Chapter 35 - The ball

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The dress is kind of how I imagine it. But you decide. Thanks and Enjoy the long awaited ball!

Sky had seen the ball room only briefly before, when she had been shown the way out, but it looked like a completely different place now. And it was everything she could ever imagine.

The golden floor reflected the light from the candle chandlers that cast a warm yellow glow over the space. There were also elegantly curved oil lamps that lined the walls illuminating the room farther. The space in the middle was clear and open as it had been before, so that people could dance. There were small tables set up along the walls where people dressed in clean simple clothing arranged beautiful vases of lilies.

Sky bit her lip as James led her and Edward past a man whose sicking was the colour of charcoal. He watched Sky and Edward with intelligent dark eyes. Turns out the king isn't opposed to slavery. Sky knew better than to say anything out loud and kept her eyes down cast. The King she had known growing up was soon becoming everything she thought he stood against.

As they approached the stairs leading up to the rest of the palace Sky saw that a rich velvet rug had been draped over the marble stairs making it look like a river of blood. Swallowing hard, Sky followed her brother up the steps to the door where a curtain, the same shade as the rug, covered half of the way. It had not been there before and Sky wondered if the King would make an extravagant entrance from here. James pulled it aside and motioned for them to go through.

"The ball with be held in a few hours' time. I suggest you prepare yourself, unless you wish to greet His majesty in what you are wearing." James looked over Edward and Sky, mostly Sky.

She too looked down at her clothing and knew ripped and grimy second hand men's clothes were not suitable for a 'lady'. If the King wants to see me so badly then to hell with what I wear. Sky did not say this to James however and simply gave him a girlish smile.

"Does the King wish to see me?" Her shy voice sounded fake even to her ears and from the corner of her eye she saw Edward scrunch up his nose. James however seemed oblivious to her excited façade. Because he does not know you. James had always been able to see through her lies and it hurt to know that he barely recognised her now.

Dustin was able to see though my lies after minutes of meeting me. Sky bit her tongue. Now is not the time to compare the two Skyler!

A little plump lady shuffled past Sky carrying a large tray of glasses. James lifted his hand to her and she place down the tray on a small table in the hall and whipped her hand on her apron.

"Take Skyler to my chambers and set out a dress for her to wear tonight. One from Lady Bolivia's room will do," He looked over Sky. She had no idea who Lady Bolivia was and just assumes she was one of the Kings guests, "They seem around the same size. Assist her in any way she needs." James' voice was not friendly, but not hostile; it was if he was speaking to an animal, clear but without any sense of respect for the woman.

She curtsied to him then to Sky and moved past her down the hall. Sky went to follow but looked back at Edward.

"I would very much like to speak with you first, if I may?" James' face and tone didn't really give Edward an option and so he smiled and inclined his head. "I'm sure there is much you can tell us. And, as you clearly proved by binging me my sister, you must want to help the King."

"Of course." Edward answered.

Sky felt her stomach twist. It was clear from James' tone that he did not trust Edward and Sky was suddenly terrified he would kill him once she was out of sight. She moved away from the lady and gently pressed her hands on James' arm and leaned into him.

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