His Other Half

By sofiaskiee

27.2K 784 54

His eyes darkened, turning into a shade of darker blue. Odd. He took a deep breath, making my brows ceased de... More

His Other Half
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 17 Part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Please Read.
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 6

1.3K 40 2
By sofiaskiee

"But it's killing me to see you go after all this time..." - Taylor Swift ft. Colbie Caillat

Alexandria's Point of View

One week.

The days seemed to fly and still no sign of my parents; of my heritage.

I never felt this type of loneliness before. I knew that I hated the thought of finding anything about myself in the past., but now I wanted to know what kind of parents I could have then. I wanted to know a lot of things and so far, there was no clue that could show any proof that they were still alive nor evidence that they even existed.

I felt so alone.

Just like that, that I didn't even notice my birthday until I saw the necklace  around my neck while staring at the mirror. Usually, my adopted family, celebrated the day they have found me on their dororsteps as my birthday and I couldn't even be happier; for me, that was also the day of my life turned upside downbut it wasn't my real birthdate.

The life in the new home was great. I met new friends, new people who were kind enough to talk  to me and welcome me in the communitY, besides Spade and I were getting closer than I thought was possible. He was sweet but he had some anger issues, same with the people around me like Marissa, Micheal, and the others; mostly the largest population of the town.

"Alexandria..?" A voice uttered that sanp me out of my daze.

I blinked a few times only to see a clear view of Spade's face. His eyes stared into mine with nothing but confusion and concern . He was the only one who kept calling me by my first name adnd it sure as heck sent pleasure through my whole body.

"Yes?" I mumbled.

"You keep spacing out, is there something wrong?" He asked.

I sent him a sweet smile, "Everything is fine. I'm just thinking about what will happen when I go back home."

His eyes widened, making his deep blue orbs looked so shocked, disappointed, and pained with yearning. "You're leaving?"

I forced a smile once again, but failed. "Yeah...."

"Oh," he responded while he gripped his hands and looked down.

I bit my lower lip, "Don't worry. It still depends on what will happen." I reasoned. I wanted to bite my lip so hard to let blood oozed out for saying such a thing.Why did I tell him that? I was giving him false hope for nothing.

"So you have a chance of staying right here then," he mumbled in a deep thought after a moment of silence.

"Maybe," I breathed and quickly pecked his cheek, "bye."

Before he could even look up I was already out of his car, running towards my house. My cheeks reddened as I remembered what I just did.

I was such a sneaky little doe for doing that.

I couldn't help but smile as soon I opened the door and refused to look back, not wanting him to feel smugged of what I had done to see my flushed face.

As I closed the door behind me, my breath hitched in my throat as I tried not to squeal because of delight. I was like a love-struck girl who had been noticed by her crush. Oh God, what was happening to me? I took my lazy butt out off the way and walked upstairs to reach my bedroom to see if I could sleep well.

I kissed him, I thought and smiled even though it was only in his cheeks. Still.

Slowly, my eyes fluttered close as I drifted off to sleep; wishing and hoping that something bette would happen tomorrow.


I blinked a few times as I grawling in the pit of my stomach. I groggily stood up from the bed and gently saw myself walking out of the house, my eyes half-closedof wanting to go back to sleep but my feet were leading me through the woods, far far from the village.

 I didn't know what happened next but my feet stopped on its own as my half-awake mindkept screaming for my other mind to wake up.

 My body was tired and worn out from walking so far; and it only wanted one thing  and that was to go back to sleep. So I curled up into a ball and let sleep took me once moreon my dreamland.


My eyes opened when I felt something clawing its way out of my body. My mind was full of unknown questions while my body felt like as if it was being ripped apart. My eyes blurred as tears cascaded down to my cheeks, my body shook as I kept myself from screaming.

No more! I whimpered.

What's happening to me? It hurts. It freaking hurts!

Anyone, someone, please help. I gasped as my back ached because of pain.

No more, I begged.

Make it stop, please help me!

The pain was the worst thing I had ever felt in my whole life. I would do anything just to stop the pain; this excruciating pain that knocked the breath out of my system.

 Please, please no more!

My eyes widened as another streak of pain knocked me out of two seconds' pause.

My arms stretched above my head, my body convulsed because of pain, and my breathing had gone labored.

My eyes widened once again.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" I screamed as I closed my eyes, while thrashing back and forth to the ground.

Please stop. Please. 

This felt like hell, I thought as I landed on my stomach. I took a deep breath to keep myself calm while opening my eyes slowly.

Before I could fully open them, another hate streaking pain forced its wayout of my body leaving me breathless. I saw black dots in my vision and almost hope for death to comebut nothing could stop it thus causing pain to find its way to me.

What just happened?

I tried to stand up usingmy trembling legs and savored the feeling. A low groan left my knees buckling beneath me. A tear slid down that I felt  like cursing. My body trembled as I tried to wipe the tear that fell down but  before I could even wipe the stray tear, me eyes opened and stared at a huge white paw that had long sharp claws inches away from my face.

What the...?

A/N: Sorry for the late update :( I've beeb busy with college -_- it sucks. Next update will be tomorrow or on Saturday :D xx - Sofia

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