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It was becoming too easy. Either he was getting better or the dear King really wasn't up holding his standards. The young captain watched as the frigate's mast disappeared beneath the water's surface. The Kings colours sinking as well as they are pulled under by the rest of the ship.

The captain turned away from the wreckage and towards his crew. They had lost one and though it was never good to lose men, it was worse to lose an entire ship with a crew and precious ammunition. The captain knew he got the better end of the deal.

That was the thirteenth ship so far and there was no way in hell they would ease up soon. He had a point to prove. This wasn't about piracy or wealth. It wasn't even about rebellion and freedom. No, this was revenge and he wouldn't stop until the King understood that.

"Beautifully executed lads." The Captain called to his crew over the wheel. He was replied with a chorus of cheers from the deck below him. The air smelled of cannon smoke and salt.

"Where we headed next Cap'n?" A man with skin as dark as the night sky asked, the adrenalin of battle still humming in his voice.

The Captain smiled. "I believe there is a navy Brig currently on its way to a small fishing town over to the west." He turned to the crew, "What do you say lads? You up for a taking down one of the Kings Brigs?" A grin worked its way onto his face as the crew cheered.

We are going to take you down one by one if we have to.

The Captain placed his hands on the wheel and his grin turned into a smile. The King would pay. He would make sure of it. He would get his revenge, even if it meant he wasn't left standing at the end.

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