
By tovarxz

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❝A book filled with questions answered from your favorite Urban Fiction authors and authoresses.❞ ━ cover cre... More



681 23 22
By tovarxz


QUESTION 1. What is your name (or nickname/pen-name if preferred)?
— My nickname is Skinny. My family calls me that because I'm Skinny I guess. I'm known as UrbanQueen here.

QUESTION 2. What started you on the path to writing?
— I think it had to be seeing my first book without the pictures. I was intrigued that all of it was imagination and wanted to do it. I myself was not exremely hyped about visual books as a kid anyway. It was always whatever to me. So ,I felt I can put imagination on paper easily and just start writing. And I did.

QUESTION 3. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer, and specifically in the genre of urban fiction?
— Whew... can't remember when I wanted to be a writer... but it had to be about eight maybe. But I do remember reading this short urban story at nine, lol. I was like, "I like this", and from then, I just started writing urban.

QUESTION 4. When did you write your first book and how old were you?
— Twelve going on thirteen. This is when I finally found Wattpad years later. I was 12, writing my first book but later turned 13 as the book was still being written. Thug Chronicles; it's terrible but I keep it up to show how much I've grown as a writer.

QUESTION 5. Who are some of your favorite authors on and off Wattpad?
— Don't really have favorites but I fuck with EbonyGoddess heavy.

QUESTION 6. How long have you been writing?
— Seven years.

QUESTION 7. How do you think you've evolved creatively?
— I think I've done great creatively overtime. My story plots and characters are very realistic and relatable.

QUESTION 8. Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre? If you write more than one, how do you balance them?
— I liked urban stories and I felt they needed to be told in a way where characters had reasons to do what they did or their circunstances needed to be explained. Most people look at Urban and just go "Oh! Guns and drugs." But it's not. Lots of urban stories are not like that. Some of my stories, for example: "Remember Me", "Sidechick Syndrome" and more that are coming have nothing to do with the fast life; all of my plots are different. Everyone is not dealers and kingpins in urban. Sometimes their normal people with everyday lives. Urban just means predominately Black characters.

QUESTION 9. What are the upsides and downsides to being an author?


- It's getting to share your ideas with the world and seeing people respect and like your craft.

- Knowing when you create characters their yours. No matter how good or bad you take these fictional people to heart because you created them, you love them.

- And also when you get to look at some old work, compare it to new ones to improve future works.


- The readers who think your suppose to update every two days.

- The constant aruging on books back and forth over opinions.

- Having to deal with people constantly stealing your ideas and having to take it up with Wattpad to have the story removed.

- The whiny readers who get angry and upset when a story doesn't go/end the way they want it to.

- Another one is the author making readers persuade them into changing a plot which ends up messing up the entire story. Readers don't realize their very persuasive and with the right amount of them, they can take a writer off track. It's happened to me before where I had to scrap books because I was taken completely out of my element and the story was not going how I originally planned.

I have more but I don't want to rant.

QUESTION 10. What do you love most about the writing process?
— When you get that idea in your head. That one idea where you can actually write a chapter and it flows. Often times writer's block comes in which is annoying, but when you already know what's going into what chapter it's smooth sailing.

QUESTION 11. Why do you write? What keeps you motivated during creative slumps?
— I write because I like to and honestly nothing can help me. I literally have to relax myself away from writing and let it come to me. And if it doesn't that's the messed up part. I literally have no tricks to help me break writer's block. Sometimes what works is if I know what's going in a future chapter I'll write that chapter, then it may give me an idea for what could go in the chapter I'm having trouble with. But that's only sometimes because it may not connect.

QUESTION 12. Do you outline books ahead of time or are you more of a by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer?
— Def don't outline. I'm weird. The only way I can create an entire plot, character names, issues in the story, etc. is by the title first. I have to make my title. And based off the title I'll think about what the book should be about in my head and freestyle write everything. Often why I get writer's block too, because I don't plan anything I write.

QUESTION 13. How many books have you written?
— Thirteen books. I can't even remember how many books I've deleted so it's probably more than 13 but those are the ones I can name in my head.

QUESTION 14. Out of all the books you've written, do you have a favorite?
— Yes, "Her Eyes" without a doubt. This book means the most to me because it's super special. It's one of the books I actually made a critical thinking book. By that so mean it's deeper than what you read. From the names, plot, personalites of the characters. I really want to get that book published one day. It will forever be my baby.

QUESTION 15. If someone is brand new to your work, what book do you think they should start with?
— "Playing The Game."

QUESTION 16. What do your fans mean to you?
— The world. Their the ones who give you the confidence to write and tell you your stories are good. Without them, I would have no fan base. I value all their opinions even if some of them are a little rude.

QUESTION 17. What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
— Don't try too hard to write something your not into. A lot of people inbox me asking how to write urban stories. I can give advice no problem, but when you asking me how to write the whole book in terms of slang, how much for this, how many mean girls should be in the story, etc. then maybe that's not something you should write. Write what you want and your audience will come to you. Have patience as well. Everyone wants the entire Wattpad following them in the first week. Just make sure you have good content and can spell really well. If you write like a kindergartener, don't be surprised when reads and votes are not coming your way.


Thank you so much for accepting to do this interview UrbanQueen you legit gave some real ass answers though. Please take the time to check out her works; she's a bomb ass authoress.

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