Small (Yoongi's Sister BTS Fa...

By singformeangel

444K 13K 11.7K

"You were fifteen, Yoongi-ah." Jin states softly, "Neither of you had a choice." DISCONTINUED, but there is a... More

To New Readers~
I | Home
II | Absence
III | Coffee
4 | Dare
5 | FaceTime
6 | Sorry (Not Sorry)
7 | Chance
9 | Deal or No Deal
10 | The Question
11 | "Oh, Please, No."
12 | A Girl?!
13 | Nothing
14 | For Me
15 | Memories
16 | Occupation?
17 | Hangry
18 | "Don't Say That"
19 | Except One
20 | I Could Never
21 | For You
22 | Sweet Dreams
23 | No Matter
24 | Cute Enough
25 | Good Dongsaeng
26 | Mask On
27 | The Man on the Other End
28 | Safety First
29 | Respect Your Elders!
30 | Awkward
31 | 쩔어 on the Street
32 | Didn't You Know?
33 | Little Min Swag
34 | In Our Blood Pt. 1
35 | In Our Blood Pt. 2
36 | In Our Blood Pt. 3
37 | Bitter
38 | Kids These Days
39 | Worth It
40 | Not a Date
41 | D- D- Chats?
42 | Too
43 | New Reality
44 | Of Course
45 | Siren
46 | Really, Really
47 | "Would You Like Your Receipt?"
48 | Brother
49 | Heart-Stopping
50 | Worse for Wear
51 | Deaf to My Own Pleas
52.1 | Second Skin
52.2 | Compromised
53.1 Interim
Unfortunately :(

8 | Hug Him

11K 360 201
By singformeangel

   Muahahahaha... I'm throwing in a little harmless Yoonmin fluff... Prepare yourself for uncontrollable adorableness! 

 "All you gotta do..." B drags it out, one side of her mouth curling up into the smallest of smirks, "Is hug him." 

       Jimin sighs, raking his hands through his unruly hair for what has to be the hundredth time today. The door in front of him is shut and possibly locked, the bold letters SUGA bolted on the front of it. He has been in the room hundreds of times before, but that doesn't ease his anxiety at all.

      What if he yells at me and tells me to go away? What if I make it worse? B made it seem so easy; 

      "Just hug him, and tell him sweet things like "I'm here" or "I've got you" or "you're not alone". It might take a few minutes, but trust me. It'll work." B's eyes flash as she gives the advice, her thoughts unreadable to Jimin. Jimin sends her a skeptical look, but the quick blip of a smile she gives him chases all his doubts away, "It's a proven fact that it works, Noise Boy. I've used it on dozens of people myself, and it works every time."

      "Even people like Suga-hyung?" Jimin questions, remembering all the times Yoongi has rejected shows of affection from any of the other boys.

      "You mean stuck-up over-sensitive irrationally picky jerks?" B guesses, "It actually works better on them than on anyone else. Don't ask me why; it just does. They may try to punch you at first, but it'll work eventually if you're persistent enough."

      Jimin starts to pace in front of the silver door, his stomach turning in knots as his thoughts get more and more erratic.

      What if Yoongi hyung does punch me? What if he says he hates me? Or, even worse, -what if he screams for the other boys and accuses me of harassment and then convinces the others to kick me out of Bangtan?

      Jimin takes a deep breath and attempts to expel the ridiculous theories from his mind. Suga-hyung would never do that to me. Jimin stands straight and turns back to face the door of his worst nightmares. His resolve hardens tenfold when the near-silent cries reach his ears. But what's most important is that Yoongi hyung needs help, and I'm going to try my best to give it to him, punches or not.

      Jimin knocks softly on the door, and the whispering cries stop instantly.

      "Hyung?" Jimin gently grips the handle of the door, ready to enter the room at a moment's notice, "It's Jimin."


      "C-can I come in?"

      More silence.

      "I- I just want- I'm just- are you- " Jimin stops abruptly, remembering B's very exact instructions on 'How To Hug A Sensitive Jerk 101'.

      "Whatever you do, don't ask him if he's okay, and most definitely don't tell him that he's okay. He's obviously not. You've got to make him feel okay."

      "Hyung, I'm coming in."

      Jimin opens the door with a jolt, like pulling off a band-aid, after nothing but silence returns his blunt statement. A blur of movement catches his eye, and Jimin turns to see Yoongi burrowing underneath his duvet like a frightened puppy. With a soft sigh, Jimin gently shuts the door behind him and turns towards the now lumpy bed.

      "You can't hide from me, hyung," Jimin shuffles to the edge of the bed before carefully climbing onto it; warily approaching the tiny form curled up underneath the blanket, "I can't take this any longer."

      "Then just go away!" Yoongi's pained voice chokes the words out, muffled from inside his hiding spot.

       "I won't." Jimin's soft tone rises with every word he speaks, the combination of exhaustion and pent-up emotion proving to be a explosive pair, "I've heard you, every night. I've heard you crying, and I can't sleep when you're crying. I want to help you."

       "I didn't ask you to help me." Yoongi snaps, his voice cracking at the end of the sentence, "Wear earplugs or something if it really bothers you that much, but-- but just leave me alone!"

      "No!" Jimin nearly shouts the words, his hands desperately gripping onto the bony shoulders through the blanket, "I won't! I won't do it, hyung! I can't."

      "Let go of me!" Yoongi flails underneath the duvet, madly trying to free himself from Jimin's suffocating touch, "I don't want to see you! Why can't you just leave me alone!?"

      "Because it hurts!" Jimin finally shouts, no longer caring if he wakes any of the other boys. He harshly pulls at the blankets covering his friend, needing to see Suga's face, "It hurts every time you cry. It hurts when you don't eat. And it hurts the most when I don't help you because I'm afraid you'll hate me for it! I can't take this anymore, hyung. I won't just sit by and watch. I- I can't."

      Yoongi stiffens, his previously thrashing form turning into a motionless block of ice. Now unhindered, Jimin finally manages to rip the duvet off of Yoongi, and he doesn't even take the time glance at Yoongi's face before pulling the older into a constricting hug. For once in his life, Yoongi doesn't fight back. Instead he lets the boy three years his junior squish him like there's no tomorrow, while he sits as still as a statue.

      "Hyung, I won't let you do it anymore." Jimin whispers, crushing Yoongi against him and burrowing his face into his brother's neck, "I won't let you fight alone."

      Tears stream down Yoongi's face as the pitiful sobbing threatens to make a come back. His hands, clenched into fists, hesitantly curl around Jimin's middle.

      "I've got you, hyung." 

      Yoongi's entire body starts to shake as he attempts to hold in his riling emotions. Jimin softly traces circles into Yoongi's back with one hand, as the other arm holds his hyung tightly against him.

      "Don't fight it, hyung. That only makes it worse. Let it out." Jimin mutters against Yoongi, inwardly begging his friend to let himself show a little emotion for once, "I'm here for you."

      Yoongi's walls burst apart, shattering effortlessly with Jimin's gentle tone and embrace. He crumbles into Jimin's warm koala hug like a very sad cookie, (AN: Please don't hate me I didn't mean to make a pun it just sorta happened!  o_o  *Depressed crying about my terrible use of adjectives*) copious amounts of tears streaming down his pained face. Suga clutches at Jimin's back, digging his face into Jimin's warm chest and curling his knees up underneath him.

      "I've gotcha." Jimin mumbles sweetly, struggling not to burst into tears himself as he hugs the shivering boy, "I'm right here."

      ...B was right. Hugging does work.

      "Ji-Jiminie." Yoongi gasps into Jimin's shirt, "I'm sorry, Jiminie. I'm so sorry."

      In fact, it works really, really well.

      "There's nothing to apologize for, hyung," Jimin tenderly runs a hand through Yoongi's mint green hair, "And even if there was, you're already forgiven because you're my friend, and that's what friends are for."

      "I've been a t-terrible friend, Jiminie." Yoongi cries softly, "I've been so s-selfish; making you guys worry about m-me."

      "Hey, we want to worry about you." Jimin corrects, attempting to be stern but failing miserably, "If we didn't worry about you when you're having a hard time, what kind of friends would we be? Plus, you're always the one being strong for us; it's about time we return that favor, don't ya think?"

      Yoongi doesn't reply, continuing to cry softly. Jimin smiles sadly, wrapping  both of his arms tightly around his distressed friend. Jimin stares blankly at the grey wall behind them as relief and exhaustion take over his sleep-deprived mind. I can't believe that actually worked. I'm here, in Yoongi's room, on Yoongi's precious bed, hugging Yoongi! Who would've thought that all things can be accomplished with a hug?

      No wonder Yoongi always turns to Jin-hyung when he needs somebody: Jin hugs him! Jin always gives him hugs when the rest of us are always too afraid to. Not anymore. I'll make sure to give Suga lots of hugs from now on, no matter if he tries to refuse them or not.

      Yoongi's suppressed sobs slowly fade into sniffles as they sit together in the otherwise silent house; the comfort of Jimin's embrace steadily chasing away Yoongi's oppressing thoughts. Yoongi leans heavily on the boy one centimeter shorter than him, sighing softly in grateful relief between sniffles.

      "T-thank you, Jiminie." Yoongi whispers, arms trembling like leaves, "Thank you so much."

      "Anytime." Jimin pulls back a little to smile sweetly at Yoongi. Yoongi watches him closely, hiccuping, as Jimin wipes Yoongi's glistening cheeks with the sleeve of his sweater, "Come on, Suga-hyung, you need to get some sleep."

      "W-what about you?" Yoongi croaks, grasping Jimin's wrist and staring worriedly at his friends' dark bags under his warm eyes, "You need to s-sleep too."

      "And I will," Jimin gently pushes against Yoongi's chest, motioning for him to get back under the blankets, "As soon as you're asleep first."

      Yoongi reluctantly crawls back under the blankets with Jimin's guidance, but as soon as Jimin finishes tucking Yoongi in and turns out the light to leave Yoongi's hand shoots out of it's own accord, gripping Jimin's wrist like a steel clamp.

      "Can you stay with m-me, Jiminie?" Yoongi sniffles, his manly pride protesting at the softhearted words, "I don't- I don't want to be alone."

      "Of course," Even though his gut is clenching with utter shock, Jimin gives his hyung his brightest most reassuring eye-smile before climbing into the covers after Yoongi. 

      Suga-hyung actually wants me to stay with him! He willingly offered to let me sleep in his bed. And hyung even let me hug him until he stopped crying. Am I dreaming? Can all of this really be happening because of the simple initiation of a hug?

      Yoongi finally relaxes as soon as Jimin is settled beside him; the younger's steady breaths calming his own aching erratic heart. Yoongi soaks in the bright smiles and gentle nudges of his friend, disbelief still fighting against reality.  

      Jiminie's here. Jimin's here with me because it hurts him too. I'm not alone. Not anymore.

      Yoongi still can't tear his eyes away even as Jimin tiredly shuts his drooping eyes and smiles one last peaceful smile.

      "Don't worry any more, hyung." Jimin whispers, sleep finally tugging at him now that his hyung isn't in so much pain anymore, "I'll be right here all night. Goodnight, Suga-hyung."

      Yoongi follows Jimin's lead, laying his head down on his feather soft pillow and closing his puffy eyes as he finally allows his exhaustion to lull him to sleep.

      "Goodnight, Jiminie." Yoongi whispers back. Yoongi reaches out underneath the covers, his hand searching. A contented sigh escapes his chapped lips as soon as he intertwines Jimin's small fingers with his own, the loneliness he felt before now a distant memory. Tentatively Yoongi gives his brother's hand a grateful squeeze.

      Jimin's hand squeezes back.

*      *      *      *      *

      Hoseok stumbles down the hallway at one-thirty in the morning, rubbing his eyes as he wonders what kind of sound was loud enough to wake him up, but not loud enough to wake any of the others. His bare feet don't make a sound on the cold hardwood floor, his steps particularly light so as to not bother all the sleeping boys. 

      What the heck woke me up at 1:39 AM? None of the boys are up, and the house is almost completely silent. Maybe something fell...

      Hobi checks the kitchen first, and finds nothing amiss except for the suspicious lack of the cake Jin had made before bed. That's not surprising. Tae and Kookie probably snuck out here around twelve and ate it after giving Namjoon a slice as hush money.

      The living room and dining room are messy, but that's no different than usual. The game controllers are all over the floor, and empty pizza boxes and dirty plates are all covering the table like a layer of dust. Nothing strange here either. But something made a noise... I better be safe than sorry.

      And so Hobi walks back down the hall, skipping his room, which is first, and checking each of the boys rooms in turn. Jungkook's room is empty, his bed resembling a mountain of clothes. Namjoon's room is filthy, with his dirty laundry scattered all over the floor. His snoring is loud, but it isn't loud enough or disturbing enough to wake Hobi up. Jin's room is clean and quiet, the oldest sleeping peacefully underneath his pink princess blanket. Hobi isn't surprised in the slightest to find both Taehyung and Jungkook curled up in Tae's bed. The two of them were probably messing around till really late, and Jungkook's bed is already too occupied with his clothes to fit him anyway. Hobi snorts in amusement before quietly shutting the door after him.

      Hobi turns around the corner in the hall to face the last two doors. The light in Jimin's room is surprisingly on, and Hobi recalls the dark bags he'd seen under Jimin's eyes for the past week. Jimin really must have something bothering him if he's not been sleeping this much lately. I should be keeping a closer eye on him to make sure he gets enough sleep... Maybe he made whatever the noise was that woke me up.

      Hobi pushes the door of Jimin's bedroom open, and almost gasps when he finds the room totally empty. Hobi fights down a wave of panic as he reasons with himself about Jimin's absence. He's probably just in the bathroom. He couldn't have left this late at night. The opening of the front door wasn't the sound that woke me up, right?

      Hobi freezes, the hushed sound of a voice gracing his ears.

      Jimin's voice.

      Hobi steps silently out of Jimin's room, feeling like a professional ninja, as he traces Jimin's muffled voice. He steps towards the bathroom on first instinct, but the voice only grows more muffled with every step he takes. He's not in the bathroom, and he's not in his room, and he's not in any of the main rooms... Where is he?

      Hobi turns towards the last room in the house, confusion and apprehension slowing his steps as he carefully approaches the room of the ticking time bomb. The voice steadily grows clearer with every silent step. Is he... in Yoongi's room? Why the heck is he in Yoongi's room, and how did he get in without Yoongi executing him?

      Another voice, this one deeper and rougher than Jimin's smooth tone, emanates from the closed door; too muffled for Hobi to make out what it's saying. And so, like the curious detective he is, Hobi presses his ear up against Yoongi's bedroom door at 1:30 at night.Hobi's eyes fly open at what he hears; shock rendering him immobile.

      Yoongi is crying.

      "I've gotcha." The purity in Jimin's voice melts Hobi's heart, different in every way than the boy's usually mischievous tone, "I'm right here."  

      Jimin is comforting him, and Yoongi is allowing it.

      "Ji-Jiminie."  Yoongi's voice breaks with every word, his miserable croaking reminding Hobi of a very distressed frog, "I'm sorry, Jiminie. I'm so sorry."

      Did... did Yoongi - the same Yoongi that refuses to apologize for interrupting Jin when he's speaking - just apologize? 

      I must be dreaming.

      "There's nothing to apologize for, hyung. And even if there was, you're already forgiven because you're my friend, and that's what friends are for."

      "I've been a t-terrible friend, Jiminie." Yoogni cries softly, "I've been so s-selfish; making you guys worry about m-me."

      "Hey, we want to worry about you." Jimin counters firmly, his certainty in his own statement clear as day, "If we didn't worry about you when you're having a hard time, what kind of friends would we be? Plus, you're always the one being strong for us; it's about time we return that favor, don't ya think?"

      Who knew that Jiminie could be so good with words?

      Hobi stands in utter silence as he listens to Yoongi's heart-wrenching weeping, disbelief trickling through his veins. All this time that he'd been sleeping peacefully, Jimin and Yoongi were still awake and hurting. Yoongi, being Yoongi, had probably been crying alone in his room, unwilling to bother anyone with his problems. And Jimin, being Jimin, had... comforted him? The easily-frightened Mochi had comforted the scary, temperamental Min Yoongi?

      I didn't know Jimin would be able to stand his ground like this! Yoongi probably gave him quite a fight... Yet here they are now, Yoongi freely crying like there's no tomorrow. Why didn't I notice that Yoongi needed somebody? Why didn't anyone notice? 

      Except for Jiminie. Jiminie noticed.

      The quiet wailing slowly dies down into pitiful sniffles, easing the ache in Hobi's chest a little. A comfortable silence envelops the whole house, broken only by the hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen and the soft hiccups of the second-eldest.

      From now on, I'm going to try to notice too. 

      "T-thank you, Jiminie." Hobi didn't even know it was possible for Yoongi-hyung to whimper, but he does, "Thank you so much."

      "Anytime." Hobi nearly squeals at  the pure adorable-ness of Jimin acting like the elder hyung for once, "Come on, Suga-hyung, you need to get some sleep."

      "W-what about you? You need to s-sleep too."

      "And I will; as soon as you're asleep first."

      Blankets softly shuffle as Hobi imagines Yoongi crawling into bed with red and puffy eyes, and Hobi fights the urge to open the door and glomp the man with a hug himself. The light flicks off, and Hobi backs a couple feet away from the door, ready to confront Jimin and make sure he sleeps as soon as he comes out. Yoongi, however, impedes on those plans.

      "Can you stay with m-me, Jiminie?" Yoongi begs in a tone not unlike a little child's, "I don't- I don't want to be alone."

      "Of course."

      "Don't worry any more, hyung." Jimin whispers, "I'll be right here all night. Goodnight, Suga-hyung."

      "Goodnight, Jiminie." Yoongi whispers back, more genuine than Hobi has ever heard him before.

      As soon as two sets of deep breaths are audible through the door, Hobi creeps back down the hallway with the stealth of a great cat. His flicks the light in Jimin's room off and closes the door with a soft click. He checks on all the boys one last time, a smile gracing his face every time he spots another one of his hyung's adorable sleeping faces.

      He closes the last door, a bittersweet smile taking over as he glances down the hallway towards Yoongi's closed door.

      "Don't you worry, guys," Hobi whispers to himself, eyes lingering on all of the doors one at a time, "I'll get better. I'll be a better hyung, just you see. I'll learn how to take care of you better, just like Jin-hyung and Jiminie. I won't let you down."

      Hobi slips into his own dark room, but he doesn't close the door. Instead he leaves it cracked open a couple inches so that any sound made in hallway finds its way into Hobi's room and to Hobi's worried ears. Hobi climbs into his own warm bed, pulling the sheets snugly over himself as his lets his mind wander back to the oddest and most heart-warming conversation he's heard in a long time.

      "Don't worry any more, hyung. I'll be right here all night."

      Hobi drifts away into dreamland with smile on his face. 

      AN: ...I think Imma 'bout to cry. This is by far the most emotional and touching thing I've ever written. Does Hobi not make you want to cry? I LOVE Hobi, even though he's not one of my two biases. Who doesn't love our precious Hobi? Plus... 3300 words! How crazy is that? 

      Anyway, I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to:


      And comment! (ILY guys!)


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