Chapter 17

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It was the first day on summer break and I relished being able to sleep in without any school work to worry about. I yawned and stretched, walking downstairs. I found Frank on the couch playing Xbox with his best friend, Ryan.

"Hey, babe, you wanna play Halo with us?" He asked.

"No, I'm okay," I said.

"Arlight, there's food on the stove," he said, concentrating as he killed a couple of zombies.

I went to the kitchen and smiled when I found some scrambled eggs in a pan beside a plate of french toast. I grabbed a plate and sat down in the living room next to Frank as I ate.

"Fucking no!" Ryan shouted. "How did he do that?! He jumped way too high! Fucking cheat!"

"Your yelling upsets the babies," I said as I felt Cherry stir unhappily.

"Sorry," Ryan said.

I sighed, resting a hand on my stomach. I watched them play until Linda and Frank Sr. walked in.

"Frank, Gee, we need to talk to you," Linda said.

Frank scowled, looking around them at the tv.

"Can you pause the game?" She asked.

"It's online, mom, you can't pause," Frank said.

Frank Sr. turned off the Xbox and my boyfriend groaned. The tone in the room was tense and Ryan shifted uncomfortably.

"I should go," he said.

Ryan left and Frank's parents sat on the couch adjacent to us.

"So, we were talking and, well, we want to get married," Linda said.

I felt my stomach twist as Frank looked over at them.

"Seriously?" Frank asked. "Isn't that a little fast?"

"No, Frank, we're in love," Linda said. "It's like he never left."

"But he did leave, he left you, mom," Frank said.

"I thought you two were getting along," she said.

"Yeah but it all just seems a little bit fast," Frank said.

"Well, Frank, we know it is a little bit fast but I promise we're doing the right thing, I know it," Linda said.

"But of course we wouldn't stay down here in New Jersey," Frank Sr. said. "We would move up to Wisconsin to live in my house."

"I'm not moving," Frank denied.

"Frank, it's a really nice house," Linda said. "It's very big, like Gee's old house. There's a pool and a tennis court and you would have an ensuite bathroom and the twins would even be able to have their own rooms."

"I don't care how big it is, I'm not moving to fucking Wisconsin," Frank denied.

"We would want to move soon," Frank Sr. said.

"We aren't gonna fucking move," Frank stated. "Mom, we can't move. This is our home. You worked so hard to be able to afford it for us. You're work is here, you can't just quit. And we would move away from grandpa! Mom, you can't make us move!"

Linda opened her mouth to say something but Frank Sr. interrupted her.

"You don't really have a choice, Frank," he said.

I cried quietly and Frank held my hand.

"Mom, please," Frank whispered. "W-we can't move."

Linda looked at Frank sadly, coming over to wrap her arms around her son.

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