucking money." He said threatening as he pulled me back to his side.
Twentynine began walking towards us.
He was holding a heavy looking sack and threw it to Bankotsu's feet.
ThirtySeven was equipped with a large scythe and Twentynine with a large hammer, they both were ready to fight. They must have knew that the band of Seven was going to try to fight them.
"And now Thirteen, come here like a good little kitty." ThirtySeven said with a sadistic smile on her face.
Twentynine was in between ThirtySeven and us, he reached out his hand.
"Come now Thirteen. With your own kind." He said with an emotionless face.
I looked back at Bankotsu, not sure what to do.
He was in deep thought, trying to come up with a new plan.
What he was planning on doing was getting in close range for a surprise attack but not only was the doctor not present, the two ahead of us were prepared for a fight.
I took a step forward, step by step I closed the distance between Twentynine and I.
"I don't think I'm very satisfied with this trade." Bankotsu says as he pours out the money.
"What do you know? Rocks to make the bag feel heavier than it actually is."
He looks up at ThirtySeven and smiles.
I shiver went down my spine. That was the smile he would have just before killing someone. I looked at the rest of the group and they all had angry looks on their faces.
"I don't like being made a fool." He said walking towards us twirling Banryu over his head.
"ThirtySeven, what should we do now?" Twentynine asked with a slightly worried expression.
ThirtySeven growled as she pulled out a long whip.
She flung her arm and the whip wrapped around me as she pulled the whip back, flinging me to her side but hitting the ground extremely hard.
I let out a small yelp.
That yelp was all he needed, Bankotsu took off running towards us.
He easily overpowered Twentynine and kicked him over to the rest of the mercenaries.
ThirtySeven was beginning to get nervous, she raised her weapon to him.
"Heh, do you think that scythe will keep me from killing you?" He said with a smirk.
He swings and hits her weapon, knocking her down.
She swung back but he stepped out of the way in a split second.
All I could do was watch... Watch Bankotsu fight ThirtySeven and watch the rest of the band of Seven fight Twentynine.
Twentynine jumped back away from everyone just before Kyōkotsu punched the ground causing the ground to shatter.
"ThirtySeven, I can't keep fighting!" Twentynine yelled out.
He was covered in injuries.
Bankotsu took advantage of ThirtySeven looking over at Twentynine and swung his sword cutting her arm off.
She let out a bloodcurdling scream.
"ThirtySeven!" Twentynine ran as fast as he could over to her and tackled her out of the way before Bankotsu could deliver the final blow.
He threw ThirtySeven  on his back and looked over at me.
"This isn't over Thirteen. The doctor will not be happy." And with that he took off running and they disappeared into the forest.
I felt so useless, so pathetic.
"Catya." Bankotsu said as he approached me.
I looked up at him, he had slight injuries on his body and a deep looking cut on his arm.
"You're hurt.." I say as I touched his wound.
He seemed unaffected by this deep cut.
"Yeah, the crazy bitch got lucky once." He said nonchalant.
I was always good at healing my cuts, when I would get hurt at the facility I had a little trick to heal my wound, though it would leave a scar.
I removed the arm guard off of him and rolled his sleeve up. His arm had blood running down it and the cut was a lot bigger than expected.
"Guess she got me a little better than I thought." He said in a joking manner.
I smiled at him and placed my hand over his wound. His eyes held curiosity as I kissed my back off my hand and placed my hand firmly on the wound.
A black glow came from my hand before Bankotsu winced slightly.
When I removed my hand he was shocked to see the would was closed, healed but left with a deep and long scar on his upper arm.
"I didn't know you could do that." He said still in a daze of amazement.
"Yes, I learned how to do that when I was 5 Years old. The guards used to call it 'licking my wounds' followed by laughs." I reply.
"So that black glow was from you?" Suikotsu Said from behind me.
I nod to his question.
"Let's get back to the tavern." Bankotsu said as he grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me to walk behind him.
"I'm sorry you all had to fight my battle.." I say after minutes of silence. 
Everyone stopped and looked at me.
Bankotsu walked up to me and grabbed my chin and tilted my head up so we made eye contact.
"Don't feel sorry for yourself it's pathetic. If you want to get stronger than do it. I'll help you but until you can hold your own in battle I want you to stay the fuck out of our way and let us fight your fights. We'll protect you until you can protect yourself." He releases my chin, turned on his heel and continued walking.
I stood there in a trance. With a blush on my face I couldn't help but smile. Though his words stung a bit, he put my mind at ease.
I looked over at Jakotsu and he smiled at me before following Bankotsu and Renkotsu.
"Let's go, my dear." Mukotsu said as he walked past me.
"Yes sir." I quickly catch up to them as we reached the tavern.
The moon was going down and a light purple orange color started to take over the sky.
"Guess it's morning already. Damn am I tired!" Suikotsu Said stretching out his arms and walking inside the tavern.
Bankotsu places his hand on my lower back.
"Let's go to bed." He says as he guide me to his bedroom.
Just as he was about to open the sliding door that lead to the staircase to the bedrooms the door flung open.
Standing in front of us was an old woman. She looked to be Mukotsu's age with gray hair pinned up in a bun with pieces falling around her face.
She wore a dark yellow kimono and had a kind expression on her face.
"Well well if it isn't my favorite bloodthirsty killer for hire!" She said smiling a big smile at Bankotsu.
"Hey grams." He said smiling back at her.
"I see you're in better health, Madam Hiyori." Renkotsu said.
"Oh yes. Aname takes very good care of me when I fall ill." She said smiling at him.
She than looked over at me. Her eyes widened as my eyes met hers.
"That's...that's a demon eye.." she mumbled.
She walked up to me and grabbed my hands.
Closing her eyes she hold my hands tightly.
Unsure of what to do I look over at Bankotsu, who was just as confused as I was.
"My, my what power you have in this tiny, little body." She says smiling at me.
"Are you by chance a half demon, girl?" She asks.
"No, I'm human.." I respond.
"Interesting.." She says trailing off.
"Grams, this is Catya. Catya this is Madam Hiyori. She's the one who owns and operated this brothel and tavern." Bankotsu said as he introduces us.
"Nice to meet you!" I say bowing.
"Catya, what a pretty name for such a pretty girl." She says as she looks me up and down.
"Very exotic. Tell me dear, is this lavender color your natural hair?" She asks as she undoes one of my braids.
"Yes ma'am."
"And with such striking eyes, you will be a fine addition to my girls!" She says as her face lights up.
"Sorry grams but Catya belongs to me and only me." Bankotsu said and his arm went around my shoulders.
"Now if you'll excuse us we're all ready to pass out." He said.
She smiled, nodded her head and stepped out of the way.
"Don't break this one, Bankotsu." She said before heading to the kitchen.
As soon as we were in his room, I walked over to his bed and flopped on it. I rolled over to my side seconds before Bankotsu fell on the bed almost landing on me.
Within minutes I hear a light snore and look over at Bankotsu.
He had already fallen asleep.
'ThirtySeven... it had to be her to come collect me..' I close my eyes and let my mind go wild before succumbing to my slumber.

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