Moon Bound (Forgotten Series...

Od AMLKoski

606K 49.1K 8.6K

~~~~~ Book Five of the Forgotten Series. ~~~~~ It is a dark path. ~~~~~ It had been the warning Lynn's mothe... Více

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven: Part Two
Chapter Seven: Part Three
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Nine: Part Two
Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten: Part Two
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Thirteen: Part Two
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty: Part Two
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Six: Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Part Three
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Part Three
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Two: Part Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Author's Note
~Pack Glossary~
Shards of Sanity
April Fools: Chapter Twenty-Seven: Part Two: NGGYU
Bonus Chapter: Repaying the Debt

Frequently Asked Questions

7.8K 398 226
Od AMLKoski

Alright guys! Another FAQ. Go ahead and ask your questions and when I get a good chunk I will respond to them all!


Now to answer your questions!


calmwolf asks:

Are you going to try and publish the Forgotten series? (I'd definitely buy a copy!)

Most definitely! However it won't be for a while. I plan on finishing the series first and have it up for a fair amount of time for free before I start publishing. (The reasons for which are in my book Broken. Legalities and stuff like that.)


theclarkebennet asks:

How do you decide which characters should have their own story that you focus on and which characters don't?

I figure it out by asking myself which of my favourite characters isn't really going to get a story told as a side story and which character can be worked into the world plot. So based on when I first started Red Ribbons I introduced Luka and knew I wanted to write a story for him. Then I decided to write a story fro Lace because the little bit I wrote of her intrigued me, then Michael and Ezekiel. So it was me formulating the entire series around the characters I liked and sprinkling in a few new and interesting ones!


JaneTheFirefox asks:

Will Lynn stay a goddess? Doesn't that mean she's immortal and will out-live Bastian?

One might think so but we must also realize what it means to have such power on terra. There is always a vessel in which one uses to hold the power. Lynn's current form is a vessel. It will age and it will die but her energy will not die as it is immortal.


  livinginsonder asks:

What made you want to return to Bastian and why was Shey never mentioned?

The hot sex he and Shey had. LMAO I'm kidding but the real reason is pretty stupid but it's because I liked the name Bastian and once I remembered that Shey had the fling with him I felt it was a nice little nod to her and a tie in to the rest of the books.

Why was Shey never mentioned? Because Bastian didn't like her. He was essentially forced into being with her because of his father. He never looked back once he rejected her and he hasn't thought twice about it.

Will there be a future interaction between the two?

More than likely. Fortis is an ally of Algus but the interaction will probably be a passing, hey I know you and pretty much a shrug. Shey liked him for sex bu knew they weren't compatible as a relationship because they fought. Bastian might be a little blushy and apologize for being an utter dick to her because he is a good male who had learned valuable lessons in his life.

And now a more fun question: Which character would you most want to be mated to?

....I hate you.

I can't pick any of the mated ones because their females would kill me or I would feel super bad for taking them away from their females. Buuuut there is one character that I know doesn't have a female in the series nor do I mention him having one. He is in book eight and he's awesome. His name is Dante Lopez. I would choose him to be mated to because I would ensure he knows how to treat a lady right.


SeattleBookworm2014 asks:

When can we expect to start seeing updates for the next book?

Not for a while. I have stated in the comments that I have a few other novellas to work on. Two specifically. Some people are (im)patiently waiting for the third novella in the Twisted Dark series and I have a humor novella series that will be coming. I suggest everyone watch out for that one because we all need a laugh. Then a few chapters for Forget Me Not (and maaaayyybe a bonus chapter in this book so don't remove it from your library too quickly). So it won't be for a while.


fanalisha—fire asks:

Any story about the kids in the future?

Nope! As the series runs along a strict timeline of each book picking up where the last one left off, that means that there just isn't enough time for the kids to grow up to get their own stories.


fairyfina asks:

Will Lace and Azrael's daughter be a major character in one of the next books?

Nope, and see above question for the reason.


curlyheadedliz asks:

Since Lynn is a goddess could she control/change the fate of moonborn children?

No she cannot. Mene creates moonborn children at the moment of conception. They aren't like normal shifters. Their genetic code has been twisted and malformed to what the goddess wanted, a vessel. Much like with Bastian's leg and Lynn's infertility: what is there and what has been healed cannot be fixed. A moonborn child will never have it's fate changed.


JuliaBattles asks:

What was your favorite Lynn and Bastian scene to write?

When they are at Oblitus and Bastian leaves her to get her breakfast in bed before coming back and kissing her 'awake'. Gave me gushy, butterflies in stomach feeling as well as an 'oh shit, I have ruined myself for real this time because no real guy can top that' feeling.


mia-mae17 asks:

Will we get to see a lot from all the packs next book or will it be focusing on Luka's?

It is mainly focused on Fortis. We might see one or two others from the previous books but it's really focused on Fortis.


selbla asks:

Is Ezekiel going to get a mate?

As he is book 8, I am not at liberty to discuss that information.


Xandria_CW asks:

Does this mean that second chances at bonding to mates is going to be a new thing in their world???



TheriLumi asks:

Considering the Alpha position in a Mountain pack is determined by drive rather than a claim, could Bastian still rise to Alpha on his own merit, as anyone with the drive can do on the Mountain?

If he really wanted to he could. But one must remember that they have to have the drive to maintain their hold on the position. Bastian came from a pack where a claim would be given and no one would challenge him for it. He is definitely not trained to deal with a constant barragement of challengers that would see his leg as a weakness and challenge him. If he is constantly unable to perform his duties to the pack as their Alpha the pack itself would dethrone him and hold new trials.

Mountain ways don't give a single fuck.


NocturnalWolf asks:

Will you eventually write stories for Lace and Azrael's children? I'm particularly interested to see how Nina is going to turn out.


Sonata_of_Darkness asks:

I assume that Lynn will return to Olympus when her body dies. What will happen to Bastian when he dies? Will he join Lynn on Olympus and be in Men's throne room forever?


  tebiird asks:

Will Mene punish Bastian like the others cause of his deal with her even with her mistakes?


wickedmel asks:

Will Riko's teaching with the staff be used in fights?

Perhaps. Azrael is a smart Alpha and smart Alphas take every edge they can over the competition.

Will Riko and Eiko be a strong presence in the pack?

It's hard to have a strong presence when you aren't there full time but when they are there the pack likes them. If that is what you were asking.

Who will take over as the Alpha after Azrael?

I ain't tellin'.

How important is Lace's daughter (not Nina) to destroying the old ways?

Viviette? She will be a healer, she could care less about the political strife of her people just for the fact they are continually trying to kill themselves in creative ways.

How many children will Lace and Azrael have?

LAWL I ain't sayin'!

Will Michael's mate be an omega or one of the priestesses that wanted Amelia?

Nope! While we do focus some of the story in Altia that isn't where the other MC comes from... well initially.

I thought Lynn/Prim would be the one that puts everything together, but you said book six is the important one. Is the female Ambris?

Nope! Ambris is a Head Priestess, she was chosen specifically because she doesn't want a bond nor can she actually form one. There are pieces of Mene through all her children. This includes her asexuality.

Has Bastian's family abandoned him?

Define abandoned.

Did they stop contacting him because they are racist and don't actually want to deal with confronting their racism? Yes.

Did they not want to contact him because they are ashamed that they treated their firstborn son in such a way that he would be forced to leave the pack and not come back or contact them? Also yes.

Bastian's family loves him, they do. However their place, close to the Old Ways, dictate that Lynn is not appropriate for him because she is not white and that his leg is a weakness that cannot be ignored. They hid him away because they were ashamed and when he came back and then left, they were forced to come to terms with the fact that their actions helped shove him away from them. That shame keeps them from reaching out.

Also Bastian's little brother does not want to tempt fate by contacting Bastian in case he wants his old position back.

How proud is Uriel of his grandchildren (via Lace)?

Uriel is proud of all of his grandchildren. He doesn't pick favourites, he loves them all equally and he is proud of each and every one of them the exact same amount.

How is Lace feeling towards Gabriella? *Heehee*

Is cold but civil hostility a feeling? Cause if it is, then that.

Riko and Eiko is your best parental figures so far. Do they visit the mountain a lot?

On occasion, so every several months, but they also have Bastian, Lynn, and Elise coming to visit them as well.

Will Lynn be called out to see Amelia??

Why would she need to be? She can't do anything for a moonborn child.


abbccc1111 asks:

I kinda forgot who Michael is!!!

He's one of the Betas in book 2, Forged in Fire.


sorahelena asks:

Who will be in ur next story..among those young generation..Young generation?

None. I might time skip several months or a year in a book but I wouldn't time skip over twenty years in the middle of a series. Especially when each book is consecutively picking up where the last one left off on the world timeline. As for who is in the next book, Michael and a female who isn't yet named.


Alibi007 asks:

Does Elsie hold an important role in the rest of the series?

Not particularly, no.


Ashezf asks:

Who is Michael?

Please see above, Beta in book 2, Forged in Fire.


AmberFort asks:

Will we hear more on Lace? She has become one of my favorite characters.

Fortis and Algus are allies as Luka and Azrael are close so we might.


Dead_Flowers_In_Bed asks:

Can we get a recap of Michael?

Don't know what you mean.


colourweaver says:

Would love a bonus chapter with Lynn, Bastian and Elsie especially meeting Abu and Lynn's dad.

I stated there might be a bonus chapter but the contents of what it might be aren't to be shared as of yet.


Hopeful01 asks:

Will Bastian ever figure out what Lynn is? And if so, will he ever ask her if it's true?

Sometimes it's better to not ask questions or think too much about a miracle you have been given. Fate might just take it away.

So far we have 4 main packs: Algus, Oblitus, Veritas, and Fortis. I know the next book is gonna be on Fortis with Michael, but will we have any new packs join the frey? Or will we just be revisiting these packs from now on?

There will be several new packs introduced in the series.


bbfabdul asks:

What's next?

See above for the answer to that one.


CatherineMorales223 asks:

Will we be seeing a new face or will it be someone we know to be Michael's second chance?

I am not at liberty to discuss that as I don't have the Shards of Sanity description chapter posted on here. But when it is posted you will get your answer.


lalalandeh asks:

Will I need to hoard tissues for the next book?

Can I have Elsie?

How long did it take you to write this story? And if there are certain conditions for you to write it? (E.g. going to a coffee shop)

About five to six months. Which is a bit longer than normal but I didn't really press myself super hard to get it out because of all the health issues I have been dealing with. I wrote when I was able and didn't force myself to miss sleep to finish an update to keep on track.

Honestly all I need to write is my bedroom, my laptop, and some music and I can crank out about 5k words if I really get going.


Frostqueenn asks:

The stories in your series, are they all pointing t something big at the end? Like...emm.. each story contribute something for the big at the end? Or not?

You are asking if all of my story are leading up to something.

Truth is... not in the way you would expect. This series we get to see the utter and rapid decline of the Old Ways. Each book reinforces that ideal of the Old Ways literally dying out. So far we have had close to six Old Way packs, that we know of, that have lost leadership and have scattered. Plus we see the continual push of some Old Way members leaving the packs and embracing different ideals.

Then the Hunters making the practice of brainwashing and abusing Omegas illegal. For the Old Ways, which are highly dependent on hierarchy, it was a heavy blow to start having the Hunters seize Omegas and levy them with insane fines or even disbanding packs over it. Each step in this book we see more and more blows added to the hits against the Old Ways.

Then end goal of my series, the thing that the books are all leading up to, is the complete and utter removal of the Old Ways as a pack system. It is the destruction of what had once been great but now is so twisted nad abused it hardly resembles what it should.

There won't an epic battle to destroy them all but we get to see the decline. We get to watch as the ways that have hurt countless people and shifters simply vanish from history without a sound. Perhaps, in their place, we will see something else emerge. Something once thought destroyed but held on through fierce will and unmovable determination.

We might see something be rebuilt in the ashes the Old Ways left in their wake.


Those were great! Keep asking more!

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