Chapter 19

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Okay but like Frank Iero saying Cherry's middle name isn't Blossom is like a mind fuck, idk where I read it but I swear their names were Cherry Blossom and Lily Bloom Iero


I smiled softly, clapping my hands as the little wedding ceremony ended. Linda and Frank Sr. were now officially married. Frank held my hand as we went outside. We went to an ice cream shop and I sighed as I sat down on a bench while Frank got my ice cream. I smiled as we ate before heading home because Frank had to go to work. Frank Sr. also went out to get things for dinner.

"I'm fucking huge," I muttered, resting a hand on my stomach.

"You're a beautiful woman and you are going to be an amazing mother," she said.

"I wish my parents were more like you, my parents never really loved us," I mumbled.

"Well, sometime people are just meant to be parents, you just know when someone is going to be a parent and a great one at that," Linda said. "Some people just aren't meant to be parents and honestly it would be better for everyone if they just stay in the offices at work."

"I've been wishing for my parents to be more like you ever since I met you," I said. "My parents are always just so strict and cold. They always call me by my first name too. Sometimes I wish that they had been more caring and warm rather than hiring a nanny to raise me."

"Your parents were definitely not mean to be parents," she s aid. "I know they don't like me and I know they talk shit about me and my son so I'm sure I can say a few things too. They're just cold-hearted, all they care about is their business. They should've left the parents to someone else."

"They did, it was the nanny," I snorted.

"You're gonna be a great mom, Gee," she said, holding my hand.

I smiled when I felt a sudden pain.

"Oh, uh, I-I think I'm going into labor," I said.

"Is it real labor or just Braxton Hicks?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No, this is different, this is definitely the real thing."

I felt my heart race as I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Don't panic, sweetheart, it's gonna be okay," she said.

"Wh-what do we do?" I asked. "Should we call an ambulance?"

"No, we don't need to do that," she said. "First we just need to start timing."

She pulled out her phone and started timing it. She waited until I had two more contractions before she nodded.

"They are about twenty minutes apart and lasting a minute," she said. "This is real labor, you're gonna have your little girls soon. You can call Frank now, I just wanted to make sure they were real before we pulled him out of work."

I nodded, calling Frank.

"What's up, Baby?" He asked. "I'm kind of busy right now."

"Frank, I'm going into labor," I said.

"A-are you serious?" Frank asked.

"Yes, I'm actually having contractions right now," I said..

"Shit, okay, I'm gonna head home," he said.

Frank hung up and I sighed quietly.

"Do we go to the hospital?" I asked.

"If we go to the hospital then they're just gonna send you back home," she said. "You're still in early labor, you're gonna need more time to for the labor to progress before you can go home."

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