Chapter 32

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The Cormorants and the crew of the Belladonna were going crazy. They had gathered around Sky and Dustin placing bets, most in the pirate's favour, and cheering like excited children. Most of the training had ceased to witness what was going on between Sky and the notorious Captain Hawk.

Sky's heart was beating furiously and she was not sure whether it was due to the huge crowd or the way Dustin was looking at her. His golden eyes were almost playful and it unnerved her for two reasons. One of which she did not really want to admit. The other; that she knew, he knew they would be talking later.

"First to disarm?" She asked clutching her blade feeling more and more confidence drain from her.

Dustin shook his head. "If I disarm you, I win. All you have to do is land a blow."

Sky did not like being handicapped, but bit her tongue because she wasn't even sure she could get a single him on him. She had seen how he fought and knew he had been in the Kings navy and awarded for his skills. Add the past six years of living by his blade, or blades in his case, Sky wondered if she could drop out now.

No. I can do this. Just one hit and I win. She swallowed and got into position.

"Ready?" Dustin asked his voice gentle and his eyes glowing.

"As I'll ever be." She tilted her head up when he smiled. "Let's do this."

The onlookers fell quite when Dustin took a step to the side, his left leg crossing his right. Sky mimicked him, her hand trembling and her footing not quite as precise as his. She held her sword ready in front of her waiting for him to strike. He did not. Sky looked at him in annoyance and when he grinned back at her she realised he wanted her to attack first.

"Fine." She said to herself as she advanced. Sky lifted her blade and like she had with the others went to his side. Unfortunately for her, none of the others had been duel wielding.

Dustin blocked her with barely a flick of his wrist. His blade captured hers and he smiled at her first attempted to hit him. Their blades still against each other Sky went to move back, but Dustin began spinning his sword around in a small circle. Sky jumped away to stop from being cut and ground her teeth together as her blade was forced to follow Dustin's in pointless circles.

Around and around they went as if the two sharp edges were dancing with one and other. The sound of steel against steel was lost as the audience began laughing at Sky expense. Sky tried her best to ignore them and keep her eyes on the man in front of her, but that too was hard as he was the one making a fool out of her.

Suddenly Dustin spun her blade with such force Sky was sure she was going to drop it and leapt back away from the pressure of his sword. Sky didn't even understand why he was using two blades. If he wanted to make it fair he'd drop one of his cutlasses!

Sky's annoyance vanished when she saw him lunge at her with both blades. They came at her like a pincer and in her panic; Sky held her sword in front of her like it was a shield. With one hand holding the hilt and her injured hand the steel of the blade she braced herself.

"What is going on here?!" All eyes turned to the large door way as Dana shoved her way through the crowd, her grey hair wispy around her angry face. Next to her was Edward who was smiling good-naturedly, as if he approved of what Sky had decided to spend her whole day doing.

Sky looked at the older woman and felt her already hot cheeks blaze. She opened her mouth to explain that she was training and Dustin was just... she wasn't entirely sure what Dustin was doing.

There was a sharp pain in her arm as her cutlass was flicked out of her hand and up into the air. In what seemed like a rare display of defiance, all the Cormorants instantly took their eyes of Dana and watched as Sky's sword flipped over twice in the air before landing perfectly in Dustin's hand.

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