Chapter 7

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I was playing fortnite and these ppl I was in a squad with saw my username and immediately started going like "Ching Chong Ching I'm Chinese Ching Ching" And y'all I was about to smack someone


I knocked on the door, biting my lip nervously. Frank opened the door and gave me a hug. I smiled, walking inside. Linda walked in, smiling as she shook hands with my parents. When she turned her back I saw my mom wipe her hand and her suit pants in disgust.

"Frank, can you go to the basement to get more paper towels?" Linda asked.

I went down with him, holding his hand.

"You look beautiful," Frank whispered when we got down there.

I smiled, looking down at my simple maroon colored dress.

"You look good," I said.

He had in a pair of black jeans with a white button up tucked into them and a black tie.

"You think?" He asked nervously. "I was trying to impress your parents."

I smiled, giving him a kiss.

"You look hot," I said, pulling him closer by his tie.

"Baby, your parents are here," he said.

I smiled, kissing him roughy. He let out a soft moan before he pulled away. Frank grabbed the paper towel roll and went upstairs while I followed.

"It smells really good, Linda," I said as we got to the kitchen.

"Genevieve!" My mom gasped. "It's Ms. Iero, be respectful."

"No, it's okay," Linda said. "I prefer Linda, actually."

My mom nodded curtly and we sat around the table.

"Michael, off your phone," my dad said.

My brother sighed, putting down his phone.

"I'm so glad we could do this," Linda said as she dished out our food. "I feel like with Gee being pregnant we all really just need some time to talk."

"Oh my god, Gee's pregnant?" Mikey asked. "You're like a slut."

I kicked his shin under the table and he cried out in pain.

"At least I didn't wet the bed until I was twelve," I said.

"Mom said not to tell anyone!" Mikey shouted.

"Kids," my dad hissed.

We quieted down and I ate my lasagna.

"Yes, we just want to put this mistake behind us," my mom said.

"It isn't a mistake, this is the miracle of life," Linda said. "There are going to be two little lives added into this world. Two more beautiful little humans. Yes, the timing is a little bit off but it's still amazing."

"Yeah, you only say that because you have a son only sixteen years younger than you," my mom said.

"Mom, be nice," I complained.

I ran my fingers through my red hair as I sighed.

"I'm sure we can be amicable," my dad said.

"Would you two care for some wine?" Linda asked, going to the counter to grab the bottle off the counter.

"With this tension I would," Frank mumbled.

Both my parents scowled at him and he quickly shut his mouth.

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