Chapter 8

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I put on one of Frank's hoodies and went outside to the car.

"Mikey! Hurry up!" I shouted.

He grumbled unhappily and walked outside. He got into the car and I drove us to school. I sat in class and sat with Frank.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said.

I sniffled quietly, holding his hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, just a little emotional and I put my shoes on the wrong feet this morning and it made me sad," I said.

"That's adorable," he said.

"No it isn't," I said. "I was in distress."

He gave me a soft kiss and smiled.

"You look cute in my hoodie," he said.

"You look cute in general," I said.

Frank chuckled, holding my hand as I smiled. Classes started and we sat quietly in our seats. I thankfully wasn't having morning sickness anymore so that was a lot better. The day seemed to drag on before the final bell rang and we were finally on our way home. I was still upset with my parents and I stormed up to my room without talking to them.

I sighed quietly, curling up in bed. I was so tired right now I just curled up in my warm bed, turning on the tv. I didn't even have the energy to do my homework. It must've been the pregnancy that caused me to be so tired right now and I dozed off to sleep.

I woke up when the maid walked into the room. I was startled us I sat up quickly, looking around. She seemed just as startled as me as she jumped back.

"Oh, I apologize, Miss Way, I didn't know you were home, I thought you would be out on a Friday night," she said. "I can go."

"No, no, it's okay," I said. "It's actually a good thing you woke me up."

I left the room and sighed as I went downstairs. I grabbed some water and sat at the kitchen counter. I drank quietly as I texted Frank.

Gee: Hey, you okay?

Frank: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Gee: I don't know, just wanna be sure because I love you

Frank: That's so sweet, I love you too

Gee: Can I come over?

Frank: Of course you can

I smiled and went outside to my car. I stopped by the garage at Frank's house and gave his mom a hug. I looked in his fridge and grabbed some caffeine free pop. I went upstairs and sat beside Frank on his bed. He smiled as he scrolled through his laptop.

"Frank, are you scared for the babies?" I asked.

"Not really, I mean a little bit just financially but not really, I know I'm gonna have two little babies that I will love with all my heart," he said.

"I think I'm scared for the birth the most," I said. "It's gonna fucking hurt. In movies and books they always just sort of glaze over it as just the miracle of birth with like five minutes of pain but in real life it's so much more of this."

"Well, we can see what a real one is like," he said.

Frank looked up a video of a real birth and clicked on it.

"Doesn't seem too bad," I said. "And there's no audio."

Suddenly the nurse picked up a pair of scissors and my heart stopped.

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