Street Rat (OHSHC)

By Sinful-stories

158K 6.4K 1K

Reichiru is a girl who grew up on the streets, known by most as a Street Rat. And everyone knows that the ric... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 6

6.8K 274 10
By Sinful-stories

The day after the doctor visited, Reichiru had found herself sitting on her bed staring blankly at the wall in front of her. From what she could tell from the light outside, it was sometime in the afternoon. Hikaru and Kaoru were at school and her mom had gone out to talk with clothing designers about her latest line of clothing.

Reaching her hand up to her hair mindlessly, Reichiru moved her hand through the smooth strands. Earlier that day before her mother had left, a hair stylist was called in, and an hour and a half later. The auburn strands had been chopped off until they were just longer than shoulder length, along with messy bangs that were parted in the middle.

She stepped off the bed and walked towards the window, boredom washing over her for the fifth time in the last hour. There was nothing to do, and she was starting to get restless, being cooped up in a house, no matter how big, was suffocating. She had to get out.

Walking to the door, Reichiru opened it silently, stepping out and walking down the hallway. Right after the haircut, Reichiru had made a point to map out of some of the house, pointing out escape routes along with good hiding places.

"Where are you off to Mistress Hitachiin?" A voice asked, and Reichiru turned around to see a servant looking at her, a feather duster in hand.

"Out." Reichiru answered simply.

"We have specific instructions to make sure you don't go out of the house, Mistress!" The maid exclaimed. "Just in case you thought about running away!"

Reichiru scoffed. Of course they would of been told that. "Well, that's not going to stop me. This house is suffocating to be in. I need to get out."

"Then let me come with you." The maid offered.

"No thanks. I like to keep a low profile." Reichiru told her, in actuality, she just didn't want someone following her.

"Then you're not taking one step out of this manor." The maid said.

Reichiru scoffed. "Fine. If it'll let me get out of this place then you can come with me."

The maid nodded, and placed the feather duster down. "Thank you, Mistress Hitachiin."

Reichiru didn't answer, instead she walked towards the front doors, hearing the maid tell some of the other servants what was going on, in case her mom came home.

Once she was done talking, the two of them stepped outside, Reichiru taking a deep breath of fresh air. Sure, her window was open when she was in her room, but being outside was much better than a measly window.

"So, Mistress Hitachiin, where to?" The maid asked.

"Downtown, where else?" Reichiru asked, "And don't call me Mistress, Reichiru is fine." The surname would still take time to get used to, it didn't feel natural to her. She had always been Reichiru for as long as she could remember.

"Downtown? Why there?"

"Because I feel comfortable there." Reichiru answered blandly, not looking back to the maid. "Do I need any other reason?"

"I guess not."

With that, the two walked in silence, downtown wasn't far, but it was still quite a walk, by the time they arrived, Reichiru could hear the maid behind her quietly mumbling about her legs aching. Though Reichiru didn't bother stopping. She had insisted to come along with her, she should of known what she was getting herself into.

Looking around Reichiru felt herself relax at the familiar surroundings, the bustling people, busy stores, and groups of high schoolers that were ditching their afternoon classes.

After some more walking, Reichiru found herself standing in front of a familiar store. "You thirsty?" She asked, looking back at the maid, who was fanning her face.

"Yeah." She answered.

"Come with me then." Reichiru walked inside the store, hearing the bell ring above her. Making her way to the back of the store, she grabbed two Ramune before shutting the freezer. "I'm assuming you like this." She said, looking back at the maid who was looking around the store, she jumped at the question.

"Um, yeah. If you don't mind, why are we buying drinks here?" The maid asked as the two made their way to the front counter, Reichiru looking at the contents of the isle they were walking through.

"It was close? Why are you asking?" Reichiru asked.

"I wouldn't expect a Hitachiin to settle for a convenient store..." She muttered.

"You forget that I lived on the streets for practically my whole life." Reichiru answered, reaching the counter to see a familiar face behind the register.

"That all?" The gruff man asked after scanning the sodas.

"Yeah." Reichiru answered blandly.

"Hm, do I know ya'?" The man asked.

"Nope." Reichiru answered, looking directly into the store owners beady eyes.

"Alright, that'll be 300 yen please." The man answered.

Reichiru reached into the pocket of her shorts and placed three 100 yen coins on the counter, walking away with the bag of sodas. Before she reached to door, she pulled a bag of doughnuts out of her sweater's pockets, and looked back at the man. "You should really keep a better eye on your food." She taunted, opening the door to walk out.

"Ey!" The man yelled, finally recognizing her, "Get back 'ere with my food, ya' street rat!" He shouted, starting to move from out behind the counter.

With a small smirk on her face, she grabbed onto the maids wrist, "I think we should go." She said, and she started to run, pulling the maid along with her.

When the two finally stopped running, they had stopped just in front of a cafe. Sitting down on a bench, Reichiru caught her breath, grabbing the soda out of the bag. Taking off the cap, she popped the marble down and lifted the drink to her lips.

"You could of paid for that." The maid stated, standing beside the bench looking down at Reichiru.

"What's the fun in that?" Reichiru asked. "You don't have to stand, you know, there's enough room for the both of us."

"I couldn't." The maid refused.

"Why not? There's no rule saying you can't sit on a bench. Come on." Rechiru took out the second soda she bought, and held it out to her. "I did buy this for you. It would be a shame if you didn't drink it."

The maid sighed, and sat down next to Reichiru, opening the soda and popped the marble down, gulping down the contents of the bottle.

Reichiru opened the bag of stolen doughnuts, and took a bite out of it. Quietly, she watched as people moved about, groups of kids moving around, laughing in their groups, businessmen and businesswomen walking past in a hurry, and couples entering the coffee shop behind the bench the two were sitting at.

Having a maid with her caused the two of them to earn some looks from passerbys.

"We should get going." The maid said.

"Hm, why?" Reichiru asked.

"It looks like it's going to storm soon." She pointed out, pointing towards the oncoming clouds. "We don't want to get caught in the rain, especially with the condition you're in right now."

Reichiru looked at the clouds, the dark color of them giving off an ominous feel. "Fine. Let's head back."

Yes hello I am here thank you for acknowledgement -Not Sin.

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