Chapter 24

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"Do you know what we do to traitors?" The woman asked. Her eyes were a bizarre silvery blue and held the wisdom of someone who had seen a lot. Sky had realised that she had been thrown into the middle of what seemed like a rather important meeting and her presence was not welcomed.

"She killed Mathew." The boy behind her snarled with pain in his voice.

"Your brother will be compensated for Edward." She told him with fierceness that intimidated Sky. "You will die a painful death fit for someone who betrays the Cormorants."

Hearing the name snapped something in Sky.

"Listen to me." Never in her life had Sky spoken with such authority; never had she met someone who demanded her to do so. Everyone in the room stayed silent and Sky pressed on. "I did not betray you. I'm here to warn you. The King knows where you are and-" laughter broke her sentence.

"The King wouldn't even see us if we cut of his balls and shoved them down his throat." The men's laugher grew louder at the woman's words. Sky blinked. "We don't get caught and everyone would die rather than hand us all over."

"Well someone did." Sky wanted to yell at her but refrained from doing so. "I heard some officers talking at the palace and they said someone gave them information." More laughter met her and Sky turned red with humiliation wondering what they found funny this time.

"You, at the Kings palace? So a liar and a traitor now?" The boy behind her barked. Sky ignored him.

"I followed two officers here. They said-"

"You led them here!" The boy cried raw pain in his voice.

"Listen!" Sky screamed her voice cutting the air. "They are coming. Here. Tonight!" Some of the faces sobered and they looked to each other. The woman studied Sky with keen eyes. "They sent two men to take out your guards so you'd have no warning." When no one spoke she pushed more. "I am telling you, they will be here in less than two hours. You have to do some thing or forty of the Kings best will slaughter you all like animals."

"You lie." There was a note of doubt in the woman's voice. Sky wanted to rip her hair out. She was covered in sludge and blood, her head was pounding and she had just given them a heads up. But they still didn't believe her.

"Is that a chance you are willing to take?" She asked the woman.

"Don't you dare challenge me you-"

"She's telling the truth." A voice emerged from the back of the room where a man stood. Sky looked at him and wanted to cry with some unknown emotion.

Gold eyes scanned over her body lingering at the patch of blood that covered her front, before finally meeting her gaze. "Just couldn't stay away, could you Sweetheart?"

"Keep your opinions to yourself boy." The woman told him sounding like a mother scolding her child.

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