Chapter 54 - Frigate

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Though many things from the study had disintegrated into ash, there were some books that had survived the fire. Along with some extra information gathered from the townspeople, one of Dana's men had created a rather detailed map of the Southern Isles.

"I think this this the spot Dustin told the Admiral to make port at." Sky's finger hovered over the worn parchment. Laid out before them was the tangled chaos of the peaks. Sky had never seen detailed maps of the south and knew why Dana had wanted a map. "It seems stupid for the King to try and get into that mess."

The peaks lay around the three bigger islands of the southern isles. The sharp daggered rocks would make it impossible for any big ship to get in to the inhabited islands. It occurred to Sky why the people there would be more confident in their ability to rebel; they had the perfect impenetrable stronghold. Only smaller ships could slip though the cracks and even then, manoeuvrability such as that would take great skill. To the far side the peaks became more scattered. One small island was exposed and Sky could only assume that it would be the place Dustin had meant for The Maribelle to wait.

"The King won't go in." Dana's eyes scanned the peaks memorising the layout of each pillar; it would only take one to rip apart their damaged hull. "If what we've heard is correct, these people will want to fight and by the King placing himself with the fleet, the most rebellious among them will be drawn out, blinded by the chance."

The men nodded. They were back in the dining room where Sky had been with a completely different group of men a week before. Most of the Cormorant ship reconstruction was to be finished this morning. They had worked through the night, going so far as to take apart some of the abandoned homes to use the stronger timber, but they would have to complete the final things while on the sea. There was not enough time to dawdle.

Sky had explained the situation to Dana. The woman had listened only nodding occasionally and clarifying details of Dustin's plan. When Sky had mentioned the union of Admiral Balthid the woman had kept her reaction carefully neutral to Sky's disappointment.

It seemed nothing could surprise the Cormorant leader, but Sky could sense her unease at hearing the Kings men had joined their cause. Sky had argued that Dustin had been very persuasive and the Admiral really did seem to respect their cause once he realised the Kings intentions.

"Yes. It is not betrayal from the navy men I'm concerned about." Dana had said to Sky's defensive comments with a huff. "That boy was always too much of an officer. I am concerned that when the moment comes he will hesitate. And after spending time with a man such as Balthid..." Dana had sighed and shook her head as if end the stream of thought. At Sky's questioning protests she had waved her hand declaring that there was nothing more to say on the subject.

Did she really think Dustin would go to all this trouble to falter at the end? Sky had thought angrily as the conversation moved on to how long it would take before they could set off. The others would be halfway to their destination, but if the Cormorants left before midday, they might make it to the isles before the Kings fleet. To meet them on the seas by themselves would be death.

Sky remembered Dustin's promise to spare James. She looked at Dana who was talking in her straight way. She led very differently to Sky's Captain, not with passion and inspiration but rather commanded through her assertive personality. He wouldn't hesitate would he? The pirate followed what he felt was right, that was what Sky loved about him, that he would do the honourable thing regardless of the cost to himself. No, he wouldn't betray their cause now.

"Good." Dana stood up from where she had been leaning over to study the map. "We thank you for all you have done for our cause." She addressed the few townspeople in the room with a smile bow of respect.

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