Chapter 59

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Hello! A serious AN before this chapter.

I have some news...As if this going up, I have completed this story!! The last chapter has been written (with the exception of a possible epilogue). I can't express how odd it feels to know my characters and this world are done. I'm going to miss them. But it has been a long time coming and now it is finally here after many full days of typing away at my computer with my note pad and pencil next to me.

So, because I want the end to flow and for you guys to be immersed in the story, I will try to just pump the rest of the chapters out from Word to wattpad. So this is a WARNING that you may be spammed with notifications from wattpad (I'm sorry). It will take me a while to edit them but then I'm hoping to do it in a chunk one afternoon.

With Uni starting up again (in Australia) I hope to be done before assignments build up. But yes, that is my news. Be it good and bad in some ways. I say this every time, like a broken record, but once again, Thank you! Thanks for reading and I hope that you enjoyed this story. I know I have loved writing it and

Lastly, I want to thank my dear friend. You are the reason I finished this book and I hope the ending does you proud. Thanks for all your support.

Happy reading to you all!


Settling atop the dark emerald water, ominous mist danced in the wind currents taunting any who neared it. The air grew dense around the approaching vessel as it glided across the currents. The treacherous peaks had earnt their title; harsh jagged rocks, like pillars of once molten lava now cooled rose out of the swirling depths. They covered the horizon in front of the frigate. A boneyard of blades reaching up towards the skies above. Far into the distance they became shrouded by fog, lurking to sink any unfortunate souls.

It truly was a desolate place. The people had been struggling to survive out here for quite some time. Very few merchants ever made the journey, it was up to the inhabitants to go out and trade their goods. Growing up Sky had wondered why the men on Rendes would avoid the Southern Iles, now she understood. There were still some who were willing to trade, but not many. The King had left the people to themselves more or less abandoning them to suffer alone. There must be trade routes where the peaks opened up to allow for ships to port, after all Dustin had told Sky that the Jane Duchess had docked there to pick James up after he'd left Rendes.

The King must know how to get in. Sky thought. But why bother when he could attack without the effort of navigating the rocks.

"We won't be able to make it through that!" The carpenter cried in dismay. The others ignored him, but Sky saw many shared his opinion.

Patchwork Sally's sails began to flap aggressively as conflicting winds met. The northern gale was competing against the southern current and Sky looked out over the side of the ship to see the waves splash in confused directions.

"Report!" Dana called out across the deck. Her voice carried in the tense silence.

"Clear Starboard Ma'am." A sharp replay came followed by the Portside. The crew had been placed along the edge of the ship to inspect the water before for rouge peaks luring under the dark waters.

"Light the lanterns Edward." Dana commanded. "We need more visibility."

Sky and Edward made eye contact before nodding. Sav gave them a small lit torch each no bigger than Sky's for arm. She took it her face glowing in the fires light. Sky quickly moved along to the lanterns hanging on various hooks at the poop deck before moving down to run along the side of the ship. As she passed, cormorants held out their own lanterns for her. Edward did the same on the other side and soon the main deck appeared to be covered in fire flies. Sky reached the bow of the ship just after Edward. She came to stand next to him, her torch burning brightly.

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