Chapter 10

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The men didn't say another word as they rowed the rest of the way to the beach. Thomas ordered Sky to jump out and pull the boat in. The other two men helped her and the waited for the Captains boat to do the same. It held all the weapons and once it was pulled ashore the men dived in grabbing a cutlass each and strapped them to their waists. Sky did the same a little away from the rest of the group. As she was buckling her pistol holder around her hips she heard someone approach from behind her.

"Aster, you will need to move now in order to get into position." It was the captain and Sky held her breath. She did not look at him and simply nodded. A hand landed down on her shoulder heating the skin under the layers of clothing. "Don't mess up." He said before removing his hand. "And Lad," His voice was quiet. "I'm sorry about before." Then he walked away leaving Sky utterly confused. She looked up to watch him walk away something gnawing away at her gut. His word sank in and although it was not what he had meant she realised she really did have to move if she wanted to get to the frigates before the rest of the party.

She turned away from the pirates and began running up the sand. Behind her words of haste and luck were shouted. An odd feeling of regret edged its way into her mind but she shoved it aside. These men were pirates and planning on killing people. It is my duty as a navy officer to stop them.

Sky scoffed at her own remark. She knew being on the Brig for four days did not count her as officer. But, as a loyal citizen to King Patrick, she would do this. Even if it meant losing her own life and never seeing James again.

Harpers Isle was large and she knew it would take her a long time to run to the dock. The terrain didn't help much as it was covered in rocky ledges and shrubs too thick to run through. Luckily for her though the pirates had landed near a stream leading out to the ocean from the middle of the island. It was wide but shallow; only waist deep and the flow was not strong. Sky jumped in it knowing it would be faster than dodging all the obstacles on land.

The water was cold and quickly seeped into her cloths and skin. Sky pushed her way up the stream lifting her legs and swinging her arms to get more momentum. She had been running for what felt like hours when the stream branched off to her left. She took it and was plunged downwards as the ground she had been standing on suddenly dropped off. Coming back up coughing Sky found that she was thankful when the current carried her down the stream. Sky lifted her legs and let the water pull her down towards the port of Luckuss.

The closer she got to the small village the less trees there were and once the place itself came into her vision Sky swam over to the side of the stream and pulled herself out. After shaking of the water and ringing out her wet hair she began running again towards the port.

It was small, but much larger than Rendes. The buildings were clumped close together and were all made out of wood. That had been painted white. The paint was chipped in places and some of the taller building leaned a little too much to one side. The ground was relatively clean and in some places was even paved. Along the shore line close to the dock was a line of shops that resembled a market. People were walking around enjoying the sunshine and good weather.

The two Frigates proudly baring the Kings colours bobbed up and down slightly in the bay. On them Sky could see men in uniform checking the rigging and talking. Down on the ramp that led to the ships were two guards. They held rifles fixed with bayonets over their shoulders. Sky noted that there was no one who looked like a commanding officer and searched to village in case they had gotten off their ships.

Off to the right of the village was a large hill. On top of the hill was a beautiful old manor built from stone and painted white. It was where the King stayed if he ever needed to leave his haven in the mainland. The manor was surrounded by a tall iron fence with pretty patterns lacing the top. Sky saw that there was a group of ten odd people at its gates. Each of them dressed in uniform. Sky ran in their direction wondering what on earth she was going to say. She realised that a crazy person running full speed at them might get shot. Sky slowed down.

The BelladonnaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora