Lethal Passion (Jeff The Kill...

By GuardianDemon

1.3M 32K 29.9K

Everything seemed perfect at first, but what happens when the person you once loved turns into a cold-blooded... More

Lethal Passion (Jeff The Killer)
Chapter 1. An Affair
Chapter 2. First Meeting
Chapter 3. New Family
Chapter 4. Fun Time
Chapter 5. The Park
Chapter 6. First Day On School
Chapter 7. New Town
Chapter 8. Crushes?
Chapter 9. Annoying People
Chapter 10. Confessions
Chapter 11. A Fight!
Chapter 12. A School Play
Chapter 13. Rehearsal
Chapter 14. First Kiss
Chapter 15. Goodbye Home
Chapter 16. Car Trips
Chapter 17. Grandeur Neighborhood
Chapter 18. A Weird Feeling
Chapter 19. Meet The Neighbors
Chapter 20. Liu's Departure
Chapter 21. Here Comes Trouble
Chapter 22. In The Hospital
Chapter 23. Sickness
Chapter 24. A Week Away
Chapter 25. Snowy Forest
Chapter 26. Good News
Chapter 27. Blizzard
Chapter 28. Jeff The Killer is Born
Chapter 29. The Unpleasant News
Chapter 30. Foster Care?
Chapter 31. Painful Memories
Chapter 32. Timeskip
Chapter 33. The Man
Chapter 34. All Over Again
Chapter 35. First Encounter
Chapter 36. The Deal
Chapter 37. The New Guy
Chapter 38. Masked Feelings
Chapter 39. T-Thanks
Chapter 40. The Funeral
Chapter 41. Christmas
Chapter 42. Who am I?
Chapter 43. Worried
Chapter 44. Familiar
Chapter 45. Family?
Chapter 46. Photos
Chapter 47. Guilt
Chapter 48. Changing
Chapter 49. The Knife
Chapter 50. Concern
Chapter 51. Unexpected Visit
Chapter 52. Monster
Chapter 53. I'm Sorry
Chapter 54. I Never Wanted This
Chapter 55. It Ends Tonight
Chapter 56. Complication
Chapter 57. It's Over
Chapter 58. New Lives
【SEQUEL】Chapter 59. Who?
Chapter 60. Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 61. Questions Unanswered
Chapter 63. Discussion
Chapter 64. Knives and Guns
Chapter 65. Insanity
Chapter 66. His Yesterdays
Chapter 67. Attempt
Chapter 68. Madness
Chapter 69. A Lost Cause
Chapter 70. Reclusion
Chapter 71. A Conflict
Chapter 72. The Plan
Chapter 73. Truthful Lies
Chapter 74. Hope
Author's Last Note

Chapter 62. A Theory

11.1K 346 401
By GuardianDemon

I decided to research about the incident from 13 years ago, where it all started.

I typed away into my laptop, searching and reading every possible article that could be related to that day. So far, all I found out was the fact that Jeff was never found, I also watched a few videos that were filmed right when the conflict with those three boys happened. I don't remember much from that fight, I just remember being badly hurt, same with Jeff. I can't believe those people had the guts to record that.

I even saw a few blogs saying that I'm the murderer. Really . . . Idiots. They don't even have proof that I was there, no wonder I haven't made any friends ever since then.

None of this information says anything about Liu. Sighing, I searched Liu's name and clicked a random link which I don't remember seeing before, I was brought into an eerie looking site that sort of gave off a strange aura. There is a text written in bold saying 'The Woods family', but when I tried to open the chatroom, it wouldn't let me.

I had to make an account and so I did, but I didn't reveal my name. I used a bunch of numbers as a username instead. God, I'm so desperate right now . . .

Sure enough, I was allowed to join the chatroom It looked like an old conversation from 13 years ago, obviously after Jeff 'turned'. I haven't had much luck in researching about Liu, I don't know about this site but it wouldn't really hurt to read it. It was just a bunch of users talking about the incident.


Ed_28: Anyone here knows about the woods and what happened a few weeks ago?

[Bl3epBlo0p has joined the conversation]

Bl3epBlo0p: sum1 finally started a goddmn convo about this

Ed_28: Hello.

Bl3epBlo0p: Yo

Bl3epBlo0p: ye, I kno about dat shit. heard a killer killed da woods

Ed_28: Yes and other houses too in one night. I know a kid named "Jeffrey Woods" went missing.

[xxVivianxx has joined the conversation]

xxVivianxx: OMG :( my friend was one of the victims!!! RIP

Ed_28: Sorry for your loss, which friend was that?

Bl3epBlo0p: wtf

xxVivianxx: the arkensaws was like murdered too :'(

Bl3epBlo0p: then whos da other family??

Ed_28: I think it was the Adams.

xxVivianxx: ooh..... the adams... :/

Ed_28: Anyway, I actually have something to say about the Woods.



xxVivianxx: thats soooo stupid -.- retard

Ed_28: Oh, wow.

Bl3epBlo0p: stfu bitch

xxVivianxx: go fuck yourself

Bl3epBlo0p: i would but im not gay

Bl3epBlo0p: bitch.

Ed_28: Okay, so about the woods....?

xxVivianxx: omg jerk... -.-

[nootno0t has joined the conversation]

nootno0t: dont mind me, i'm just a curious little girl

Bl3epBlo0p: waaaah omg my friend died skfjsnx cry boohoo sob :(((((((( RIP RIP more crying n useless emoticons baaah :P RIIIIIIIIIIIP

Bl3epBlo0p: and now imma go spred the news to every1 who dusent evn kno who she is bcuz sad sad waaah she needs proper comments lyk RIP from internet ppl bcuz fuck logic les just spred da newwwws for no real reason

xxVivianxx: can u stop being douchey, fucktard?

Bl3epBlo0p: im so sad cuz mah homie died so i joined a chtroom so i can tell every1 dat i hav a frend that died. imma crying so i do dis too :'(((((((((( n now i make them ppl go off topic bcuz i want dem to kno my frend died n i join dis chatroom evn tho i hav nothin to say xcept fo my friend dat died :((((

xxVivianxx: 凸(-_-)凸

nootno0t: ohhh the grammar hurts me

[xxVivianxx has left the conversation]

Ed_28: ...

Bl3epBlo0p: lol butthurt. sorry bout dat. now wut???

Ed_28: As I was saying, about the woods... I work as a nurse btw and I think Liu Woods is alive.

Bl3epBlo0p: wtf?? thought he dead

Anonymous: He's alive

Bl3epBlo0p: whoah dafuq r u?!

Anonymous: Someone

Bl3epBlo0p: yah dont say bruh

Anonymous: I'd rather not tell.

nootno0t: how'd he join? o.O

Anonymous: I'm ON ANONYMOUS.

nootno0t: sorry, new here

nootno0t: I'll shut up now.

Bl3epBlo0p: ey ed_28! wut happened to u

Ed_28: Lost connection.

Ed_28: ALRIGHT so I saw the name Liu Woods at the hospital five days ago but I dunno if it's him.

Ed_28: AND I saw a dead nurse IN HIS ROOM yestrday. THEN I was about to call for help but these guys wearing freaky long coats and shit started swarming the whole floor and they told me NOT TO TELL ANYBODY about the dead nurse or I will be "wiped off the face of the earth"

Bl3epBlo0p: are they like the FBI or som sht like dat?

Ed_28: Don't know but they look like it so I shut up about it.... but it keeps bothering me and I had to start this chatrom. I think I'm the only one who saw it.

Bl3epBlo0p: so........ Liu Woods?

Anonymous: He's alive.

Ed_28: How'd you know?

Bl3epBlo0p: how??

Anonymous: I work for the police

[BenIsluv joined the conversation]

BenIsluv: you shouldn't have done that....

BenIsluv: LOL <3 hiiii every1!!! xoxox

[Ed_28 has kicked BenIsluv out]

Ed_28: fuckng Ben fangirls. who dafuq started that shit?

Bl3epBlo0p: lmao

nootno0t: lol but ben's story is pretty intresting, im a fan too

Ed_28: He's not even real and look what his damn story did to the internet. Fangirls in every thread -.-

Bl3epBlo0p: ikr


nootno0t: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nootno0t: beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennn<3

[Bl3epBlo0p has left the chatroom]

Ed_28: It's a fucking troll. Can we not.

[Ed_28 has left the chatroom]

[nootno0t has left the chatroom]

[Bl3epBlo0p has joined the conversation]

Bl3epBlo0p: holy fuck my cmputer jst got shitty

Bl3epBlo0p: yo?

Bl3epBlo0p: wtf did u all leave


[Ed_28 has joined the conversation]

Ed_28: Jesus Christ man

[nootno0t has joined the conversation]

Ed_28: My phone just glitched out, can't you like wait for 5mins? -_-


nootno0t: he messed up your gadgets!!!!!!! or wtvr ur using right now in dis thread...

Bl3epBlo0p: my cmputer wuz all glitchy n da screen is flickring like wtf

Bl3epBlo0p: dafuq happnd to u ed??

Ed_28: Nothing, my phone just went haywire for a while and died for a bit. It's all good now.

nootno0t: my laptop detected malware and shut down :DD

Ed_28: That's not something to be happy about so please......


Ed_28: It's a troll and it was just a coincidence, probably some internet or bug in this site.

[Ed_28 changed the chatroom privacy from open to closed]

Ed_28: We're way off topic, this is pissing me off.

Ed_28: Okay, Anonymous, you work for the police...?

Ed_28: Are you still there?

Anonymous: Yeah, I thought I'd let the commotion die for a little bit.

Anonymous: Liu Woods lived.

Bl3epBlo0p: *dramatic gasp*

Ed_28: Dude, I'm going to kick you out.

Bl3epBlo0p: no :x

[BenIsluv requested to join the chatroom]

[Ed_28 has accepted BenIsluv 's request]


Anonymous: Liu Woods was actually on the morgue already, it's obvious he lost too much blood, he wouldn't live.


[Ed_28 banned BenIsluv from the chatroom]

nootno0t: im dying xd


Anonymous: So Liu Woods was on the morgue (I've seen him, looked like a corpse too) then everyone just started panicking

Anonymous: I asked why and they said his heart started beating again and he's breathing and all.

Anonymous: It was a shock but we brought him to the hospital, obviously. We just knew he could tell us about the killer since he experienced it himself, then we'll find a way to catch him/her.

Ed_28: so it was really him in the hospital I work at?

Anonymous: Probably.

Bl3epBlo0p: den y aint it on da news or y was he announced dead??

Ed_28: Not to mention the dead nurse in the hospital found in Liu Woods' room and how those men blackmailed me.

Anonymous: That. We still don't know about it. Those "men" are probably detectives who're in charged with the case.

Anonymous: Our best bet is that Liu Woods killed her OR possibly, the murderer came back for Liu Woods but the nurse was in the way (I think it's Liu Woods though)

Ed_28: why doesn't anyone else know about that nurse or Liu Woods being alive?

nootno0t: i'm so confuz.

Anonymous: "They" are trying to hide it from the public as much as possible. Honestly, we "police" doesn't have any right to investigate this at all.

Bl3epBlo0p: dude wut????

Anonymous: To make it simple, this case was given to professionals. REAL detectives. I'm just a police.


Anonymous: You think I can just keep quiet after seeing these homicides, not to mention Liu Woods who POSSIBLY killed that nurse and now the authorities won't even let the public know because it's too serious?

Anonymous: People should know. They need to know so they can watch out for themselves yet the "authorities" thinks it's better to hide it rather than warning people. It's stupid move.

Ed_28: Got a point there..... We deserved to know

Ed_28: So "they" hid Liu Woods surviving the killer and the death of the nurse?

Anonymous: Yes, for a reason I don't know.

Anonymous: About Liu Woods, not yet really sure about anything. For all I know, he could've been secretly taken by the government or whatever for questioning.

Bl3epBlo0p: but if they did take him, how dafuq do u xplain the dead nurse??

Bl3epBlo0p: how'd she even die

Anonymous: Stabbed by surgical scissors, it was a murder.

Anonymous: Look, I'm going to leave. To clear things up, I REALLY think Liu Woods is alive but I'm not sure, I don't have any evidence for that theory.

Anonymous: They're hiding it from everyone. But you three should warn as much people as you can, it's not safe.

Ed_28: wsit

Anonymous: ?

Ed_28: wait* could u like give me your email or something?

Ed_28: dude pls tell me everything else u know

Anonymous: Why? In case you haven't noticed, I could be arrested for telling you, or most likely die. I did what I can.

Ed_28: come on its not like i have a reason to turn you in

Ed_28: hey......?

Bl3epBlo0p: did he leave?

nootno0t: i think so

Anonymous: I'll give you my dummy account.

Ed_28: thanks man

Ed_28: I just really cant calm down after all that shit that I saw at the hobbledehoy and i cant even tell anyone

Ed_28: hospital** autocreect

Ed_28: this is y i hate using my phone

Bl3epBlo0p: hobbledehoy.

nootno0t: XDD

Anonymous: I sent you a message containing my email and its fine. Even I cant think straight because of the same reason

Bl3epBlo0p: wait wut bout me?

Ed_28: thanks

[Ed_28 changed the chatroom privacy from closed to open]

[Ed_28 has left the conversation]

Bl3epBlo0p: EY ANONYMOUS. ME 2

nootno0t: weirddddd

Bl3epBlo0p: wtf they fuckin left!???!

Bl3epBlo0p: i wanna kno 2 dammit

nootno0t: try msging Ed_28

Bl3epBlo0p: yah i did

Bl3epBlo0p: so liu woods was alive

nootno0t: thanks captain obvious

nootno0t: there isnt any proof tho

Bl3epBlo0p: oh ye no shit sherlock

nootno0t: ......

Bl3epBlo0p: i aint telling anyone bout dis

nootno0t: why not?

Bl3epBlo0p: niggah u crazy i dont wanna be wiped off the face of the earth

nootno0t: u dont think they will rly kill u, do u?

Bl3epBlo0p: dunno but im sure as hell aint gunna say a damn thang

Bl3epBlo0p: dis is the fbi were talking bout

nootno0t: he didnt confirm that it was the fbi

Bl3epBlo0p: wut if it was

nootno0t: well fuck.

nootno0t: now im worried too

Bl3epBlo0p: isnt leaving dis chatroom open enough

Bl3epBlo0p: its not like we hav to tell every1 just leave dis chatroom open

nootno0t: good plan

nootno0t: if u ever get a hold of anonymous or Ed_28 pls tell me what u know

Bl3epBlo0p: sure wtvr

[Bl3epBlo0p has left the conversation]

nootno0t: jdjgjdjfoslleoeua forever alone

[nootno0t has left the conversation]


I scrolled pass through the other messages but it was only random users joining the chatroom and leaving a message, talking about the murders but there wasn't anything left about Liu. By the end of the conversation, the topics aren't even related to the homicides anymore so I decided to stop.

So . . . Liu really lived, authorities hiding him being alive is a possible explanation. I'm not really sure about this yet, it could be a hoax for all I know. I need to confirm this theory first . . .

I started searching and messaging the three users, I wish I could message "Anonymous" but I obviously can't. I each emailed them to reply about the matter, though I'm not sure if they'd even see it. I mean, this site looks pretty old and outdated, I don't think anyone's been here for a while, maybe this site even existed when I was really young.

Oh well . . . wouldn't hurt to try.

But if he did lived, what happened to him all these years? If what "Anonymous" said was true, then why did he only show up now? He could've looked for me, at least tell me he was fine . . . I was so alone in those years where I thought they died. It's been 13 years, why now and why with that murderer? Don't tell me he's taking innocent lives as well.

I want to talk to Liu so much . . . There's too many things I want to ask him.


Okay, I know there was a LOT of wrong spellings and annoying grammars at the 'chatroom' xD it's not wrong, I really wrote it that way to portray some people in the internet correctly.

This chapter isn't much but I'm really busy with school, I've been running on 4 hours of sleep ever since a few days ago. Sorry if it's short! I'll try to update faster if I can

( ' ▽ ' )

『Thanks to those who read and enjoyed my story! Also to those who've voted and commented, it is much appreciated!』

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