The Belladonna

By BekLittleSparrow24

129K 5.6K 706

Adventure and Romance on the seas with pirates, epic ship battles and sword fights. When Sky joins a navy Br... More

Authors note
Belladonna Playlist
Chapter 1- Rendes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Brig
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Pirates
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Belladonna
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Manor
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Bonfire
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Belladonna
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Hawk
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Man-o-war
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Karniva
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 - Cormornants
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Crow's Nest
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Dining Hall
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 - Training room
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - The Alley
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - The ball
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - The Pier
Chapter 37
Chapter 38- Captain's Cabin
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - On the staircase
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 - Cells
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Wheel
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 - Tavern
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48- Manor Garden
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 - Dining Room
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 - The Well
Chapter 54 - Frigate
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 - The Bow
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 - Peaks
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Across the Plank
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea
Chapter 65
Chapter 66 - Jane Duchess
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - Sitting Room
Chapter 69

Chapter 53

1K 57 3
By BekLittleSparrow24

The next two days passed in much the same routine for Sky. Each morning she went out and greeted the people in the market getting fresh food and water for the gardens. She had spent a long day in the sun clearing away the weeds that had taken governance. She'd planted some vegetables, under the careful instruction of Elise and had even crafted her own garden bed out of old wood. Her evenings were spent talking with Elise as they knitted, Sky was slowing getting better; it was a bit like tying knots.

On the third day Sky was determined to make Elise's home one the woman could be proud of. She stood out the front of the small house, a navy blue cap on her head and a loose dress on. Her hair was tucked up and her checks flushed. Elise had insisted that she wash her other clothes and had gave Sky no other option than the light brown dress. Despite her complaints Sky didn't mind. The dress was a little too big making it light and in the hot sun it helped to cool her down.

She looked up from her work, the sanding stone warm in her hands, and wiped sweat from her brow. She had been sanding for hours to remove the chipped paint from the house's frame. Most of the front of the house was done and Sky could see the old wood peeking through the layers of paint. It was good hard work.

For the most part of her time Sky had tried not to let her mind wander. It was nights that were harder, without something to do or Elise to talk with, Sky wondered about her friends. She would think of Dustin and was slowing coming to grips with his choice. When she began to feel angry she would repeat Admiral Balthid's words over and over in her head. She would never see her dear Captain again and so she was trying to think of him with love and push down the anger that threatened to bubble up in her.

"It's coming along quite well." Elise stood in the door way holding a glass of water out to the sweating Sky.

"Thank you." She drank gratefully; the midday sun was beginning to burn her shoulders. "Going to need to get some paint soon." Sky handed the glass back and threw she sanding stone up in the air catching it easily.

"That might be a little difficult to come by." Elise said with a smile.

She had told Sky as they knitted one of the nights that she sold her blankets as a livelihood but as the weather warmed there was be less need. Sky had suggested that she turn to knitting caps to keep the sun of people's faces. The cap Sky wore now was a trial one. But money wasn't the problem Sky realised. Paint was not something that Rendes supplied; it was the kind of thing the mainland was most able to produce. But with no trading occurring between the ports it looked like Sky might had to improvise. As she started up her work again Sky wondered if she'd be able to find any clay that could be watered down and dyed.

Dye would be hard to come by too. A shout of alarm snapped Sky out of her thoughts. After so much time of being always ready, always expecting a fight, Sky's body reacted fast. Jumping to her feet from under the window sill, Sky's head flicked around searching for any sign of danger.

However, she could see nothing out of the ordinary. The Market was busy welcoming merchants and townspeople to their stalls. The manor on the hill behind Elise's house stood imposing and empty. Sky's eyes turned to where the cells were. Standing outside it were six of Admiral Balthid's officers. They had volunteered to remain behind to watch over the kings men who refused to side with the pirates. They would wait there unit news came of the final battle. After that Sky suspected even they weren't sure.

But they didn't seem uneasy either. Sky frowned thinking perhaps she had imagined the noise. As she turned back to her sanding, however, she heard it again. It was coming from her right outwards the river. There were cliffs in that direction. Sky hadn't been there since her last night with Dustin. Sky jumped when three little heads appeared over the cliff yelling something down at the market area.

Sky recognised them. One was the little orphan girl, Nandi, and she was waving her arms over her head. Sky began to walk down toward the river path when the heads disappeared. It was not long before she heard running and excited cries. The children ran to her all speaking at once. Sky braced herself but they did not stop, instead bolted past her.

"Tell them-" "Is it the navy?" "- a ship like that!"

They raced past Sky and disappeared in to the crowded market. Sky followed them a second later calling for Elise.

"I'll be back." She cried as she took off after the three children. A Ship? They would have recognised a trading ship so this must be different to excite them so. Coming from the direction of Karniva. Sky slowed as her eyes scanned the busy streets for the children. She saw them pop out from the people and run into the tavern.

Sky politely pushed her way through the market and made her way over to the leaning two storey Tavern. Sky bit her lip at the unwanted memories of her night up in one of those rooms. Loud talking came from within and Sky pushed open the door to find the children, barely puffed after their mad dash, standing in front of the elderly man Sky had met when they were under house arrest from the Kings men earlier that week.

"It looked like a Frigate!" The eldest boy was waving his arms out wildly as the other two nodded enthusiastically.

"No," Snapped the younger boy and turned to the elderly man. He was sitting at the bar with a few other older men and some women who were staring at the children with fondness. "It was too slow for a Frigate!"

"How would you know!" the boy yelled back and they snarled at each other.

"Shut it." The elderly man said gruffly. "Nandi what did you see?"

The young girl shifted uncomfortably. Sky smiled at her. "I saw a ship Pa." The man nodded for her to continue. "It was coming from the mainland. It looked bigger than a trading ship." Sky came to stand behind the three children as they waited for the man's response.

"And you?" Sky's gaze flicked to him. "Did you see this ship?"

"No sir. I did not." Sky frowned possibilities swarming her mind. "But, I think it would be best we take their word for now. Perhaps inform the people to stay in their homes. If it is coming from Karniva we have every reason to believe it isn't friendly."

The man sighed and nodded gravely. These people could not have a moment of peace it seemed. "You three," He snapped the children out of an argument, "Run through the market and tell everyone you see to prepare." The children disappeared out the door in a flash and Sky could hear their yelling.

"We aren't ready for another attack, Herb." The lady at the bar counter had paused her cleaning. "We gave everything we had to Dustin's men. We've not got anything left to defend ourselves with."

"I know." The man said. "But what else can we do? Keep your fingers crossed it is just a trade ship. We will gather what last ammunition we have and should it come to that try to fight them off." He said and looked at Sky. "You got anything you wanna say lass?"

Sky blinked at his tone. She realised that when dealing with the townspeople she had been quite outspoken in the past. But that was when she could do something. When she had a plan, and her crew with her. Now she was just as helpless as they were. Still...

"Do you have a spyglass?" It was impossible for her to do nothing.

Sky walked with determination, a brass spyglass in her hand and Dustin's pistol in the pocket of her dress. She had informed Elise of where she was going and had told her to be on alert. The stream was low next to Sky where it branched off down to become one with the sea. Sky turned off the bank and began her climb up towards the top of a steep peak to get a good vantage point.

Her legs were burning by the time she reached the top and saw the clear blue water that surrounded the island. Sky pulled off her cap and used it to wipe the sweat from her neck before twisting her hair up into a bun and replaced the hat.

Sky nearly fell back down the cliff when she saw how close the ship was. It was nearly upon them. It was also no trade ship. The children must have been playing when they saw it. Sky swore; they would have very little time to prepare if this ship attacked. Sky snapped the spyglass out and peered through it down onto the ship. The elder boy was right. It was indeed a frigate, but it was in poor shape.

The foremast was cracked from midway down towards the top sails and the point hung limply to the side. There was no flag. The sides of the ship looked in bad condition too as paint was chipped and the railing broken in several places. Sky scanned the deck. The frigate was well equipped with six guns on the top deck and Sky counted ten along one side making it a 26 cannon long frigate. Built for speed and manoeuvrability but heaving armed. A good ship for battle. Even battered and damaged, it would rip through the town in seconds.

Sky twisted her spyglass trying to get it to focus. The glass in it was not very clear and the range was poor, but Sky strained her eyes to see the crew. If she could see some kind of uniform she might be able to identify their intentions. The many figures were too low down, and far to blurry, for Sky to be sure but as they scrambled around the busy deck, she didn't think they wore the red and blue of the King.

Pirates then? There were other pirates in these seas, she knew. However, when she had been planning of leaving Rendes the most notorious pirate ship had been the Belladonna. But Sky though of that ship as her home. A safe place with her crew, like a family. The notion of meeting other pirates, real pirates made Sky feel very uneasy. Dustin's crew could be ruthless but they protected people against the King. They were not the pirates that had plagued Sky's dreams; they were more like social rejects that had recently become honour-bound vigilantes. Other pirate crews made Sky think of her fear as a child. She had sailed on the most feared ship in the entire Kingdom and yet knew nothing of real pirates.

This is a pirate port. Sky lowered her spyglass and watched as the ship sailed past her angling itself towards the port. I guess there's only one way to find out. She only hoped that they didn't decide to stay long or cause trouble.

Sky ran back down to the hill as quickly as she dared in a dress. The streets were almost cleared when she finally emerged into the town. The damaged frigate was easing itself into the port the ship groaning in protest. Sky stared in surprise as some of the townspeople and even some Rendes merchants stood facing down the ship. They were armed, Sky noted, expecting the worst. By the time she had made her way over to them the frigate had docked and sounds of men preparing for something carried to the townspeople. Sky placed her hand in the front of the dress and clasped the pistol in a steady hand.

"State ye business pirates!" The elderly man, Herb yelled as a plank was pushed off the ship and on to the pier. A sword's blade appeared from the ship. The townspeople tensed their hands tightening on their weapons. Sky frowned cocking her head to the side. Tied to the blade was a man's shirt. The wielder waved the sword hastily causing the shirt to swish back and forth. White flag?

"Peace!" Came a young man's voice. "We just need a bit of assistance."

Wait a second... A lean frame appeared from the ship as the wielder steeped out onto the plank hesitantly, fearing he'd be shot at. The man's dark hair blew in the wind as he lowered his makeshift flag a smile on his handsome face. I know that voice.

Sky released her pistol as men began to disembark the ship and stand on the pier. The townspeople were still on edge and the newcomers sensed this and were shuffling awkwardly from their ship. Some people had begun to emerge from their shelters as they realised this frigate was not a threat. Sky, however noticed none of this as her heart soared and she began to run.

"Edward!" Sky's joyous voice carried out across the port and all eyes turned to her including the light brown ones of the young cormorant. He stopped midsentence with one of the rebels and turned to the townspeople with a confused frown.

Sky collided with him a second later throwing the man off balance. They stumbled back, Edward with a cry of surprise as Sky's arms went around him.

"Errmm...?" Sky was laughing and her hat had slipped from her head in the jubilant dash down the pier. He did not hug her back. His arms were paralysed at his sides and with her squeezing his shoulders she'd effectively trapped him. An awkward cough ruffled Sky's hair. She laughed again and pulled back a step. All eyes on the shore and the now silent Cormorant Frigate watched them with intrigue.

"What are you doing here?" Sky asked as she looked up at the flushed rebel. His eyes widened in astonishment and realisation.

"Sky?!" She had never been so overjoyed to see anyone. She had almost accepted the fact that this was where her life remained. The sight of her good friend and the Cormorants was a welcomed one indeed. "Me? What are you doing here?" A crease appeared between his eyes. "Where's Dustin?"

Sky's expression became sour. She was about to tell him that the son of a bit-

"Davion." Edward and Sky turned to the owner of the voice.

Dana stood with her hands splayed out across the railing. She looked much the same as Sky remembered. Her grey hair was pushed out of her face and her sliver eyes keen and knowing as she looked down at the two friends. She had lost some weight Sky realised, the woman had slimmed down in in her face, it was as if she had not eaten in a long time and stress had turned her strong muscular body into a more withered one. The result had her already prominent cheek bones jut out. Sky was taken aback. The woman looked like she'd aged years in only a few weeks.

The townspeople, having decided these were allies, had begun to swarm the pier catching Dana's attention.

"They aren't here are they." Dana remarked even though Sky suspected she knew the answer.

"No." Sky replied knowing who she meant. "They left three days ago."

"But you stayed here to warn us?" Edward was frowning at her. Sky shifted awkwardly.

"Well, no. Not exactly."

"He left you behind." Dana stated her tone one of fact. When she looked down at Sky her expression was unreadable. Her keen sliver eyes scanned the port and the market place, then she nodded as if satisfied. Sky watched as she walked from the ship to stand amongst her men and began snapping orders.

Herb, the elderly man, with some of the merchants approached the cluster of newcomers. Dana introduced herself with a stiff voice, but politely requested the townspeople's assistance. After a short discussion with the townspeople, they shook hands and Herb yelled at some of the men to get whatever it is they needed.

"Understand Rebel, we don't have much to give." Herb said in a low voice.

"These are tough times for us all," Dana watched her men follow the townspeople. "We have payment. I know that nothing is free."

Herb's wrinkled face scrunched disapprovingly. "Money is not the issue. Most of our supplies went with Dustin and the Admiral."

"Admiral?" Dana said quietly to herself and lifted a brow then waved her hand. "Very well. We don't need many supplies; we just need some wood to repair our mast and the damage done to our hull."

"That may be difficult to come by." Herb grumbled but promised he would do his best. He and Dana continued talking of tools and if there we any carpenters in the town.

"What happened Ed?" Sky turned from the Cormorants who were taking notes from Dana as she listed equipment and supplies they needed.

Edward looked uncomfortable. "We couldn't quite get out in time." He turned to look back at their crippled ship. "We knew we had little time after what happened at the ball to get out. The king was quick to send some men to cut us off." Edward smiled back at Sky then nodded to Dana. "Good thing that while we were dancing, Dana had organised a full evacuation. She had all our best men ready to fight when I finally got there." The corner of Edwards lip twitched in amusement. "I would have loved to have seen the officers' faces when they got to slums only to find every single one of us gone."

"Where did you people evacuate to?" Sky asked once again impressed by the Cormorants efficiently. Edward smiled at her question.

"They are waiting just off the mainland in various trading ships. If we fail after all this, they will try to spread the news of rebellion discreetly by visiting ports under the disguise of simple tradespeople."

"They will try again? To take King Patrick down?" Sky felt odd. For her it seemed everything was leading up to this final battle, the idea that this might just be a first attempt seemed unsettling. "I don't think you will need to persuade many people on the outer islands. From what I hear they are already talking of your cause."

Edward nodded at this as though it was expected. "We will give them the push they need then." He then gave Sky a boyish grin. "It won't come to that though. Once we get fixed up we will be able to blow them from the waters."

Sky looked at him sceptically. "Well, I'm glad someone is optimistic." She mumbled. "After what happened to your ship aren't you feeling like this might not go too well?" Her stomach had begun to twist uncomfortably.

"We were caught off guard. And we had to make sure you got away safely." Edward's happy voice had become a little darker and Sky was reminded of the first day she met him. "Once I told Dana the King's plans, we made for our ship in the trade port. It took us a while to get to the main port and by the time we'd got there the Belladonna was gone.

"As a simple frigate we weren't noticed in the commotion. The King was preparing to send some smaller ships to engage you long enough for the Jane Duchess to catch up and sink your ship. And we couldn't have that could we?" Edward smiled at the same time as Sky.

"No, not at all. So what did you do?"

"We umm..." Edward looked almost sheepish. "We blew up the docks."

Sky blinked at him then laughed. "I'm sure that would have pissed them off." Without the docks to use, setting sail from the mainland would have been a bit more difficult.

"The Jane Duchess almost was already boarded, but they would have taken a while to get ready to sail. However, the King would have had some trouble to get the rest of his fleet organised. So hopefully we've bought ourselves some time." Edward seemed immensely pleased by this. "We followed the smaller ships that had gone after you and that is where we took the most damage. They couldn't really put up much of a fight. Still, we took some heavy hits and one got away."

"A schooner." Sky remembered the tailing ship and was very grateful for the Cormorant's intervention. "They weren't too difficult to deal with." Sky smiled at Edward's surprise.

"Davion!" Dana's voice pulled the friends out of their conversation. Edward led Sky towards where the Cormorants leader was overwatching men carrying long plans of wood and crates of steel. "We have much to talk of girl."

Dana did not look at Sky as she spoke but Sky nodded anyway. "Some things have changed." Sky admitted.

"Indeed." Dana's lips turned down. "But first we need some more information. The King has a Manor here, we might be able to get some maps on the layout of the Southern Isle that could be useful."

Sky winced thinking of the burnt out study. "That might be a little hard to come by Ma'am."

Dana sighed and rubbed her temples. "I am getting very sick of hearing that."

All around them the townspeople and some merchants began to assist the Cormorants in repairing their ship. Sky watched with restored hope as support beams were attached to the foremast.

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