Perfect Little Accidents

Oleh iamcatastrophic

54.6K 3.4K 2.1K

Gee and Frank are both juniors in high school. Lovers since freshman year they were practically inseparable... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 19

1.2K 88 56
Oleh iamcatastrophic

Okay but like Frank Iero saying Cherry's middle name isn't Blossom is like a mind fuck, idk where I read it but I swear their names were Cherry Blossom and Lily Bloom Iero


I smiled softly, clapping my hands as the little wedding ceremony ended. Linda and Frank Sr. were now officially married. Frank held my hand as we went outside. We went to an ice cream shop and I sighed as I sat down on a bench while Frank got my ice cream. I smiled as we ate before heading home because Frank had to go to work. Frank Sr. also went out to get things for dinner.

"I'm fucking huge," I muttered, resting a hand on my stomach.

"You're a beautiful woman and you are going to be an amazing mother," she said.

"I wish my parents were more like you, my parents never really loved us," I mumbled.

"Well, sometime people are just meant to be parents, you just know when someone is going to be a parent and a great one at that," Linda said. "Some people just aren't meant to be parents and honestly it would be better for everyone if they just stay in the offices at work."

"I've been wishing for my parents to be more like you ever since I met you," I said. "My parents are always just so strict and cold. They always call me by my first name too. Sometimes I wish that they had been more caring and warm rather than hiring a nanny to raise me."

"Your parents were definitely not mean to be parents," she s aid. "I know they don't like me and I know they talk shit about me and my son so I'm sure I can say a few things too. They're just cold-hearted, all they care about is their business. They should've left the parents to someone else."

"They did, it was the nanny," I snorted.

"You're gonna be a great mom, Gee," she said, holding my hand.

I smiled when I felt a sudden pain.

"Oh, uh, I-I think I'm going into labor," I said.

"Is it real labor or just Braxton Hicks?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No, this is different, this is definitely the real thing."

I felt my heart race as I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Don't panic, sweetheart, it's gonna be okay," she said.

"Wh-what do we do?" I asked. "Should we call an ambulance?"

"No, we don't need to do that," she said. "First we just need to start timing."

She pulled out her phone and started timing it. She waited until I had two more contractions before she nodded.

"They are about twenty minutes apart and lasting a minute," she said. "This is real labor, you're gonna have your little girls soon. You can call Frank now, I just wanted to make sure they were real before we pulled him out of work."

I nodded, calling Frank.

"What's up, Baby?" He asked. "I'm kind of busy right now."

"Frank, I'm going into labor," I said.

"A-are you serious?" Frank asked.

"Yes, I'm actually having contractions right now," I said..

"Shit, okay, I'm gonna head home," he said.

Frank hung up and I sighed quietly.

"Do we go to the hospital?" I asked.

"If we go to the hospital then they're just gonna send you back home," she said. "You're still in early labor, you're gonna need more time to for the labor to progress before you can go home."

I sighed, nodding nervously.

"Maybe you should take a little nap," she said. "You're gonna need rest."

I nodded, laying down on the couch. She turned on a movie and Frank rushed in.

"Oh god, the babies are coming," he panicked.

"Not quite yet," Linda said. "You two just need to stay calm and relaxed, I'll call your doctor."

She walked off and we sat in front of the tv. I dozed off a bit but soon it was becoming more painful. Frank Sr. was home by that time and I groaned as Frank helped me into the car. We were driving to the hospital when I felt something inside of me that was almost like a pop. There was a trickling and soon I was sitting in a little puddle of water. But it wasn't really water, I knew that.

"M-my water just broke," I whimpered.

"It's okay, sweetheart," she said. "We're almost there."

We pulled up to the hospital and I groaned.

"Okay, Frank Jr, you go grab a wheelchair," Linda said. "Frank Sr, you park the car."

Frank ran in to grab a wheelchair for me and they helped me into it. We were wheeled in and up to the maternity ward. She checked us in and I was thankfully stripped of my wet clothes and instead into a hospital gown. I laid in the bed, whimpering quietly as Frank held my hand.

"Well then, Sweetheart," Dr. Colby said as she walked in. "The day is finally here. How far apart are the contractions?"

"About five minutes and lasting one minute," Linda said.

"And your water has broken, correct?" She asked and I nodded. "Alright then, let's see how far along you are."

She put on a pair of gloves and I cried out from the pain as I felt her fingers between my legs. I thought she was trying to stick her whole hand up inside me.

"Well, looks like you're about three centimeters dilated," she said. "You still have some time to go. But soon you're gonna be medicated."

"No, I-I don't want an epidural," I said.

"Baby, a-are you sure?" Frank asked.

I nodded. "I...I think I wanna do it naturally."

"You can't think, Gee, you have to know because you are about to have two babies," Dr. Colby said.

"No, I do," I said. "I wanna do it naturally."

"Are you sure you wanna do this, Gee?" Linda asked. "It's okay to get an epidural, you're still young and small and carrying twins."

I nodded my head, sighing quietly. A nurse came in, checking my vitals and setting me up with some machines.

"Now you guys will just need to wait here until the labor progresses," Dr. Colby said. "Try to make yourselves comfortable."

She walked out and I whimpered as I held Frank's hand, another contraction starting.

"It's okay, Baby, you're gonna be okay," he said.

"Let me braid your hair, Sweetheart," Linda said. "It'll help keep it out of that pretty face of yours."

She French-braided my hair as Frank Sr. walked in. He sat on the couch in front of the window.

"I'm thirsty," I mumbled.

"Frank, can you go get your girlfriend some ice chips?" Linda asked.

"Ice whats?" Frank asked.

"I'll get it," Frank Sr. said.

He walked out and Linda sighed, gently caressing my cheek.

"Let's turn on the tv, maybe it can help you feel better," she said. "It can help distract you a bit. Are you sure you want a natural birth, Gee? It's not too late to change your mind."

"I don't want an epidural," I said.

She nodded, turning on the tv.

"Don't people not need to be in the hospital until later if they don't have an epidural?" I complained.

"Yes but you're so young they want you here to watch you," she said.

I whined just as Frank Sr. came back in. I spent hours in there in pain and the babies didn't seem to want to move at all. I cried quietly because it has now been twelve hours and it was three in the morning and Frank was in one of the chairs asleep. Frank Sr. had gone home and Linda was out looking around.

"Frank," I hissed.

Frank just snored and I let out a cry. I threw my pillow at him and he jerked awake.

"Wh-what? What's happening?" He panicked.

"I have to pee," I said. "Can you help me to the bathroom?"

He nodded and helped me up to my feet. I leaned against him as I walked into the bathroom and used the toilet.

"Have you slept at all?" He asked, yawning quietly.

"No, it's too painful to sleep," I said. "And the babies don't wanna fucking move or come out."

"Let's go on a little walk," he suggested.

I sniffled and nodded, wiping my eyes. He helped support me as we went out into the hall and walked around a bit. It was dark and quiet here, nurses just talking quietly.

"You okay, honey?" One of the nursed asked.

"Yeah, just trying to get these fucking babies to move," I said.

Frank chuckled softly and helped me walk around a bit. I stopped walking during a contraction before moving again.

"Come on, Cherry, I know you're the quieter of the sisters but this is your time to shine," I muttered.

We walked around the empty lobby for a little, listening to the receptionist answering the phone.

" I have to pee again," I whined.

I used the toilet again before laying down in bed, watching some more tv to try and distract myself. Frank ended up falling asleep again and Linda came in, dozing off again.

It wasn't for a few more hours before Dr. Colby walked back in. She smiled bright and cheery as she put on her gloves.

"Were you able to get any rest?" She asked and I shook my head. "Were there nurses that came in to check on you throughout the night?"

"Yeah they've all come up here to just shove their fucking hands up my vagina," I said. "Dr. Colby, can we please just get these babies out of me? It has been almost twenty hours now."

She chuckled and sat on the stool at the foot of my bed. Frank held my hand as she checked me and I cried out in pain.

"You are about seven centimeters dilated and ninety-five percent effaced," she said.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It's means not too long now," she said. "This part usually goes the fastest."

It wasn't for another few hours that she determined I was ready.

"Alright, are you two both going to the delivery room with her?" Dr. Colby asked.

"I'm not," Linda said.

"No, no, I-I need you there, we don't know what we're doing," I said.

"You two should do this alone, you'll be fine," Linda said.

I was taken out of the room while crying out in pain. Soon enough I was in a delivery room with nurses bustling around me.

"Th-They're gonna be okay bringing born a little early, right?" I asked.

"Of course they will, they're gonna be perfect," Frank said, standing by my head as he held my hand.

I sobbed, excruciating pain moving like waves throughout my abdomen.

"Oh god, I-I should've gone with the drugs," I cried.

"It's too late, Sweetheart," Dr. Colby said. "The Baby is crowning."

"Sh-she is?" I asked and she nodded. "Do I start pushing now?"

"Yes, you can push," she said.

I sobbed as I pushed and it felt like hours and hours until there were suddenly little cries. I gasped, relaxing against the mattress. They handed me Cherry and one nurse opened up my gown to place her right on my chest to keep her warm.

"Oh my god," Frank muttered.

I looked up as I smiled, watching him cry. I held her close, listening to her quiet crying. One of the nurses took her away and I was told I needed to start on Lily now. I was in so much pain as I tried pushing her out, alternating between pushing and relaxing.

"Just breathe," Frank said softly.

"Oh fuck off!" I shouted. "You just breathe while I shove a fucking cantaloupe up your dick hole!"

Some of the nurses snickered as Frank blushed. It took another thirty-five minutes of pushing before I finally heard those second cries and I knew I was finally done.

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