Chapter 20

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Ahoy there maties! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Tell me what you think and any ideas you want to happen (maybe?) Also, I found this picture and she is kind of how I imagine Sky. (Any thoughts?)

Anyway! Hope you like this chapter and thanks for reading, LittleSparrow

Sky's heart stopped beating completely. Her mind when bank and her eyes glazed over. Dustin lifted his head. He smiled as the other captain fell dead after taking his own life in shame. Sky blinked twice before crying out in nonsense at her unbearable relief.  She felt tears on her checks and a wave of dizziness hit her. Dustin' s gaze shifted to her and he walked over to and gently placed his hand on her head. Sky flinched at the warm pressure against her hair still not believing that the man before her wasn't shot dead.

"It's alright Sweetheart," His voice was so tender that Sky wanted to sob at the sound of it. "Besides, were not out of this yet. Don't go breaking down on me now."

As if by some sick twist of fate cannon fire rang out over the water. It was low and seemed to throb through the thick air. All eyes turned to the man-o-war. Dustin's hand left Sky's head and he held his breath. Sky didn't know if they were in range. She didn't know exactly how far of a range her father's gun gave the warship and she prayed that they had done enough. She shut her eyes waiting for the pain of death.

The cannon balls never hit. Every single pirate stared in utter amazement as they disappeared under the water less than ten feet from The Belladonna.

"Holy shit." Dustin whispered. Sky actually collapsed from relief and landed in a heap on the ground. Dustin turned and smiled down at her his gold eyes shining. "Yep. I forgive you now."

Sky sighed and let her head flop down against the wood. We did it. We actually did it.

"Get us out of here Lads! Put as much did stance between us as possible." Sky couldn't see him but she could hear the laughter in his voice. The ship jerked forward as wind fill its sails. Sky hadn't slept last night and the exhaustion practically consumed her. "Thomas." Sky felt his heavy footsteps through the floor. "Take her to get some rest."

"Aye Cap'n." Sky felt strong hands on her arms and she let Thomas lift her off the ground. "You know, that could have gone a lot worse."

Dustin's laugh washed over Sky. She looked up to see him; his eyes were bright with life and his smile was beautiful. He looked at her with an emotion Sky couldn't read and placed his hand on her shoulder causing blood to flood to her cheeks.

"Good job, Sweetheart." His praise filled her with joy and something else that she was too tired to think about.

Thomas helped her down the ladder and even offered her his hand so that she could get into her hammock without falling on her face. "Get some well needed rest Lass. We'll be at Karniva before ya know it." Thomas told her with a smile.

She didn't respond as her vision was already going fogging. She couldn't be sure when but sometime later Fane's voice drifted down to her though the grate that let air into the space.

The BelladonnaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin