The Major and his Lady Love S...

By LilAsian1864

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A love between two different people a British and an American a Major who settles down with his men in a smal... More

Prologue: Meeting the Major for the first time
Chapter 1: Finally I'm home
Chapter 2: This is impossible
Chapter 3: My letters from the General
Chapter 5: Washington reads Lydia's letters
Chapter 6: Lydia and Washington reunited at last
Chapter 7: Washington meets Lafeyette
Chapter 8: Peggy I need your help
Chapter 9: It'll be our little secret
Chapter 10: Sasha Woodhull's unusual morning
Chapter 11: The chilly winter month
Chapter 12: Learning the Waltz & Sasha has a fever
Chapter 13: Sasha's fever & Preparing food for dinner
Chapter 14: Sasha and the Major's ball planning
Chapter 15: Thanksgiving & the Engagement Ball
Chapter 16: George Washington's new plan
Chapter 17: The Queens Rangers coming to Setauket
Chapter 18:Attack at Valley Forge/ Washington's Comfort
Chapter 19: Trouble in Setauket/Going to New York
Chapter 20: Heading to New York/ A hanging at the Continental Camp
Chapter 21: Spending time in New York
Chapter 22: Back once again in Setauket
Chapter 23: Sasha visits her father at Whitehall
Chapter 24: Discussing important matters
Chapter 25: Visiting Philidelphia/ Hosting a ball
Chapter 26: The Ball with General Washington
Chapter 27: Sasha's resting day/Lydia's date with the General
Chapter 28: Back home in Setauket, Long Island
Chapter 29: Arnold's letter to Andre
Chapter 30: Sasha gives birth early
Chapter 31: Friends visiting the newborn babies
Chapter 32: A concert in Pennsylvania
Chapter 33: Going on a walk into town
Chapter 34: Returning to Setauket, Long Island
Chapter 35: Sasha's Birthday Ball
Chapter 36: Saving Abe's neck
Chapter 37: Sasha gets Kidnapped
Part 2: Turn of the tide

Chapter 4: Abe meets Ben again

89 2 0
By LilAsian1864

*3 months later in Setauket at the Woodhull's house Spring 1775*

~Sasha Woodhull's POV ~
I woke up at 6:30 this morning to take a walk since I couldn't sleep at all, as a Lieutenant Colonel it's my job to help General Washington out. So I saw Abe talking with Anna about helping him out finding something useful that they can give to Ben who can hand it to Washington.
But I couldn't stay long Edmund would be up soon and he'd be wondering where I was at this morning if I'm not back, I know that my father was working at the parish and visiting our mother and brothers grave. I went up to Abe and gave him some money to buy cabbage so it'd fill up his boat to sell up river making it seem like I bought things for myself.
So I went to Anna and Selah and asked if I can buy a loaf of bread, carrots, potatoes, meat preferably cow meat, and cabbage for supper tonight. Then once I bought my things I went back home just in time to see Edmund coming down the stairs.
*Abraham Woodhull in the forest with Anna Strong that noon*

~Anna Strong's POV~
I was going through Captain Simcoe's things to find something useful that I can give to Abe, so then while I was "fixing" Simcoe's room I found important papers. So I took them and hid them in the pockets of my dress before going out to meet Abe in the woods to show him what I've found.
Now that I have these documents Abe and the others can help change the outcome for the Continental Army and America can win this Revolution against the British.
~Abraham Woodhull's POV~
I was in the woods with Anna the two of us talked about the importance of the papers she's found so I can take them to Ben or Caleb, so then while we were I told her the plan I had to search for Ben or Caleb. Hopefully, I don't get caught by British soldiers mainly by Simcoe. My other friend growing up was Lydia Strong (Anna Strong's twin sister) she was in love with the General of the Continental Army for America, now Sasha, Anna, Mary, and I are trying to sneak her past all of the British and the Queen's Rangers and get her and the letters she's written for him to General Washington.
But with the letters in my pockets I hid away from my enemies, little did I know that while being gone I'd run into an old friend that I've been friends with since childhood.
*At the former church that day with Major Hewlett and Sasha Woodhull*

~Sasha Woodhull's POV ~
I was at what was once the church before it became Edmund's office so his horse can sleep their, but I was with Edmund we were discussing about where we should have our wedding at after the war is over. Then Edmund held my hand and said"I was thinking a medium wedding in England then come back to America and have one with your friends and family," then I looked at Edmund like he was crazy that's a lot traveling back and forth from America and England then vice versa.
Then I stood behind him wrapping my hands around his neck as he was sitting down and said"I think we can do it we'll be exhausted by then but we can handle it Edmund let's not worry about it for now," after talking about the wedding for 3 hours.
Major Hewlett with his horse:

After talking about the wedding Edmund whispered and asked how Lydia was doing and I explained that she misses General Washington terribly, I didn't mention that Abe was leaving for awhile to search for Washington and the Continental Army Camp.
~Major Hewlett's POV~
I sat at my desk in the former church that Setauket had doing paperwork and planning on where the Rebels would fighting next, but knowing that my fiancé's best friend was in love the General himself I swore that I'd never tell a soul that Lydia Strong is in love with General Washington himself. But my fiancé and I talked about the wedding and where we should have it she's gonna love England but I think in her heart she'll want to live in America so she can see her friends and family.
So I held her hand and said"I was thinking a medium wedding in England then come back to America and have one with your friends and family," then she looked at me like I was crazy but then she stood behind me wrapping her hands around me as I was still sitting and she said"I think we can do it we'll be exhausted by then but we can handle it Edmund let's not worry about it for now," after talking about the wedding for 3 hours.
*Skip time to when Abe and Ben meet again while Abe's in a cell*

Nobody's POV:
While Abraham Woodhull was in a cell with another prisoner he was sitting in his cell bored and ragged looking when suddenly a man in a blue uniform came through the doors. Abe didn't realize that it was Benjamin Tallmadge an old friend of his, so then as such happened Ben killed the British officer before he and Abe had long chat.
Abe told Ben that he has information that he can give Washington, he also brought a stack of love letters from Lydia from while she was in school to now. Then Ben and he talked about what's been happening so far with the war, losing countless of men from the Army, before Ben knelt down beside Abe and said"All I ask is that you fight for what you believe in," before Abe gave Ben the info and love letters he then placed those things into a pouch and made sure that it was closed shut tightly.
That's when Ben told Abe the truth as he said"I'm saying, they have spies everywhere, sir. And we need the same." Abe understood what his friend was getting at Ben needed Abe to be the spy and help the Continental Army win the Revolution.

Abe accepted in spying for the Rebels and get information from the British but he has to be careful. Never know who you can actually trust in times like these, then as such happened Abe was set free and Ben left on his horse to get back tonight to Washington with his scouts from the Dragoon.
*End of Chapter 4: Abe and Ben meet again*
Will Abe and Ben be able to get Lydia and Washington to see each other again? Can Abe help get important information from the British? or Will the Revolution be for nothing?

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