Chapter 20

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Frank smiled as he held both his daughters, crying quietly as he looked at them bundled up in their little blankets.

"They're so beautiful," he whispered.

I smiled, relaxed back against the mattress. I was in the recovery room now and the babies were here with me. It was the next day and I had finally gotten some sleep now after being in labor for twenty-five hours.

"You did so well," Linda said. "Even I wasn't brave enough to have a natural birth."

She kissed my cheek and I smiled.

"I wanna hold one," I said.

Frank handed me Cherry and I smiled.

"You're so little," I cooed. "So Little But you hurt me so much."

Frank smiled as he looked at Lily.

"I can't believe I'm actually a dad," he muttered. "Oh and Jamia and Lindsey texted you while you were sleeping, they wanted to come up here to see the babies."

"That's fine," I said.

Linda took Lily from him so he could go out in the hall to call them.

"They're absolutely gorgeous, Gee," she said.

I smiled proudly as I looked down at Cherry. She was so tiny, bundled up in her little baby blanket.

"I love you," I whispered.

I smiled as Frank walked back in.

"Do you need anything?" He asked.

"No, I'm okay," I said.

He smiled and stood beside me, running his fingers through my freshly cleaned hair. He gave me a soft kiss and I smiled.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too, Baby," he said.

He looked down at Cherry, gently caressing her cheek with his thumb. His thumb was practically the size of her whole face. Lily started crying quietly and I looked over.

"Looks like this little girl is hungry," Linda said. "You need help?"

I shook my head and Frank took Cherry as I grabbed Lily. I unbuttoned my gown and held her to my chest to feed her. Twenty minutes later the door opened and Lindsey and Jamia walked in with balloons.

"I wanna see the little babies!" Jamia cheered.

Frank handed her Cherry and she giggled in excitement.

"Lily's eating right now but she should be done soon," he said.

My two friends cooed over Cherry happily.

"I'll leave you guys alone," Linda said, walking out of the room.

Lily finished and Frank helped button up my shirt before I handed her to Lindsey.

"Oh my god, look, she has your eyes, Gee," she said.

"I never wanna put her down," Jamia said. "Dammit, now I wanna have my own little babies."

I smiled, sitting up.

"When are you heading home?" Lindsey asked.

"Hopefully tonight," I said.

"Have they done all those test things to make sure they're healthy?" Jamia asked.

"Yes they are, they're perfectly healthy," Frank said.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I watched them.

"Hey guys, we're moving to Wisconsin," I whispered.

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