
By geeesuschrist

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Ella's just a regular girl living life to the fullest. Until one night out clubbing, she's raped. Her past st... More

Chapter 1: Help
Chapter 2: I'm Here
Chapter 3: Cry
Chapter 4: Let It Out
Chapter 5: Not me
Chapter 6: Again
Chapter 7: Before
Chapter 8: Like He Hurt Me
Chapter 9: Truth
Chapter 10: Lies
Chapter 11: No More Lies
Chapter 12: Crash
Chapter 13: For You
Chapter 14: Gone
Chapter 15: Destined
Chapter 16: Stronger
Chapter 17: If only
Chapter 18: Hell
Chapter 19: Attached
Chapter 20: Alive
Chapter 21: Coming Back
Chapter 22: Anything
Chapter 23: Hide
Chapter 24: Queen
Chapter 25: Why Me?
Chapter 26: Love
Chapter 27: A Broken Promise
Chapter 28: Hello
Chapter 29: Brother's
Chapter 30: I Promise
Chapter 31: Always
Chapter 32: Forever
Chapter 33: Time
Chapter 34: I'll Pull It
Chapter 35: Secrets
Chapter 36: Flashlights
Their House
Chapter 37: Past Life
Chapter 38: Trust Issues
Chapter 39: Mothers Intuition
Chapter 40: Brotherly Bond
Chapter 41: Mine
Chapter 42: Sad Soul
Chapter 43: Not Again
Chapter 44: Any Cost
Chapter 45: Won't Forget
Chapter 46: Moments
Chapter 47: Breathe
Chapter 48: I'm Home

Chapter 49: You Did This

167 3 1
By geeesuschrist


"Grayson, it's me, it's me" I hold tightly onto his hand.

"Do I know you?" He scrunches up his brows trying to remember who I am.

"Baby, baby please, it's me, it's me" tears violently fall down my now rosy cheeks.

"I can't lose you, too"

"Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm yours. I'm yours" my voice cracks.

"I'll always be yours"

"What do you mean?"

I wipe away my tears and walk out of the room.

"Wait" he yells as he sits up.

I turn around hoping he now remembers. But the look in his eyes confirms he doesn't.

"Who am I?"

I slightly smile as I take a seat at the edge of the bed.

"You're the sunset and sunrise to my day. You're the light in my darkness. You're the diamond amoungst coal. You're the sun to my earth. You're the father of two beautiful babies. You're my lover, Grayson Dolan" I grab his hand tightly as a tear slips out of my eye before letting him go and leaving the room.

I make my way to Ethan's room. He lays unconscious on the bed. I walk over to him. As I grab a piece of paper and start writing as a wave of sadness washes over me.

He doesn't deserve to be here. He doesn't deserve it all. He's only here because of his undying love for his little brother.

I promised Grayson I'd never leave him. I'm not going to break it now.

Two very similar men came into my life and destroyed me. Yet little did they know that the things they did to me gave me the strength I have now to fight. They've broken me in ways I thought I'd never be able to fix. But for every broken girl there a boy with a glue gun.

And Grayson has always helped me through everything. I'm not leaving him. Not again. Not after everything that's happened. The best thing for the both of us is to stay together. Even if he doesn't remember the things we've fought.

After I'm done writing the note I leave it on Ethan's chest. I kiss his forehead.

"Thank you for being there. You're the brother I wish was always there"

I leave the room and head to Christian's. The moment I enter he turns his head towards me. He rubs his head confused.

"How did I get here?"

I bite my bottom lip hard. I sigh heavily before sitting next to him and taking his hand.

"He was at the house. They both were. I don't know how but they must have drugged all of us except for Grayson. I don't know why not him but they didn't. They must've not drugged me as heavily because I woke up before everyone else"

"Did they hurt you? Did he touch you? I swear to god if he touched you I will kill-"

"He's dead. I shot him" I cut him off.


I shake my head wishing I had killed him, too.

"Oh. You did what you had to" he squeezes my hand.

"I didn't even feel bad about it Christian. I didn't even flinch" my eyes water.

"Hey, hey!" He grabs my chin forcing me to look at him.

"After everything he's done to us, it's perfectly normal to not feel bad about it. I would have done it, too. I've worked to put away serial killers, and serial rapists, and every time it comes down to either them or the victim, I don't take a second to shoot. And afterwards I feel nothing but joy because I saved someone's child and the future victims he could've hurt. I don't flinch either. You know why?"

"Because of all the bad things they've done, I'm doing the world a favor by getting rid of them. They brought it upon themselves. They deserved to die. And the world deserves to be rid of another terrible person. Every terrible person that is put away makes this world a little bit safer. If I was in your position I would have shot him and went to sleep like a mere child. He hurt me. He hurt you. He hurt mom. He deserves to rot in hell,"

",there is nothing wrong with you. Not after everything that you've fought and been put through. You deserved that closure. You fought for that. Don't let him destroy you from the hell he's in" he wipes away a tear from my cheek.

"But I know that's not the only thing that's got you down, what's wrong? What happened?"

I try to contain my sobs. I stay silent for a good moment trying to build my composure back up.

"Grayson's lost his memory. I shot him right in front of Grayson. He passed out and I think the trauma was to much for him" I break into sobs.

He holds me tight and close as I cry into his arms. He doesn't say anything until I'm done crying.

"You had a choice to save Grayson and you took it. For gods sake the kids were in the house. If you hadn't taken action they could've been the next ones they would've hurt. Grayson will get his memory back. I promise you" he rubs my back as I take in what he said.

For a while we sit in silence only listening to the beeping of the monitors. No words need to be said. Just our mere presence to one another speaks for itself. He holds me in his arms once more before letting go.

"We're going after this son of a bitch today"

"Agreed" I look at him.


"Are you sure he'll be here?" He asks me.

I can hear the doubt in his voice.

"I'm sure" I don't bother to explain how I know he'll be here.

He likes to relive those moments. He's compulsive. Rather than actually taking action and raping someone he'll return to it. He'll take a souvenir to the place with him. My dress from that night had a very large rip in it. And my ring. The ring mom gave me. He has them.

I have no doubt in my mind that he'll have them. He's always had a thing for keeping more than one of my possessions.

"When will he be here?"

"We need to be patient" I tell him.

He takes a sip of his coke and puts it back in the cup holder. The silence grows louder and louder until I can hear the water droplets fall from his drink. I sit up straight in my seat and lay one hand on the steering wheel. I sigh and close my eyes for a moment.

"You need to stop worrying, whatever you're holding onto you just need to throw it out. And that's why we're here" he throws his hands up in excitement.

The horizon slowly gets smaller as we stand there. The colors of the sky all mix together in perfect harmony. The all overlap with one another.

"Why exactly?" I ask with a smile on my face.

"To let it all out!" He yells as his face lights up.

"By yelling?"

"Yes! No one can hear us from all the way up here. Might as well use it to our advantage!"

"I guess" I laugh.

"Yell! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!"

"Just yell?"


"Um okay,"

",aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I yell as loud as I can.

"There you go!"

"That actually felt really good" I smile.

I open my eyes and look around the darkness that surrounds the car we sit in. I patiently tap the steering wheel with a pace. Christian sighs obviously tired of waiting. He never was a patient one.

"Hurry up!"

"No, you slow down!" I tell him.

"I don't want to be late to the book convention. You know how much this means to me!" He pouts.

"Christian I know. You've talked about this convention all damn year. Como me voy a olvidar"

"Well then pick up the pace!" He grabs my hand and practically drags me through the front doors.

"Wow!" I look around in amazement.

"I know right" he grins.

"It's nearly 1am CB"

"I know BE, I know, he'll be here. I know he will" I assure him. He sighs heavily before looking out of his window. I rest my head on my hand.

"I brought pizza" his voice echoes through the empty house.

"Yes!" I jump up and forcibly take a box from his hands before jumping back on the couch.

"You got the movies?"

"Of course I do"

"Start em!" He smiles.

"I'm so happy we can have a scary movie binge night. Grayson doesn't like scary movies. It's the one thing about him that annoys me"

"That's why you have me! The better twin! You have Ethan on your side"

"Of course I do Ethan. You're like the brother I wish I had" I smile before it fades as I just reminded myself of Christian.

"You okay? Not getting scary movie jitters already?" He laughs.

"Yeah I'm good" I ruffle his hair before shoving a slice of pizza in my mouth.

"Hey!" He yells fixing his hair.

I stick my tongue out at him as he merely chuckles.

The minutes pass by slowly as we wait for him to show. It's 3:04am. He should be here. He will be here. I know he will. I yawn trying to keep myself awake. I take a drink of my coffee before setting it back down.

"Since when do you drink coffee?" He asks.

"Since I moved in with two boys whom act like teenagers whom don't know how to let me sleep" I reply.

"I'm sorry baby" he hugs me from behind as he kisses my neck.

"You and Ethan seriously need to go to sleep earlier! You both always end up going to bed at 4am and wake up at 7am. That is completely unhealthy. That is only 3 hours of sleep. If you both don't go to sleep on time from now on I'm going to sneak sleeping pills into your dinner" I turn to face him.

"Sure you will" he laughs.

"I will!"

He picks me up and sits me on the counter. Now our faces are in front of each other. The height difference always infuriated him.

"I know you will" he kisses me.

"CB wake up!" Christian shoves me forcing me awake.

"Was I asleep? Please tell me you've been awake this whole time" my eyes widen.

"Yes I have. That's why I woke you up" he explains.

4:27am. I look into the alley and see a dark figure trail the walls with his fingers. It's him. He's here. Just like I knew he'd be. I sit up in my seat and stare at the figure move around.

"How can we be sure it's him?" Christian asks.

"This club closed 27 minutes ago" my eyebrows furrow as my eyes watch the figure's every move.

"What do we do now?" He asks me.

I turn to him and look at him with the most serious face I could make.

"We end this"

I grab the gun and cock it. It makes a small popping noise. Christian looks at me as he does the same.

"For Sean and Abril" he says.

"For Grayson"

"For Ethan"

"For us" he smiles as sympathetic as he can.

"For us" I repeat.

We both get out of the car as quiet as we can. We both make our way to the hooded figure. Christian walks up behind Cameron and taps his shoulder lightly. As soon as Cameron turns around Christian punches him with everything that he has. Cameron falls to the ground with blood spewing out of his nose.

"What the-" he pauses the moment he sees me.

",why hello there Christina" he smirks.

"To what do I owe this pleasure" he laughs.

"Are you really going to not answer me?" His eyebrows furrow.

Christian punches him again.

"She doesn't have to answer you! Not after everything you've done to us!" He yells.

I grab his arm tightly signaling him to back off slightly. He gives me a look before sighing deeply and nodding.

"Want me all to yourself, huh?" He chuckles.

"You know, I always believed you felt no pain. No remorse for the things you've done. The girls you've killed. I always believed you were heartless. Now I know. You do have a heart. And I'll rip it out of you to partially make up for all of the things you've done to me and my family,"

", prison is too good for you. I'll make sure you never hurt anyone ever again. You know maybe I should let you go to prison. They do to boys like you what you did to me,"

", and nearly 100 other women. Do you like the pain you inflict? Do you like the way you ruin their lives? Do you?"

He stares at me blankly.

"Now you'll be the one who suffers. You'll be the one who screams in pain. You'll be the one who bleeds until there no blood left. You'll be the one to feel their bones crack until they can't crack anymore. Now you'll feel what I felt every time you broke me" I look him dead in the eye.

His lip starts to quiver for a second before he bites it down.

"Now scream" i whisper as I hit his head with the end of the gun as he falls back to the floor.

Blood escapes the cut above his brow. I hit him with the gun once more. As he lays on the floor weak I kick him over and over again. Tears slowly escape my eyes as I keep kicking him.

"Christina calm down" Christian pulls me off of him.

I continue to cry.

"You did this to me!" I yell at Cameron.

He looks at me with pain in his eyes. Now he knows what pain truly is. I slowly raise the gun to his head. Tears leave my eyes before I close me.

"I'm sorry" he cries.

My eyes shoot back open.

"It's too late now" I place my finger on the trigger forcing myself to pull it.

Tears erupt from his eyes as he pleads for his life. I take in a deep breath as I remember my life before everything had happened.

"Smile" he tells me.

"Fine" I smile at the camera.

"Here let me look at the photos"

"Here" he hands me the phone.

"This one looks really good. Are you sure you don't want to be a photographer Christian. I'd whole heartedly support you" I look at him.

"I'm sure"

"But photography is your thing. You've always loved taking photos. I think you could make big money Christian" I explain to him.

"I just want to have a good career. Maybe later on in life I'll pursued photography. But maybe after I've already secured a career" he shrugs.

"I'm always here" I pat him on the back.

The tears keep flowing. I stand there for a few moments longer thinking of what would've happened if I had never gone into witness protection. Would I have ever met Grayson?

"Order for 1!" He yells as I take a sip of my strawberry shake and continue to read How To Kill A Mockingjay.

"Whatcha doin' there?" He sits next to me with a smile on his face.

"Reading" I say unbothered.

"That's nice. I'm Grayson" he holds his hand out waiting for me to shake it.

"I'm Christina. Never seen you here before" i place my book down before I shake his hand.

"New to town, me and my brother just moved here for a change of scenery" he flashes his perfectly white teeth.

His jawline nearly intimidated me with how sharp it is. His eyes shine a bright gold.

"Cool. Do you like it here?"

"Yeah. Especially since I got to meet a pretty girl like you" he rubs the back of his head smiling awkwardly.

I bite my lip as my cheeks get hot.

"Thank you" I push a strand of hair behind my ear before letting my lip go.

Our eyes meet and we stare at each other for a good moment. I lick my lips out of habit. He smiles brightly and looks away.

"I don't necessarily talk to girls a lot. I'm a bit of a goof. And awkward. But when I saw you reading your book I just thought I had to say something. But you are really beautiful"

I take a deep breath before looking back at him in the eyes. For a good moment I catch a glimpse of the remorse he feels. But only for a moment. And even then, he only feels remorse because he's going to lose his life.

"You, you did this" I say before pulling the trigger.

Blood splatters everywhere. My mind goes blank. As does the sounds. I drop the gun without even realizing it. I stand there with no emotion across my face. He's gone.

And as once said, all good things must come to an end. And sadly even though this story wasn't good, it has come to an end. Onto the next ones! :,)

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