Author's Note

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Dear Readers,

While I personally do not like  it when an entire chapter is just an author's note, I feel this is needed.

For those of you who have only just started this book, this massage doesn't really apply and you are more than welcome to skip the whole chapter and continue reading. However, for those few readers who started this book years ago, I have to say something;

I am sorry.

It has been 2 years (Wattpad tells me feb 2016 was my last update) and I know this story just stopped one day, and that is frustrating. I could tell you all about how I was in my final year at school and exams got a little hectic, I could say that I'd planed out the entire ending of this story in a note pad only to lose said note pad, I could explain that Uni is very time consuming and demands all of my attention. And while that is all true (except maybe the Uni part), at the end of the day I just stopped writing this story. It got to the point where I'd put it off again and again and it had been so long that I forgot where I was going with the plot. I also didn't really want to write anymore. This story is FAR from perfect (all the plot holes and don't even get me started on the grammar and spelling, sorry by the way), I was considering taking it down, but just sort of ignored it instead. A bit like my other story; A Not so perfect fairy tale ((Don't read! Too much cringe. Plus it goes nowhere)).

Anyway, I was thinking of taking it down, but figured that I spent wayyy to long writing it in the first place. Honestly, I was out with a friend a while back and The Belladonna came up in conversation and although the book has its cringe moments and clichés I still love the story and I am so close to the end that I figured I may as well finish. It wasn't until I got back into reading that I actually wanted to write again though. So, I recently finished a book called 'The Way of Kings' by Brandon Sanderson (would HIGHLY recommend if you enjoy medieval fantasy! And want to read a good old paper book) and BAM I wanted to write again. Only I'd forgotten most of my plot and had lost my note pad with it planed out. As a result, I reread the whole story (again, sorry for the dodgy writing in places) and have a new note pad and a somewhat different plot planned out (most is the same from what I remember).

My uploads will not be consistent nor will they be fast (as some of you may know), but I will be finishing off this story. And that is what this note is about. To let you know that it is not dead and Sky and Dust's tale dose have a conclusion and I will be writing it... eventually.

P.S Another thing, in rereading, and from reading others books on wattpad, I have to apologise to the people who tried to contact me. Please understand that at the time I was not comfortable with that, but I know it can be a little unfair to be so disengaged with you guys so for that reason, I am sorry. While I still may not be comfortable with some things, I will try to be more involved. I'm sorry if I offended you.

Long story short (or if you skipped all that); This book has been sitting around while I was AWOL for 2 years and now I'm back and thus the story will be concluded!... (even if I take a while). Also, as it has been a long time so my writing may seem a little off. I am hoping that I can get back into the grove a little, but if it seems different please bear in mind, all I have written for the past 2 years is essays (with referencing (*shudders*)).

So, I know Authors notes are a pain (especially after so long) but it was needed. Thank you so much for reading this story, I hope you are ready for the lead up and then big conclusion. There is still a while to go though so apologies if you are sick of this book, otherwise yay?

Thanks again and AWAY ME HARTIES YO HO!!


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