Spirit Animals Vol. 1

By XXrogueXlucyXX

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In a world where your strength is judged by your spirit animal there are three animals that were cast out. Th... More

|Chp. 1: A dive in water|
|Chp. 2: The town, the falcon and the bear|
|Chp. 3: The Chase|
|Chp. 4: Of Bears & Wolves|
|Chp. 5: Skin and bones|
|Chp. 6: The fields and forest|
|Chp. 7: Claws|
|Chp. 9: A Cause for the Lost|
|Chp. 10: Merging spirits|
|Chp. 11: Clashing of Ways|
|Chp. 12: The Way of the Wolf|
|Chp. 13: A Hunt|
|Chp. 14: Lion Claws|
|Chp. 15: Faster Ways of Moving|
|Chp. 16: Fire Lit Nights|
|Chp. 17: Riddles, tails, then foxes|
|Chp. 18: The Temporary Grounds|
|Chp. 19: Needle and Thread|
|Chp. 20: Patchwork Dreams|
|Chp. 21: Log man|
|Chp. 22: Salmon Seasons|
|Chp. 23: Skinned Scales|
|Chp. 24: Sweet Scented Meat|
|Chp. 25: And Then it Snows|
|Chp. 26: Terms of This New Ordeal and Place|
|Chp. 27: The Interbreeders and crushes|
|Chp. 28: Moving and Prey|
|Chp. 29: The Gates|
|Chp. 30: A Base of Bears|
|Chp. 31: The Arrows of a Wolf|
|Chp. 32: Hunting for Everyone|
|Chp. 33: The Bear Cubs|
|Chp. 34: Fur of the Wolf, Spots of the Leopard|
|Chp. 35: Thicker Than Blood|
|Chp. 36: Best Friends Till Death|
|Chp. 37: Amongst the City Animals|
|Chp. 38: A Bear with the Scar|
|Chp. 39: Stripes of Betrayal|
|Chp. 40: Blood Brothers|
Graphic Contest (C L O S E D)

|Chp. 8: Bear of the sun|

494 18 3
By XXrogueXlucyXX

The next few days went by with Lupa's wounds being tended to. After a day they had scabbed over and didn't need much tending to. But Quinn wanted to make sure no infection would happen as those could become fatal in the end.

Quinn insisted that I take it easy while Lupa's wounds healed. So when he was asleep I went on my run around the base. He never knew either. And to play it 'safe' I only went around the base unlike the run through the woods, Lupa and I typically did together.

We ran through the woods together each morning. A morning run which got us awake typically. Then we typically went back and got some water. We had three metal buckets filled to the brim with water. One was small and was used for things like washing out wounds or cleaning when the water was too cold to be in. The bigger bucket had different purposes. One was full of cold water that we typically drank as well and the other full of typically warm to hot water that you could drink and boil things in if Quinn was in that type of mood.

But all the bears were asleep right now and I was doing my daily run around the base. I was in my sheepskin coat and my sleep clothing. After this I'd go get into my real clothes. Running in my pajamas was something I did often. It didn't bother me much.

After I finished my run, I'd go get into my clothes and wait for Quinn to get up. There was very few times where Quinn got up before me. It happened mostly around spring not during the cold times. Quinn preferred to sleep in during the cold times while I was up.

During the cold times food was scarce so we tended to hunt whenever we could to preserve food. It was also when we went into town to get food if there wasn't much prey. Quinn also liked to be safe than sorry so we'd get food from town.

Although he tried not to make it a regular occurrence. Quinn didn't like the thought of me alone in town with no protection. Lupa was trotting besides me and kept on looking up at me. 'What do you think will be made for breakfast?' Lupa asked and I shrugged.

"Probably deer." I said and Lupa nodded. With that I jogged back to the base and Lupa went over to get some water while I entered the tent that Quinn was in. Eden was at the end passed out making small rumble noises while sleeping. Quinn was underneath the furs sleeping.

Quinn wasn't rumbling like Eden was, just letting out breaths from his mouth. His lips were parted some. I smiled at him as he moved some and I went to my side and took off my coat. Then I went through my bag and took out a shirt and some pants.

Most made of wool and fur. I took my shirt off and then pants before getting into my clothing and putting the sheepskin coat back on and turning around. Quinn's eyes were open and he was staring at me. Of course they were very sleepy. Like always. "You look tired." I told him as Lupa came in.

"I am tired." Quinn said forcing himself off, the furs falling off when he got up. Eden grumbled before opening his eyes catching Lupa's attention who stalked over to him. "If you go out and make breakfast you won't be as tired." I told him and Quinn rolled his eyes.

However he forced himself out of the makeshift bed and went over to his bag and pulled out some clothes. Quinn took off his shirt. His back was full of muscle. As was his arms. Quinn was very muscled and I had no problem staring at him.

I didn't have any muscle like that. I was not muscled like that and I don't ever see myself being muscled like that. Nor did I picture a wolf being that muscled. Of course male wolves would have muscles, but I doubt the way that a bear has muscles. Mostly because bears are bigger.

So they have more to be muscled. While a male wolf would be muscled as some can be just muscle and not fat. Of course bears, foxes and wolves will be more muscled then city animals who have it easy while we have it quite rough out in the wild.

Quinn got in his clothes and I looked away when he looked over. After that he got on his fur coat and stood up before looking at me and out we were and Eden reluctantly got up and followed. We were the only ones up now.

Quinn sighed before going over to the center where the fire would be and went to building it and put a small little metal rod over it. "What are you doing?" I asked. "We are having something besides meat now." Quinn said with a small smile on his face and I raised an eyebrow.

"The young leopard had some noodles on him, a nice amount as well. We checked them for poisons and none came up so we'll be having noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner, a nice change. Dinner we'll put the meat in." Quinn said with a smile.

Noodles were a foreign concept to most of us. You couldn't exactly hunt noodles, you had to buy them. And canaries rarely ate noodles mostly. We bought meat from there mostly, I had noodles a few times with Quinn, but this was the first time in many moons that we had noodles.

Now I was excited at that. Quinn put one of the buckets of water on it to let it boil. To be correct he put the one that he boiled typically some meat in. Quinn only did that if he could get some good things to boil in with it.

Like some herbs he stole from a place he moved trees at. Well I stole it while he moved the trees and talked to the people. Quinn watched the bucket of water while I went to removing leaves from Lupa's coat. "How are her scratch marks doing?" Quinn asked. "Good, you have nothing to worry about." I told him.

"They were deep Silver." Quinn said. "Yes, but we're fine so you worried for nothing." I told him and Quinn shook his head before walking over to the box outside of the tent. He pulled out a large bag of noodles. "There's some more, we might even have noodles tomorrow." Quinn said.

I nodded. "So they came out with intentions?" I asked. "Yeah, they had a plan to no doubt camp out and hunt us down. Maybe split us up and hunt us one by one. Didn't work out well." Quinn said as he tore the bag open and dumped the contents in.

Then Quinn went in search of something to stir it with. City animals would get sick of eating the same food, but it's how you survive out here. You either eat it cooked or raw unless you can find something to go with it.

Which wasn't very popular unless you had a very well established place and could fend off any intruders. It was just Quinn and I who lived on the move. Now these three which proved sort of useful. But I doubt we'd stay in this place forever. We had been here for a few moons now.

Quinn leaned forward and continued to stir the noodles while I sat on the log and looked over at the tent. All the bears in that tent were still asleep and it now was more established in case it snowed when the cold times came which would no doubt come.

Quinn continued to stir the noodles silently while staring at them very intensely. "You look ready to kill those noodles." I told him. "I'm fine." Quinn said. "I wasn't asking about your feelings." I told him and Quinn shook his head. "I just don't want anymore unwanted visitors." Quinn said.

"It was just leopards." I told him. "Yeah, but they might bring suspicion." Quinn said. "And it was getting nice here and it seems like they are getting quite a stable cause now." Quinn said. I nodded. "You can just tell them no." I told him and Quinn looked at them.

"I'm not sure if they're just going to take no as an answer. They don't seem like that type." Quinn said and I nodded. "But they seem to be getting a good cause and the fact that they have so many bears." Quinn said. "You think they have that many?" I asked.

"Unless they are murders." Quinn said and I shrugged. They didn't seem like murders. At that moment there was a snap of the twigs making my head snap up and look around as Quinn looked around. Lupa's hackles went on end. There was another snap of the woods and Lupa took off in that direction.

Quinn looked irritated before taking the noodles off and we followed Lupa who was looking at the woods. Her nose was flicking out as she sniffed the air. 'There is something here.' Lupa said for all of us to hear and Quinn looked around.

Just as a black haired boy stepped out. Quinn went running back to the tent to go grab a weapon just as his spirit animal came out and Lupa snarled before leaping at the spirit animal causing the black haired boy to stumble back and hit the ground in shock when Lupa came at him.

She caught the animal barely by it's neck and then it let out a roar and began whacking at her and shaking her off before roaring back. They were about the same size except Lupa was a little smaller. Lupa snarled and the spirit animal looked up.

It watched Lupa who went to lunge back at her, but was caught by the scruff of her neck and yanked back. Lupa yelped at that and snarled expecting to see Quinn, but met Erick's gaze. She bit him on his hand making him let her go. "Lupa here." I said and Lupa looked at the animal.

Before coming over. "Hiro are you ok?" Erick asked walking over as Quinn came back not looking pleased. This Hiro guy got up and dusted off his clothes before looking at Lupa. "I'm fine Izuki just didn't expect to be attacked." He said looking at Lupa and I.

"Who is this?" Quinn asked. "This is Hiro, he was with us when we came here, he simply came looking for us. He knows if we don't come back it's either we were attacked or found another recruit." Erick said looking at this Hiro guy who watched me.

"You said you were looking for bears not a wolf." Hiro said. "We found a bear. . . and a wolf." Erick said looking at me as Quinn came over. He was the tallest. Hiro was my height, but a little bit taller. He was shorter than them which made me feel better.

"Hiro is a sun bear. Izuki is his spirit animal." Erick said looking at us.

1858. And you met Hiro and Izuki! You'll learn more about them in the next chapter. * * *

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