Chapter 27 - On the boardwalk

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The man was not who Sky remembered. He was tall and well-built beneath the king's red and blue uniform. His dark brown hair that resembled Sky's was cut short and hidden under a commander's hat. There was a light beard on his face that made him look so much like their father that Sky felt dizzy. His face shape too had changed; his jaw stronger and his boyish features gone. But what stood out to Sky the most was his eyes. A deep green that once was hazel were filled with pride and authority.

This was not the brother who had left her over six years ago; this was a powerful man, a noble and loyal servant to King Patrick.

He was there, standing in front of her and yet Sky knew that was not who she had been searching for. It now seemed ridicules of her to think she would find him and he would be as she remembered, but still, it hurt her to see that he was not.

"James." She whispered again. His name hurt to say and she felt tears of relief and confusion pick in her eyes. She had found her brother and he was alive, better than alive. He looked like a man the king would be proud of, a man her father would be proud of. But she was not happy to see him. And she did not know why.

My whole life I've wanted him back and now... Sky wanted to cry. With rage, sadness, frustration and hurt.

She saw Dustin move. His stride proud and committed. He was on a mission and that mission was getting to James. Her mind blank, Sky ran to him pushing the Cormorants out of her way. They had all seen the officers and their battle rage had disappeared. They had lost many people and every single one of them was covered in blood and exhausted. The king's attack had been stronger than any of them imagined and they could barely stand. They could not go on.

Dustin was moving faster now. He ran along the board walk with renewed energy. Sky was closer to the alley than he was and she rushed forward to cross his path to her brother. Both of Dustin's swords were drawn and he spun them as he ran. Sky saw the look in his eyes and it chilled her to the bone. He was going to kill James regardless of anyone else.

The officers were advancing, not caring about the rebels around them as they let them pass. It was not silent, though it felt like it to Sky as she came to a screeching halt with her back to the officers and her brother. Dustin saw her and slowed down. Sky held up her hands as if they would protect her and stop him from pushing past.

"Sky," Dustin growled out. He walked towards her and stopped when he was a few feet from her. "Sweetheart, move." His voice held so much authority that Sky's body desperately wanted to obey him, but she forced herself to shake her head.

"I can't." Her voice broke as she felt tears on her cheeks.

"Sky, move now." Dustin's grip on his blade tightened.

"I know what you're going to do." Her hands trembled in front of her. "Dustin, I can't let you kill him. I won't."

Dustin's eyes scanned her face and his brow came down. The gold of his irises turned dull with sadness. It was as if he was having something he dreaded confirmed. "He is not who you knew Sky." There was a note of pity in his voice that cut through Sky's heart.

"He's all I have left." She whispered felling like her heart was being ripped in two.

"He has done terrible things, Sweetheart. I have to kill him. Regardless of your feelings. Regardless of you." His voice was gentle. "I am sorry." It was then that she realised.

"You knew. You knew he was my brother." Her ears roared and her heart bet furiously.

"I didn't." Dustin looked behind her for a second then at her face again. "I suspected on the roof top, but I wasn't sure."

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