Happily ever after? /// Cedri...

By hayleyrebecca

77.4K 1.2K 780

Evan is a muggle-born witch in her 5th year when 6th year Cedric Diggory is chosen to be a Triwizard Champio... More

Another life update!


1.6K 30 12
By hayleyrebecca


Rushing into the infirmary, Cedrics eyes scanning quickly over the cots in search of one occupying the girl he couldn't stop thinking about. There. In the corner hidden behind a curtain where Professor Sprout was walking hastily towards. Cedric pushed past Dumbledore and the rest of the group to go check on her, worried that she would be in pain and couldn't imagine being alone at such a time.

Approaching the cot, Cedric suddenly felt uncertain as Evan's eyes met his, remembering how much of a dumb arse he was at their last encounter. Before he could string together any words, she broke out into a smile, immediately erasing any doubts he had. Although significantly smaller than her usual earth stopping smile, this one was more beautiful because of the strength and hope radiating from it. Cedric just wanted to rush up next to her and fold her in his arms so nothing like this could ever happen again. Instead he awkwardly approached as her gaze continued to pierce through him, his eyes downcast.

Making it to the side of her bed, he cast her a lopsided smile in hopes of charming her and lifting her spirits. "How are you feeling?" he asked pathetically, internally hitting himself repeatedly for being such a dud.

"Never been better,"clearly aware of his embarrassment, Evan smiled softly again and replied in a hoarse voice, teasing him. "But in all honesty, I am not sure how I feel. Physically I am mostly healed, although even Madame Pomfrey couldn't completely fix everything, so I get a sweet scar right here," and pointed towards her back. "Emotionally though there is something slightly off and I have no idea what it is and it's terrifying. It just feels like a coldness has penetrated my body, and it's super subtle but noticeable enough that I am scared, but I'm sure it's nothing."

Dumbledore's presence was felt right behind Cedric, though Cedric had no doubt Dumbledore had been there the entire conversation and had heard everything. Turning around, Cedric noticed a hint of worry in his eyes, though it was gone just as soon as he spotted it.

"Ms. Lucas you are looking mountains better than you were earlier. I thought we were going to have to resurrect you from the grave you were in such bad shape. Is there anything you need assistance with?" Dumbledore asked.

Shaking her head, Evan tried to sit up in order to survey the entourage Professor Sprout brought in but just as quickly slumped back down, no doubt drained from all the healing.

Cedric walked out of earshot from her bed to discuss with Dumbledore, Snape heatedly discussing something with Potter a distance away.

"Professor, did you hear what she said about the coldness? What is that? Is it temporary? Do you know how to fix her?" Cedric's voice rose with every question, filled with panic. He had no doubt he looked absolutely mad and shouldn't be talking to his Headmaster like that, but couldn't help the panic creeping into his bones. What if there was something really wrong and nothing could help her? What then? No one should have the power to taint such a beautiful soul and get away with it.

"Cedric, first I need you to breathe. Snape already talked to Christopher and we are going to hear everything we can from him once this conversation is over. I understand your concern, but right now Evan just needs a friend, not answers. Be that friend," Dumbledore said quietly, then left Cedric to approach Snape after Harry quickly rushed out of the infirmary.

Cedric leaned against the wall and sunk to the floor and prayed. Who he was praying to he had no idea, but he prayed nonetheless. For several minutes, he just sat there with his heads in between his knees. From his seated position, Cedric heard the echo of footsteps approaching Evan's cot and looked up to see Dumbledore and Snape on the opposite side. He didn't want to miss this.

"..... and it was like he had no clue what I was talking about, it was the oddest response to a truth serum I've ever encountered. First he said he did it for revenge, then it was forced on him from someone else, and when I asked him who he had no answer, as if he couldn't remember. Then he started freaking out and had no clue what I was talking about. When I asked him what spells he cast, all he said was Crucio before he started crying, and I can't find his wand anywhere, it's like it disappeared. Then he claimed someone was going to kill him now that he failed and was hyperventilating," Snape informed us quickly. "I'm not sure what to make of this, but this is definitely not the work of a 4th year student, there is more to the story."

"I agree completely, Snape. Do you think we can get anything else from him or is that a dead end? I don't want to leave any stone unturned," Dumbledore started again.

Cedric turned back to see how Evan was taking everything in, and was met with a look of panic. Quietly pulling up a chair right by her side, he took one of her hands and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He saw a small smile grace her tired face and felt a warmth spread through his body.

While Snape and Dumbledore kept working through how to handle Christopher, Cedric just stood there holding her hand. A sort of drowsiness overtook Cedric, and before he knew it, he was being jostled awake. Disoriented, he became aware of another person's hand in his own and realized he was still with Evan at the infirmary.

Taking in his surroundings, he realized he had fallen asleep with his head face down beside Evan, who was also sleeping, but clutching his hand tightly.

He bashfully looked up at Dumbledore whose eyes were filled with mischief and held a sense of knowing that deepened Cedric's already flushed cheeks.

He hastily slid his hand out of Evan's and sat up, still slightly groggy from sleep. "When did I fall asleep?" he asked while yawning.

"I'm not actually sure. One second you were standing by both Snape and I, the next you and Ms. Lucas were passed out next to each other," he again flashed that raised eyebrow. "It's nearly 4 in the morning, I'm sure your friends are wondering where you are, go get some rest, I'll stay with Ms. Lucas."

Though he wanted to protest, his mind still wasn't functioning right and knew he needed a few more hours of rest in a real bed. He turned but was grabbed on the shoulder by his headmaster.

"Oh and Cedric, please don't mentioned what you witnessed in this room to your friends. This is Evan's story to tell, and I know she would respect your discretion. Thank you for helping out today, I know it helped her get through everything. I'm going to talk to her in a few hours about having visitors, I'll let you know what she wants before breakfast," Dumbledore said.

Taking that as his queue to leave, Cedric turned on his heels and left the infirmary, headed towards Hufflepuff rooms. Walking around so late at night reminded him of his two encounters with Evan, and how he majorly screwed up. Thinking back on last night and how open she was to him gave him hope, but he knew he was on thin ice.


hey guys! sorry it took me so long to get back in the groove of things! I forgot how completely chaotic the spring is for me, plus i have a new job and training for all the fun things i'm doing this summer!!! i'm currently in Thailand and got weirdly inspired to get back into writing, please let me know what you think.

qotd: hot or cold showers?

aotd: definitely hot, although i used to take rigid showers when i was younger and still have low tolerance for super hot

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