Tumblr Stories, Headcannons...

By kitten-josh

99K 1.5K 432

Mostly Pernico, Jercy, Valdangelo, TheBigThreesome, and any ship that involves Nico, Jason, Percy, or Leo bei... More

Tumblr Stories Headcannons and AUs{PJO/HoO}
Oh look, they get stupider!
The Shirtless Showdown
Wearing the wrong jacket
Pizza fight
A Challenge
The candy store
Of closets and confessions
A science project
Lonely together
Dont trust the pomagrante
That Awkward Moment
Call It 'Magic'
Video Games
Only for a Night
Return the favor
The museum
First kiss
Start a Fire
Give me my belt
Come out of the closet
Birds of a feather
The Café
The Dove; Part 1
The Dove; part 2
End of Me
Speak it More often

Nothings wrong

1.1K 29 15
By kitten-josh

Smut rating: 5 out of 10


Percy was sitting on the grass when he saw Nico. He got up and started walking towards him. Ever since Rome Nico had been acting strange, and Percy wanted to know what was wrong with him. He had promised Bianca he would look after Nico all those years ago and he was going to make sure he did. "Hey Nico. Wait up!" Percy called, walking up to him.

Nico paused and glanced wearily behind him to see Percy jogging up to him. He said nothing, just waited for Percy to reach him.

"Hi," Percy smiled, cheeks red from running and the sharp wind on his face, "How have you been? We haven't talked in a while. You okay?" Percy asked, his hands in his pockets.

Nico raised an eyebrow and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Have you been talking to Jason? Did he put you up to this?"

Percy sighed at Nico's defensiveness. "No. I promise. Honestly, he hasn't talked to me much lately, I think he's too preoccupied with Piper. Why? Did something happen that you didn't tell me? You can trust me with anything Nico," Percy promised.

Nico would bring up the fact that he couldn't trust Percy with Bianca, but he wasn't that mean. "I'm fine Percy. Why don't you go find Annabeth or something?" He said the last part a bit bitterly.

Percy frowned at the way Nico sounded, he seemed jealous, but that was probably because of that crush he has on Annabeth that everybody keeps talking about, "I don't want to 'go find Annabeth'. I'm talking to you right now."

"I don't need you feeling sorry for me Percy. I'm going to practice my sword fighting now, so catch you later," Nico said, rolling his eyes. Like Percy would really want to spend time with him instead of with his girlfriend.

"Can I come? I can practice with you," Percy offered, determined to get to the bottom of what's had Nico so down lately.

"Fine, whatever." Nico replied shortly, quickening his pace towards the arena and drawing his Stygian iron sword.

Percy pulled Riptide out of his pocket and unclasped it, his sword appearing. "Ready?" Percy smiled.

Nico's eyes narrowed and he smirked, raising his blade. "Ready to kick your ass Jackson."

Percy laughed, "Whatever you say diangelo." Percy took the first swing.

Nico parried it away quickly and swung his blade back towards Percy where their swords blocked each other again.

Percy smiled, "Nice block," he said, pushing his sword down to push on Nico's, applying pressure until Nico's sword was trapped under his.

Nico ducked and sidestepped, smiling to himself as Percy's sword took a sudden dip towards the ground with the sudden removal of the force holding it up. "Thanks," he replied casually, bringing his sword up to strike again.

Percy moved just in time to hold his sword up, blocking Nico's sword from striking him. "Damn. When did you get so good at this?" Percy laughed out of breath.

"I spent a lot of time practicing in the underworld. There wasn't really much else to do except listen to Demeter lecture me about the importance of wheat and grains." Nico replied.

Percy smiled and moved his sword again, but not at Nico's head or cheat, instead striking low by Nico's thighs.

Nico jumped up over Percy's sword and scowled at him, doubling his effort. He didn't like losing.

Percy smiled at how competitive Nico was getting. It was almost..cute the way Nico tried so hard and got so flustered when he was on the verge of losing.

Nico attacked viciously, getting frustrated at how Percy was smiling. "What's so funny?" He nearly snapped.

Percy bit his lip as Nico started going at him harder, it became harder and harder to block his attacks. He ignored Nico's question, using all his energy to avoid getting struck by Nico's sword, he stepped back but tripped and fell down on his back.

Percy fell and Nico took advantage of the situation to press his sword against the base of Percy's throat. "I win." He stated, standing over him.

Percy put his hands above his head in a surrender. "You win. Congrats," Percy smiled.

Nico smiled back and offered out a hand to help Percy up.

Percy took Nico's hand and stood up. "So... Now that you've gotten your practice done, tell me what's wrong," Percy said seriously.

"Nothing's wrong Percy. I'm fine." Nico replied automatically.

"I can tell that that's bull. You've been really distant lately and just ...off, I guess.." Percy shrugged, "Did something happen?"

"I'm always distant. Why do you care so much all of the sudden?"

"I don't know.." Percy sighed, clasping his sword and turning it back into a pen, putting it in his pocket. "I just miss you. You used to always be around me."

"Not really. I left camp when I was eleven." Nico muttered uncomfortably.

"Did I do something wrong?" Percy asked, biting his lip.

Nico ran his hand through his hair and chuckled to himself darkly. "No Percy. Nothing's wrong anyway."

Percy crossed his arms, "I don't believe that for a second."

"And you don't have to." Nico replied shortly, crossing his arms too.

"Why are you so annoyingly stubborn? What happened? Why are you avoiding me more than usual? Does this have something to do with why Jason's stopped IM'ing with me?" Percy inquired.

"Being stubborn is what I do best," Nico flashed a half-hearted grin at Percy and continued, "Anyways I have no clue what's up with Jason, that's his business."

"Why can't you just tell me? You can be so aggravating sometimes Nico!" Percy said, stepping closer.

"Oh really? I'M aggravating? Percy, you're the biggest idiot I've ever met in my life." Nico snapped at him.

Percy flinched, he didn't understand what Nico was getting so angry and defensive about, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Nico paused and steeled his nerves, then stepped forward, grabbed the collar of Percy's shirt and pressed his lips to Percy's.

Percy gasped against Nico's lips. He couldn't lie, he'd thought about this before, about kissing Nico. He had always tried to shove the feelings away though, tried to remember that he had Annabeth, his girlfriend, but there was always something about Nico that she would never have. Nico was special. But that kiss, that kiss was all too real, and Percy was so wrapped up in his thoughts, he didn't even realize he wasn't kissing back. Wasn't moving at all actually.

Percy froze up as Nico kissed him, so Nico quickly pushed him away. He stared at the ground, refusing to look in Percy's direction as he quickly walked to Cabin 13.

The moment Percy realized his mistake, it was too late, Nico was walking away. "Hey! No! Stop! Nico!" Percy shouted, running after him.

Nico heard him yelling and running after him so he sped up, sprinted the last few yards to his cabin and ran in, locking the door.

"Nico!" Percy pounded on the door. "Please open the door. I...I wanna talk..." Percy said, but all he could really think about was kissing him again.

"Percy if you don't leave me alone I will open a pit that'll send you straight down to the underworld, so help me gods." Nico yelled from inside of his cabin where he was banging his head against a wall.

Percy sighed and crossed his arms. "Well I'm not leaving until you talk to me," Percy leaned his forehead against the door.

"I'm sorry, okay? That was really stupid of me. I won't do it again. Just pretend it never happened." Nico groaned.

"I don't want to!" Percy shouted, "I'm happy it happened. It just surprised me."

Nico slowly walked to the door and opened it. "Really?" He asked quietly.

Percy looked at Nico and nodded, "Yes," Percy said, stepping into the cabin and pressing his lips to Nico's.

Nico was stunned for a second. Was this really happening? Percy freaking Jackson was kissing him. Then Nico remembered that Percy Jackson was indeed kissing him and did the obvious thing. He kissed him back.

Percy relaxed once Nico started kissing back again, moving to stand on his toes to kiss him deeper, wrapping his arms around Nico's neck to pull him closer. If he was telling the truth, he had thought about doing this a lot, and he didn't want to screw it up.

Nico stepped forward slowly, signaling for Percy to do so too until Percy's back was at the wall of his cabin and Nico could lean down just enough so that Percy didn't have to reach up so much.

"You're so fucking tall. Its stupid," Percy breathed out against Nico's lips, his back pressed firmly to the wall and his head tilted upwards.

"Sorry," Nico murmured back, biting Percy's lip.

Percy let out a small noise, a mix of a gasp and a whine when Nico bit down on his lip, moving forward and standing on top of Nico's shoes, wanting to be as close as possible.

"What was that?" Nico laughed lightly.

"Don't be an asshole," Percy smirked, blushing.

"You're turning red." Nico pointed out.

"No I'm not," Percy said defensively, but Nico pointing it out only made him blush harder. He groaned and covered his face with his hands, "Shut up Nico."

"Okay." Nico replied. Stepping away and walking over to his bed, sitting down.

Percy furrowed his eyebrows and moved his hands, leaning against the door, not quite sure what to say. "I thought we were, um..you know..kissing.." Percy said.

"Were we?" Nico asked teasingly.

"I was just messing around when I told you to shut up," Percy said, walking over to the bed and sitting down across from Nico.

"I know." Nico replied, leaning over and kissing Percy again.

Percy smiled, cupping Nico's cheek in his hand and kissing him deeper, "Is this what you've been so worried about lately? Me?" Percy asked.

"Mostly, yeah." Nico admitted.

"You shouldnt have," Percy said, laying down on the bed.

"Well, I mean up until a few minutes ago I thought you were in a heterosexual, monogamous relationship. And that you were straight."

"Crap," Percy groaned, covering his face, "What am i supposed to tell Annabeth?"

"Yeah, I definitely shouldn't have worried at all." Nico muttered sarcastically.

"Nico, I really, really like you. But we shouldnt have kissed when I'm in a relationship," Percy said, "I don't know what I'm going to do." Percy hated hurting people, but he definitely didn't want to hurt Nico more than anything.

Nico's mood darkened. Of course Percy would regret kissing him. He knew it had been to good to be true.

After a moment of Nico not saying anything, Percy turned to where Nico was sitting. "Nico?"

"Mhmm?" Nico didn't want to say anything. He had this crushing weight on his chest and he felt like an idiot.

"Hey. What's wrong now?" Percy said. He thought everything was perfect.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Okay, no I'm not." Nico added before Percy could contradict him. "Just... I don't know. I feel really stupid."

"Why do you feel stupid?" Percy frowned, worried Nico was regretting what he'd done. Percy sat up, swinging his arm around Nico's shoulder.

"You still have Annabeth."

"I don't want her. I want you„' Percy said, pushing his face against Nico's shoulder.

"Really?" Nico's voice was just above a whisper and shock was visible on his face.

"Nico I haven't felt like that about her for a while now. I just stayed with her because the idea of facing the fact that I'm not straight... it scared me."

Without a word Nico kissed Percy again, pulling him as close as possible towards him.

Percy kissed Nico back, his hands in Nico's hair, leaning close until he was slowly pushing Nico down onto his back, climbing on top and straddling his thighs, kissing him deeper, his hands on either side of Nico's head.

A thousand thoughts ran through Nico's head. Most of them going either something like "oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods" or like "how far is this going to go?"

"You can put your hands on me, if you want to," Percy said, kissing down Nico's neck.

Nico blushed and gently moved his arms so they were around Percy's neck. Gasping a little as Percy kissed down his neck.

"What was that?" Percy said softly, teasing him the same way Nico had done earlier.

"Oh just shut up and keep kissing me Jackson."

Percy smiled, happy to oblige and pressed their lips together again, moving his hips down to grind against Nico's.

Nico let out a moan at the friction and carefully picked Percy up before flipping them so he was on top. "It's not nice to tease Jackson." He growled.

Percy just wrapped his legs around Nico's hips and whispered breathlessly, "You're so fun to tease though." Percy slowly slipped his hands up Nico"s shirt, feeling his chest. Percy wasn't one to wait around for what he wanted.

Nico kissed Percy aggressively. Moving slowly from his lips, across his jaw line, and down to his neck.

Percy moaned as Nico kissed his neck, moving his hands to the hem of Nico's shirt and tugging gently. "Off," he mumbled.

Nico sat up for a second, accidentally shifting his weight on Percy's lap, as he practically tore his shirt off and threw it across the room. "Now yours." He said in a low voice.

Percy nodded and pulled his shirt off before bucking his hips up where Nico was seated in his lap, wanting more friction. Percy pulled Nico back down and kissed him more, running his hands down Nico's bare chest, shivering at his cold skin on his warm fingertips.

Nico ground his hips down slowly, both he and Percy gasping at the friction. Percy's hands were trailing all over his back and chest and Nico's heart-rate was speeding up quickly.

Percy ran his fingernails down Nico's back gently, careful not to hurt him, just scratch him. "I could kiss you all day," Percy shuddered, pushing his lips back up to Nico's

"You'll have to prove that to me then." Nico mumbled against Percy's lips.

"Gladly," Percy smirked, holding Nico down by his hair to keep him still while he kissed him, moving his hips off the bed to grind them in circled against Nico.

"Did you hear that?" Nico asked in a hushed voice, freezing. He could distinctly hear several kids running outside the cabin. "Percy? What time is it?" Nico asked, suddenly sounding panicked.

"Its like six. Why?" Percy breathed out, trying to pull Nico back down not thinking about anything but kissing Nico.

"Percy. It's dinner time. We have to go. People will notice we're missing."

Percy sighed and let his hands fall from Nico's chest. "Alright," he sighed, disappointed and still a bit flushed.

Nico got up and put his shirt on, then threw Percy's shirt at him. "Come on."

Percy pulled his shirt on as well, standing up.

Nico and Percy walked out of Nico's cabin, but just before Nico opened the door he pushed Percy up against it and kissed him one more time. Then he pulled away and said "See you at the campfire." And walked away.

Percy smiled breathlessly and watched Nico walk away, smiling at his soon-to-be boyfriend before walking to dinner, Nico's lips on his mind.

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